
The Pikachu-like Dream on Xia Fan's shoulder saw that Little Nebula was very cute, and immediately turned back to its original form.

He rubbed it with his cheek.

Little Nebula immediately made a baby-like whimper, making people want to love it.

Xia Fan reached out and held Little Nebula in his arms.

After a while, a trace of surprise flashed across his expression.

"So light!"

Little Nebula felt like air in his arms, light and fluttering.

Maybe it was only as heavy as two eggs.

He reached out and stroked his forehead.

Little Nebula then showed a comfortable expression.

But he still closed his eyes and looked like he was sleeping soundly.

Xia Fan turned his head to Tapu Chiming, Tapu Butterfly and the others.

"You go back, I will protect it."

"Okay, master."

The four guardian gods nodded, and without worrying about Little Nebula's safety, they disappeared from Xia Fan in an instant.

After they left, Xia Fan took out the Poké Ball.

After collecting the sleeping Nebula, he released it again.

Of course, although Nebula was a legend, it had not evolved and was far from the power of a legend, so Xia Fan could not hear the system prompt sound next to his ears.

Now he subdued Nebula, firstly to prevent others from taking it while he was not paying attention, after all, there were other players in this world besides him, and secondly, it happened to use the power of the system to let Nebula grow quickly.

And the released Nebula was still sleeping soundly.

It seemed that nothing could disturb its sleep.

It didn't even know that it had an extra master.

Xia Fan watched for a while, and the sleepiness slowly came up.

"Sleep, sleep."

Then he put Nebula on his stomach and continued to sleep.

And Dream turned back into Pikachu and slept next to his head.

I don't know how long it took.

Xia Fan was pushed awake in his sleep.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiaozhi's confused and shocked expression.

"Mr. Xia Fan, what is this Pokémon?" He pointed at the sleeping Nebula on Xia Fan's stomach.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I went out for a walk in the middle of the night and found it. It was sleeping soundly on the side of the road." Without even thinking, Xia Fan made up a lie very smoothly.

"I picked it up." Xiaozhi was even more shocked. "Do you know what it's called? It looks like a Pokémon in my dream last night."

"I don't know. It's the first time I've seen it. I thought it should be a very rare Pokémon, so I captured it."

Xia Fan explained calmly, then looked at Xiaozhi in surprise, "You said it looks like the Pokémon in your dream."

"Yes, it looks like it, but I'm not sure. Maybe it's just the outline." Xiaozhi scratched his head. "Two legendary Pokémon, Solgaleo and Lunala, appeared in my dream. They seemed to have made a promise with me, but I can't remember the specific content."

"Wow, Xiaozhi, your dream is worth it. Solgaleo and Lunala made a promise with you." Xia Fan pretended to be surprised.

"But it's just a dream, not real." Xiaozhi laughed, "Anything can appear in a dream. I've had a dream before."

The Pikachu next to Xia Fan's pillow looked up at him.

"Xiaozhi, it's time to prepare to go to Pokémon School. The professor has already gone there."

At this time, Rotom's Pokémon Book came in with Lycanthrope and Catelyn.

"Rotom, do you know this Pokémon?" Xiaozhi then pointed at Nebula and asked.

"Is there a Pokémon that Xiaozhi doesn't know? Then give this one to me." When Rotom's Pokémon Book heard that there was a Pokémon that Xiaozhi didn't recognize, it immediately floated over and scanned Nebula held by Xia Fan, "I know everything, Loto~"

But after a while, three question marks appeared on the screen of the Pokémon Book.

"It's strange, Loto, there is no name attribute, and no characteristics, no information at all, Loto." Rotom's Pokémon Book said in a shocked tone.

"Nothing!" Xiaozhi was even more shocked now, staring at Nebula with his eyes wide open.

"Mr. Xia Fan, can I take it to school to ask the professor and them?" Xiaozhi asked.

"Of course, I also want to know about it." Xia Fan replied with a smile.

Xiaozhi's face lit up: "Have you named it?"

"I did, it's called Little Nebula."

"Little Nebula." Xiaozhi murmured.

"Don't you think this child's body is shining like stars?" Xia Fan explained with a smile, while taking his hands away, letting Little Nebula float up from his arms, "And see if it can float around like a cloud."

"That's really appropriate, it's a good name."

After listening to the explanation, Xiaozhi nodded.

Half an hour later.

The two took Little Nebula to theCloud appeared in the Pokémon School.

Xiaozhi asked Professor Kukui and Professor Oak in the school with great interest.

The result was the same as the Rotom Pokédex, knowing nothing about Little Nebula.

In the end, Little Nebula woke up from her deep sleep.

She burst into a shrill cry like a baby.

It made everyone very confused.

No matter who tried to comfort her, it was useless.

Perhaps it was because of the Poké Ball that Little Nebula calmed down until Xia Fan showed up and looked at Xia Fan's face.

"Isn't it because it thinks I'm its father?" Xia Fan thought to himself.

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