Apprentice Bear looked at Xia Fan behind him.

"Go ahead, the dream is right before your eyes." Xia Fan smiled.

After getting Xia Fan's consent, Apprentice Bear came to the Scroll of Evil.

"Beaah~ Beaah~"

Looking at the strange runes on the Scroll of Evil, Apprentice Bear murmured a voice that no one could understand.


After watching for about half an hour, Apprentice Bear suddenly raised his arms and shouted.

Then he began to evolve in front of Xia Fan and Master Ma.

Dazzling light bloomed from its body.

After a few seconds, a martial arts bear master with a ready fighting posture appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Xia Fan's mind.

[Ding! Since the captured Phantom Pokémon Bear Apprentice has evolved into the Martial Bear Master One-Strike Style and entered the realm of God, please choose one of its skills as your skill]

[Fighting and Dark Pokémon: Martial Bear Master]

[Gender: Male]

[Feature 1: Invisible Fist (If the move used is in contact with the opponent, you can ignore the guardian effect and attack.)]

[Carrying Items: None]

The skills are as follows:

[Hold on: Even if attacked, at least a little damage will be left. Continuous use is prone to failure. ]

[Sudden attack, you can attack before the opponent, and if the opponent's move is not an attack move, it will fail. ]

[Swallow Return: Use agile movements to tease the opponent and then cut and slash, the attack will definitely hit. ]

[Terrible Face: Stare at the opponent with a terrifying face, make it scared, and thus greatly reduce the opponent's speed. ]

[Explosive Fist: Use all your strength to punch and attack, which will definitely confuse the opponent. ]

[Dark Strike: A powerful attack that has been cultivated to perfection by the School of Evil. It will definitely hit the vital point (unless the target has combat armor, hard shell armor characteristics, or is protected by a lucky spell)]

[Super Gigantamax Fatal Blow: A move that can only be used by the Super Gigantamax Martial Arts Bear Master's One-Strike Style. Once used, all the opponent's defenses cannot resist, including guarding, combat armor, hard shell armor and other skills and characteristics (once the host chooses it, the skill power will not be as strong as that of the Super Gigantamax Martial Arts Bear Master, but it will also have the effect of breaking defense.)]

[Close Combat: Give up guarding and charge into the opponent's arms. Your own defense and special defense will be reduced. ]

[See Through: Completely resist the opponent's attack. It is easy to fail if used continuously. 】


"System, then I choose Super Gigantamax Fatal Attack."

After looking at the skill column, Xia Fan chose the Super Gigantamax skill without thinking. Although it was not as powerful as the one used by the Martial Arts Bear Master, it would be fine as long as it retained the effect of breaking the defense.

After a while, the skill of Super Gigantamax Fatal Attack appeared in Xia Fan's mind.

"Congratulations, Xia Fan, for letting your bear apprentice evolve into a Martial Arts Bear Master."

At this time, Master Ma also expressed his congratulations and mentioned the Gigantamax Soup.

"I remember that after you picked the ingredients for the Gigantamax Soup last time, you didn't let the Pokémon drink it. It just so happens that you can take it to drink your share of the Gigantamax Soup now."

"Okay, thank you Master Ma for reminding me." Xia Fan said gratefully. Indeed, if Master Ma hadn't said it, he would have forgotten that he had another chance to drink the Gigantamax Soup, and he just gave it to the Martial Arts Bear Master.

A quarter of an hour later, Xia Fan and Master Ma returned to the martial arts hall.

After learning that Xia Fan wanted Master Wudao Bear to drink the Gigantamax soup, Master's wife Mi Ye went into the kitchen to cook it.

After about four hours of cooking, a bowl of boiling Gigantamax soup was served to Master Wudao Bear.

After thanking Master's wife, Xia Fan asked Master Wudao Bear to take the Gigantamax soup to the open space outside the gym.

After Master Wudao Bear drank the Gigantamax soup.

Xia Fan took out the Poké Ball that belonged to him and put Master Wudao Bear in it.

The Gigantamax bracelet flashed with light.

Four red beams burst out from it and shot into the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball immediately expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just three seconds, it grew to the size of a basketball.

Just like the last time the ancestor Gigantamaxed, the sky changed rapidly.

Dark red spiral clouds emerged.

Lightning kept falling from it.

Xia Fan threw the Poké Ball.

A huge martial arts bear master then appeared on the Armor Island.

Unlike before, in addition to the size, the skin color of the martial arts bear master also changed after the super-giantization.

The main skin color changed from black to white, and the stripes on the body turned dark red.

After it appeared, it howled to the sky, and its crazy appearance made the Pokémon on the Armor Island suddenly panic and scared.

Seeing this scene, Xia Fan thought of a description of the martial arts bear master.

"The messenger of God who drives away the evil spirits in the world with anger."

The current martial arts bear master is indeedHe has this temperament.

"But the life on the Isle of Armor will end today. Judging from the time, Xiaozhi should be setting foot in the Galar region soon."

"Oh, and that Xiaohao seems to be showing up too."

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