Ten seconds later, a white light flashed behind Emperor Yan.

A Dream flies towards the battleship in a stealth state.

Look excited.

Eight billion treasures.

I'm coming.

After a while, Xia Fan floated to the central glass window of the spaceship.

Through the glass window, he saw the members of the Blue and White Society inside.

In the next second, the space shook slightly, and Xia Fan disappeared from the air.

When it reappeared, it had already entered the combat ship.

The members of the Blue and White Society inside the battleship performed their respective duties, and everyone was doing their corresponding work, and

Xia Fan immediately floated around them to observe.

Since you want to turn this battleship into his thing, you must first find out how this thing should be driven away.

A minute later, Xia Fan saw a familiar figure.

Dragon Scoundrel.

Seeing him, Xia Fan stayed beside him without saying a word.

This unfortunate child has a loose mouth, and the cliché is the simplest from his mouth.

After observing for a while, Xia Fan found that this guy seemed to have great rights in this battleship.

Everyone else was doing things, just this guy was holding a cup of coffee and watching.

After another while, his ears fluctuated slightly, and Xia Fan, who had become a dream, heard much better than before.

He heard someone in a seat a few meters away whispering insults.

Xia Fan floated over.

"What is this dragon eunuch pretending to be here, if it weren't for him selling his sister to seek glory, the president of the company should have kicked him from the position of a senior cadre if the arrest mission failed a few months ago."

"Okay, who told him to have a beautiful sister, whether it is the real world or this world, the more beautiful he is, the more men can't take a step."

"I'm just angry, originally the person standing in his position today should be Wang Tian cadre, he is the one who worked hard for the battle ship, but this guy just mentioned it casually because of his sister, and the president actually changed this dead eunuch here to enjoy the merit of capturing King Feng."

"Eh, don't say it, let Ryuta listen to it, it's troublesome."

Two men next to each other were talking softly.

And Xia Fan nodded after listening to it, and moved his gaze back to the dragon falcon.

This unfortunate kid is a cow batch.

So two seconds later, Xia Fan flew back to the dragon falcon.

Without saying a word, he kicked towards the lower body.

Σ( ° △ °|||) _

The face of the dragon lord, who suffered a heavy blow on his lower body, suddenly twisted into a twist, and the coffee was directly spit out.

Then, he looked down with a pale and shocked expression.

In a trance, he felt as if he saw a trace of blood.

A moment later.

A mournful cry came out of his mouth.

The level of bleakness is hoarse.

Even everyone at the top of the bell tower heard it, and a goosebump involuntarily rose.

Everyone inside the battleship was taken aback.

Looking back, when he saw Long Feng slumping to the ground and covering his lower body and screaming, the corners of his mouth involuntarily twitched slightly.

I gave birth to an expression that wanted to laugh, but did not dare to laugh.

The last young man walked out of his position and said with a forced smile: "

Dragon Team Leader, what's wrong with you?"

Long Feng covered his lower body, panting, and his face turned red, as if he was about to break his breath in the next moment.

"I... No... Know... Road... How... What's going on... Feel... Just now... Nakedness... Being by... Out of thin air... Kicked ... One kick... The same. When

the young man heard this, he looked at Long Qi's painful appearance, and couldn't help but gasp and subconsciously clamp his legs.

"Or... Shall I help you to rest in your room?

Long Qi's voice was like a mosquito, and he nodded slowly.


But as soon as he was picked up by the young man, the dragon lord immediately cried and howled again.

"Tap and tap, it's pulled."

A minute later, the dragon lord was carried by five people into the empty lounge of the battleship.

After the dragon lord lay on the bed, he let them go, and would ring the bell when they needed help.

The five nodded and left.

And when the door closed, Long Feng slowly reached for his pants with a sneaky look.

I want to see what it looks like inside.

However, at this time, a dream appeared in the room.

This directly startled the dragon fell.


"Dream dream dream dream..."

Before he could finish shouting a word of dream, the dream instantly stepped forward and looked at him. The dragon fell asleep.

The white light flashed, and the dream became his appearance.

"Lao Tie, I hope this is the last time we meet."

Xia Fan took out his mobile phone from Long Qi's clothes.

Enter the payment password I got last time and find that there are 30,000 pieces.

With a raised eyebrow and a hundred, Xia Fan pulled the door and left.

As soon as he walked to the control room of the combat ship, Xia Fan heard noisy laughter.

They were all laughing at the tragic situation of the dragon lord just now, and scolding him for being self-inflicted.

Xia Fan walked in.

Coughed softly.

At first, most people didn't react and were still laughing.

But after a while, someone felt something was wrong and looked back.

In the next second, I was suddenly startled, and I covered my heart and inhaled and exhaled like a ghost.

At the same time, he frantically patted his companion who was still laughing next to him.

Slowly, the laughter became smaller and smaller, and everyone began to work deeply.

"Dragon Team Leader, weren't you just now..." The

young man who was supporting the dragon before walked over and looked at Xia Fan's lower body in amazement.

But he was immediately pushed away by Xia Fan.

"Hmph! If I don't, how can I see you people for what you really are.

A cold snort made everyone immediately break out in a cold sweat.

"Wang Feng, you laughed a lot just now."

Xia Fan looked at the young man coldly.

Long Feng had called this name before in the process of asking the young man to help him.

"No, no, no, it's not such a dragon team leader, you must be mistaken."

Wang Feng shook his head in trepidation.

Xia Fan snorted coldly again: "Hmph... I hope so.

After that, Xia Fan walked to the control position in the center of the battleship.

Look out through the window.

Outside, Lan Kebai was sitting on the back of a bidiao throwing a ball at the Phoenix King.

But I don't know what's going on, as soon as the ball gets close to the Phoenix King, it will be bounced off immediately.

It was as if a crooked wind had blown through.

I lost it several times in a row without success.

He was half angry at the moment, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

The corners of Xia Fan's mouth rose, and he withdrew his gaze and slapped down the man who controlled the battle ship.

"Tell me how to fly a battleship."

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