Kanto region.

Under the night light.

Two boys appeared in Pallet Town with two Pikachus.

The boy in the hat stood on the hillside and shouted excitedly at the town in the distance.

"Pallet Town, I'm back!"

Then he excitedly pointed to a house with lights on below to his companions.

"Mr. Xia Fan, that's my home."

After that, without waiting for Xia Fan to reply, Xiaozhi rushed down with Pikachu.

Xia Fan stood behind and looked at Meng Meng, then shrugged and trotted after him.

Ten minutes later, the two appeared in front of a house with lights on.

Xiaozhi happily pulled Xia Fan in.

"Mom, I'm back."

"Pika Pika~"

As soon as they entered the house, they were greeted with applause.

They were Professor Oak, the Magic Wall Doll, and Xiaozhi's mother Hanako.

Among them, the suction cup puppet clapped his hands while glancing at Professor Oak standing next to Hanako.

It seemed to be a little wary or dissatisfied.

But Xiaozhi didn't notice these, nor did he wonder why Professor Oak also welcomed him at home, but enthusiastically hugged his mother Hanako.

"Welcome back."

Hanako patted Xiaozhi's shoulder affectionately, and then looked at Xia Fan.

"Xia Fan, welcome to our home. Our Xiaozhi has been taken care of by you all the way."

Xia Fan smiled and said, "No, auntie, we take care of each other, and he actually helped me a lot."

"You are really good at talking." Hanako also smiled, thinking that Xia Fan was praising their Xiaozhi.

Let go of Xiaozhi and pulled Xia Fan to the seat, "Hurry up and sit down, auntie has prepared a big meal for you, and you can have fun here during this time."

The next morning.

Xia Fan and Xiaozhi came to the Oak Research Institute.

Xiaozhi called all the Pokémon he left here.

Kentaro, Bulbasaur, Muddy, Charizard, etc., Pokémon of the first, second, third and fourth generations.

Let these Pokémon get to know each other with the Pokémon he captured in the Kalos region.

In this way, he stayed in the Oak Research Institute for a whole day.

On the third day, Xiaozhi took Xia Fan to Cerulean City to meet Xiaoxia.

On the fourth day, he took Xiaoxia to Deep Gray City to find Xiaogang.

After playing together for three days, they returned to their respective homes.

Until the eighth day,

Xiaozhi and Xia Fan, who really didn't know what to do or where to go, followed Xiaozhi's mother Hanako to the pedestrian street in the neighboring city.

During the play, because the consumption reached a consumption setting of the pedestrian street, they got three chances.

Several people began to draw in turn.

Xia Fan and Xiaozhi had stinky hands and didn't draw anything.

But the Magic Wall Doll was very lucky and directly drew the first prize of a seven-day trip for two people to the Alola region.

Just like that, at noon on the ninth day, Xia Fan, Xiaozhi, and Hanako boarded a plane to the Alola region.

Of course, the rich Xia Fan paid for it himself.

And before that, Xiaozhi got excited and handed over all his Pokémon except Pikachu to Professor Oak.

Including Greninja.

Day 10.

Xia Fan and Xiaozhi came to the Alola region.

They had a happy five days.

Wait until the fifteenth day.

Xia Fan, who was tired of playing, finally waited for the main storyline.

Xiaozhi's mother Hanako called Xia Fan and Xiaozhi and said that she was going to a Pokémon school to give a Pokémon egg given to them by Professor Oak to his cousin 'Cheng Ye Oak'.

A man who looks almost the same as Professor Oak, but with a dark complexion.

On the way to the Pokémon, Xiaozhi, as expected, had a problem.

He and Pikachu got separated from Hanako because of a Strong Jawed Gallinaceous.

However, because of this accident, Xia Fan, who was following behind, had a reaction in his mind's perception of the legendary beast, but it was only for a moment.

"It must be Kapu Mingming."

Xia Fan stood in an unfamiliar forest, muttering to himself about the object that the legendary beast perception had just sensed,

but he was not in a hurry to find it.

Because the Alola region, if he remembered correctly.

It was the region where Xiaozhi had the greatest protagonist effect.

Others would never see a legendary Pokémon until they died, but after he came to the Alola region, one after another rushed into his arms, and they were all very kind, unlike before when they attacked as soon as they saw him, such as Nebula Cosmog and Meltan.

So, let the legendary beast perception disappear, as long as he stayed by Xiaozhi's side, would he be afraid of not being able to catch the legendary Pokémon in the Alola region?

Moreover, not long after Xia Fan missed the legendary beast perception just now.

The legendary beast perception produced a new induction.It was a bear Pokémon that looked cute in pink, but was two meters and one meter tall.

The Pokémon performed in front of the two people, showing the amazing scene of a punch that could knock down a tree and cause the ground to shake violently.

In response, Xia Fan waved his hand and stood in front of Xiaozhi with a righteous look.

"Xiaozhi, you go first. I'll leave this Pokémon to you."

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