This is a famous lady born in the Sinnoh region, she not only has an amazing face, but also has superpowers that amaze the world.

That's right, superpowers.

One of the few humans in the Pokémon world who is born with superpowers.

At this time, this Miss Gadria with superpowers was slowly descending from the sky under the gaze of thousands of people with her superpowers, closing her eyes like an elegant sleeping beauty.

Her blond hair, which was one person tall, bulged slightly like a ribbon under her superpower.

The male audience looked at her and let out an earth-shattering roar.

Without him, it's so beautiful.

And under this earth-shaking roar, Gadria also finally fell to the ground.

The audience fell silent for an instant.

With a sweet face, she looked ahead and slowly spoke: "Who is the trainer who is preventing me from sleeping here?" In

the next second, the scene boiled again, chanting Gadria.

Even Xia Fan couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.

However, beautiful women also have strong rivals.

Although Zhulan does not have superpowers to make such an amazing appearance, her strength as a divine champion can allow her to calmly and calmly walk from the contestant area step by step to the battle scene.

Under the light, the cold Miss Zhulan rarely showed a smile.

This smile caused the audience to roar like a beast again.

She looked ahead: "Gadria, it's been a long time, I know immediately when I see you, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you have crossed all the way with Pokémon, which means that no matter when, you will always overcome yourself." Speaking

of this, Miss Zhulan calmly pulled the cloak off her shoulder and threw it out.

"Then let me Zhulan do her best to fight you!"

As the cloak landed, the referee's voice sounded from the sidelines.

"Open demonstration, 10 minutes of single tiebreaker, match! Begin! "


The audience next to it erupted into enthusiastic cheers again.

Under the cheers, Zhulan threw out her ace Pokémon Fierce Biting Land Shark.

On the opposite side, Gadria uses her superpowers to make her Miss Goethe shine in the petals.

As soon as the two Pokémon appeared, they fought gracefully under the command of their master.

That's right, it's elegant, compared to the battle between other trainers who fight life and death, the battle between this beauty, every skill is like playing a gorgeous competition, both fierce and good-looking, far more than the battle between Xiaoguang and Tiantong in the previous special training.

"Gee, great! Worthy of being the champion and the king of the four heavens, he is both beautiful and powerful. In the room, Xia Fan was amazed, if it was him, he would never think of their command like that, if he could immediately kill the other side, then he would die immediately, but he would not pursue this gorgeous style of play.

"Master, who do you think will win? Or who do you want to win? In Xia Fan's mind, Geng Ghost's question suddenly sounded.

"Me?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows and looked down at the Spirit Ball around his waist.

That's a very meaningful question.

"I don't think anyone will win." The corners of Xia Fan's mouth rose.

"Don't think who's going to win? Master, they are fighting ah, how can there be no victory or defeat in the battle.

"It's true that there are often winners and losers, but don't forget that they are playing an open demonstration tournament now, and there is a 10-minute countdown, and as long as it drags on to 10 minutes, it will not be up and down." Xia Fan smiled and shook his head.

"You, you are not too ignorant of our human feelings, although one is the four heavenly kings and the other is the champion of the champion league, it should be the champion to win, but the four heavenly kings of the United States region also represent the façade of a region, and it is such a beautiful façade, if you lose, it will not be good-looking, so, except for the draw, I may not think of anything else."


Geng Ghost said after a moment of silence in the spirit sharing world.

"So if they really fight, who do you want to win?"

"They can't really fight it."

"Master, are you serious? How do you know that they can't fight real, and I'm talking about if, if they fight really you want them to win, forget it, I'll put it another way, if they fight, who do you help?

"Fighting, help whom?"

Xia Fan raised his eyebrows again, and looked down at the Spirit Ball around his waist again.

This old color embryo finally asked what he wanted to ask the most.

"This scoring situation, if it is for me to fight, sorry, I choose to be a scumbag, help both, if not for me, fight for others, although this possibility is almost impossible than the first, then I still help both, but I will choose to be a warm man first, that is, first use routines to make them fall in love with themselves, and then be a scumbag."

However, during this period, routines are indispensable, and you have to skillfully use routines to walk a tightrope between two beautiful women, especially one is the champion of the Champions League, and the other is the Four Heavenly Kings who can use superpowers, and one may die in bed if he is not careful. Listening

to Xia Fan's talk, Geng Ghost stayed in the Spirit Ball and nodded continuously, with an expression that the ancestor had learned.

It feels that its situation is very similar to that of the unscrupulous Xia, one is Creselia, known as the god of dreams, and the other is the legendary Phantom Pokémon Meloyette, and walking a tightrope between the two of them is also very dangerous.

But fortunately, there is a master who is unscrupulous, but knows the routine very well.

Walking a tightrope is such a thing, it must be right to ask him.

However, in the next second, just as Geng Ghost was about to continue to ask how to do the routine, Xia Fan's words made him very angry.

"Comrade Laozu, let me explain the question just now, that kind of situation only applies to me, you can't do it, because the two good sisters Meloyeta and Cresselia will never duel because you're fat and ugly, plus you still want to be a scumbag, unless you are Darkrai..."

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