"King Feng, do you know where Lokia is?"

On the way to the Kanto region, Xia Fan sat on the back of King Feng and suddenly asked.

"I know."

King Feng's telepathy should ring in Xia Fan's mind.

Now it already knows everything from the mouth of Emperor Yan.

"Where is that? Let's go find it to join us. Xia Fan was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that if he asked casually, King Feng would really know.

However, in the next second, King Feng said, "I advise you not to go now."


"Because master, if you want to subdue it, the only way is to get the silver feather and go to it, which is its feather. The person who possesses the Silver Feather can only make it obey after fighting it and subduing it.

"That's the same truth as your rainbow feather." Xia Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you know where the Silver Feather is?" "

I don't know."

Xia Fan sighed..... My head hurts, so I have to collect something to catch it.

"But I know who might have."

Xia Fan: (눈0눈)

Can't you finish it in one go?

Do you have to pause so slowly?

"Then who might have?"

"Three holy birds."

"Flame Bird, Frozen Bird, and Lightning Bird?"

"Yes." The Phoenix King nodded slowly and gracefully, "But I mean those three holy birds with divine personalities, their status is equivalent to that of the Yandi Lei Duke and the Water Lord below me, and if Lokia values them, he should give one of them a silver feather." Oh

, Xia Fan bit her lip and thought.

He remembered that the guy from the Mewtwo team before seemed to have caught the godhead Flame Bird, while the Frozen Bird and the Lightning Bird were still plotting.

"I hope it's not on the Flame Bird, if it is, then I can only say sorry to the Mewtwo team in advance." Xia Fan muttered. Then he patted the wings of the Phoenix King to make it fly faster.


Two hours later, Xia Fan arrived in the light red city in the Kanto region.

In order to avoid the arrival of the Phoenix King from attracting attention, Xia Fan collected it into the Spirit Ball, and then transformed himself into a sculpture and flew into the trees of the city below and then changed back to human form.

"King Feng, how long will it take for the Water Monarch to arrive in the Kanto region?"

After landing, Xia Fan held the Spirit Ball and whispered softly.

"It may take another four or five hours or so."

King Feng's telepathy should ring in Xia Fan's mind.

"It's going to take so long."

Xia Fan scratched his head.

The reason why they landed in Light Red City was because they had asked the Phoenix King before if they sensed which location the Water King was in which Kanto region, and the Phoenix King's answer was that they came too slowly, so they were still on the way to the Kanto region.

Helplessly, hearing this, Xia Fan could only choose to land in Light Red City first and wait.

"In that case, let's find a place to eat first."

Xia Fan walked out of the bush and took out another Spirit Ball and murmured.

"Xiao Xian, what do you want to eat? I promised you a good meal before, now I will fulfill my promise. The

red light flashed, and a Pikachu stood on Xia Fan's shoulder, and at the same time a telepathy sounded in Xia Fan's mind.

"Take a look first."

Pikachu swallowed his saliva and stood on Xia Fan's shoulder to direct where to go.

Xia Fan smiled and did not refuse, and began to wander the streets of Light Red City according to the dreamy instructions.

Since there are many delicious things in the Kanto region, it took a full hour to pick an old restaurant with a ten-meter long line.

"Some waited." Xia Fan covered his stomach and said helplessly in his heart.

No way, your own Pokémon have to be spoiled.

When waiting, it was the most boring, and Xia Fan could only take out his mobile phone to brush the news to pass the time.

It didn't take long for him to swipe his news.

The titles are 'Shocking Mythical Beast Men in Chengdu Area.' ’。

'The capture of King Feng by the Blue and White Society, the largest underground organization in the Chengdu area, was stopped by the Divine Beast Man. ''

The legendary Pokémon Phoenix King has been subdued by the Divine Beast Man. ''

Inventory of the Pokémon that are difficult to control by divine beasts, the strongest is not the Phoenix King. ''

Talk about what kind of existence the temple of the gods of the organization where the divine beast man is. There

are many such headline news, anyway, as long as the news related to him is all on the hot search, the people involved in the discussion are endless.

At first, Xia Fan thought that it was just people in the Chengdu area who were discussing.

As a result, when he was in line, he suddenly heard several young people in front of him discussing him fiercely.

The words were also full of adoration, and Xia Fan really wanted to step forward and say, brothers, I am your idol, I don't know if I can let your idol join the team, I can sign.

But as soon as he took a step, he suddenly thought that as soon as he said this, he was very disappointed, and Xia Fan still honestly continued to line up.

Well, when you are famous, you still have to have a little idol baggage.

It's nice to silently listen to you slap horses like this.

After queuing for an hour, Xia Fan finally entered the restaurant, where the TV was playing the picture of the fierce battle between the dream and the Phoenix King, and all the diners watched the TV and fiercely discussed the divine beast man.

Xia Fan entered the box under the guidance of the waiter.

After serving a large table full of dishes, Xia Fan released Yandi Lei Gong and let them eat with Dream, while he walked out of the box with a rice bowl and listened to the worship of the diners with a smile.

As long as anyone is in place, he will shout to add dishes, and he treats this table.

It made diners look puzzled.


After three hours at this restaurant, Shui Jun finally arrived.

Xia Fan could only reluctantly leave this place of big truth.

Follow King Feng's instructions to meet with Shui Jun.

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