Xia Fan looked down.

Snorlax's optional skills are as follows:

[Turn into a round shape: Curl up the body to improve its defense. ]

[Momentary amnesia: Clear the mind and forget something instantly, thus greatly improving its special defense. ]

[Mountain Pressure: Press the opponent down with the whole body to attack, sometimes paralyzing the opponent. ]

[Sleep: After using it, the user enters a sleeping state, and restores all the user's health and abnormal states. ]

[Snoring: When sleeping, make a noise to attack, sometimes causing the opponent to flinch (30% probability). ]

[Explosive Fist: Use all your strength to punch and attack. It will definitely confuse the opponent (100% probability). ]

[Infuriating Bomb: Increases the momentum and releases all the power, sometimes reducing the opponent's special defense (normal Pokémon has a 10% chance of reducing special defense when releasing this skill, while the probability of God-level Snorlax is increased to 50%)]

[Crazy Volt: Cover the whole body with electric current and crash into the opponent to attack, and you will also receive a little damage. ]

[Electromagnetic Cannon: Fires a cannon-like electric current to attack, paralyzing the opponent (100% probability). ]

[Plasma Bath: Spreads charged particles and turns general attribute moves into electric attributes. ]

[Parabolic Charge: Causes damage to all Pokémon around. Can restore half of the health of the damage. ]


Looking at the skills of God-level Snorlax.

Xia Fan continued to be stunned.

How can this still be Snorlax? It has become a completely new species.

If you want to talk about Crazy Volt, some gifted Snorlax can indeed learn it, but electromagnetic cannon, plasma bath, and parabolic charge are things that a Snorlax can learn?

"System, I choose the Qi Bomb." Xia Fan said calmly.

The next second, the Qi Bomb option appeared in his mind.

Although it was a bit outrageous that Snorlax knew these electric skills, it was still not very useful to him.

Looking from top to bottom, Xia Fan felt that it was best for him to learn the Qi Bomb. Now, his body strength was already comparable to that of a legendary Pokémon.

"Mr. Xia Fan, what's wrong with you?" Xiaozhi interrupted Xia Fan at this time.

After the schedule was announced, Xia Fan went down the stage and stayed with them.

I don't know what happened. While chatting with them, Mr. Xia Fan suddenly smiled like a fool.

Xia Fan coughed to cover up his embarrassment:

"Nothing, I just thought of something interesting."

Then he said, "I'm a little sleepy, Xiaozhi, you guys continue to play here, I'll find a place to rest."

Then, Xia Fan turned around and left, asking the league staff to find him a place to rest.

A few minutes later, Xia Fan arrived at a single-family villa not far from the competition venue.

This was the residence prepared by the league for his chief guest during the competition.

"Thank you."

After thanking the staff who led the way, Xia Fan walked in.

Then in the empty hall of the villa, he swiped his right hand, and a dimensional hole emerged.

"Come out, Snorlax." Xia Fan smiled.

But after a while, his smiling expression froze.

Because a golden Snorlax that looked like a giant came out from inside.

It directly collapsed the roof of his villa.


Snorlax was very excited to see Xia Fan.

He grabbed Xia Fan directly.

And he didn't know how serious it was.

If Xia Fan hadn't been an ordinary person, he would have been crushed to death.

But this also made Xia Fan very helpless.

It was like being caught like an earthworm.

He said angrily: "Put me down, put me down quickly."


Kirby felt Xia Fan's angry tone and put it down immediately.

Then he shrugged and looked at Xia Fan in fear.

Xia Fan comforted: "I'm not angry with you, I'm just surprised to see you like this."

The current Kirby really scared him.

The size is comparable to the legendary Pokémon. Groudon is shorter than him even when he stands up.

If he uses Taishan to press down, which Pokémon can withstand it?

And the color has also changed to surprise people.

Entering the realm of God, it has become a shining Pokémon.

Or golden shining.

Tsk tsk tsk, NB.

Looking at Kirby.

Xia Fan suddenly became more and more satisfied.

I just don't know how much money it costs to raise it every day with its current size.

At this time, due to the movement of the villa collapsing, many people came over here.

When these people saw that the culprit was a giant golden Snorlax,

every one of them was shocked.

Then the news spread from one to ten, and from ten to a hundred.

Countless people crowded over here.

But Xia Fan did not stop them.

Because he wanted to test how much Snorlax eats now, so that he could have a rough idea of ​​how much money he would need to raise it in the future.

So he asked the league officials to help him buy more food.

The movement of Snorlax alarmed Bratano and Karunai.

The two looked at the huge golden Snorlax.

Their understanding of Snorlax was instantly overturned.

"Xia Fan, this... is your Snorlax?!!!"

"How did it grow so big? How did you raise it?"

"Can you lend it to me for research?"

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