Chengdu area.


"Xiao Xian, how about it, this beef noodles are delicious." In

the corner of a beef restaurant, a teenager had just finished eating beef noodles and was covering his stomach to enjoy it, and there was a bowl of beef noodles next to him.

However, no one is eating the bowl of beef noodles, but you can see that it is decreasing little by little.

"Delicious. In

Xia Fan's mind, a dreamy and happy voice sounded.

"Eat more, let's have more money, manage enough, and when we are full of food and drink, we will go and get the first badge." Xia Fan laughed and touched the air.

It has been a while since he came to this world, and his relationship with Dream has become deeper and deeper.

Basically, every time you come to a place, you must first find a famous restaurant and eat a big meal.

Also for the convenience of communication, now they call dreams small illusions.

"Then I also want a bowl of beef noodles and a piece of beef patty. The

voice in his head sounded again.

"Good, good, good. Xia Fan nodded with a smile, got up and walked to the front desk to ask the boss to add another bowl of noodles and two beef patties.

A few minutes later, the waiter came over, and the dream of eating beef noodles in an invisible state quickly stopped his mouth, and waited for the waiter to put down his things and left before happily continuing to eat.

Xia Fan watched the beef noodles begin to disappear little by little, shook his head with a smile, and didn't bother to say anything more.

Dream is very paranoid about eating, and is generally very willing to change into the appearance of other Pokémon, only when eating, even if it is troublesome, it must become its original appearance, and then eat.

Because it thinks it's eating itself.

Twenty minutes later, Xia Fan, who had eaten and drunk enough, left with his stomach covered and satisfied.

Next, they prepared to take a leisurely walk to the entrance of the dojo, and then began the first dojo challenge.

Half an hour later, Xia Fan and Dream, who were slowly swallowing, arrived at the Flying Department Hall in Kikyo City.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he was stopped by a yellow-haired young man.

"Sorry, there are still twenty people waiting for the challenge in front of you, you can choose to come back in a day or two when there are fewer people, or get the number plate and wait for the challenge." "

Twenty people?" the corner of Xia Fan's mouth twitched, wouldn't they all be players who thought the same as him, if so, it was estimated that it would take longer to challenge the platoon in a few days.

"What does it mean to get the number plate, enter in order?" said Xia Fan.

"Yes. The yellow-haired young man nodded and took out a machine card with the number 21 written on it from his pocket, "After the challenge of the twenty trainers in front of you, the number on your number card will flash, as long as you arrive at us within half an hour, hand over the number card to me, you can challenge as you wish."

"Then I'd better get the number plate, thank you." Xia Fan thought about it, nodded with a smile and took the number plate.

After leaving the Taoist Hall, Xia Fan was about to wander around the city for a while, but when passing by the park not far from the elf center, he saw a group of people fighting in pairs, and two of them seemed to have just finished the battle, each taking out a digital card and handing it to the other.

The digital card looked the same as the one he had received at the dojo.

Xia Fan stepped forward to look at it for a while, and then found a person watching and chatted, only to realize that these people were the people who challenged the dojo in front of him, and they were using the way of battle to get the top digital cards.

The rule is that the owner of the lower number card needs to take out 3,000 yuan as a challenge fee when challenging the front, and then the two sides use a genie to determine the victory, and if they lose, they have to give each other 3,000, and if they win, they don't need to give it, and they directly exchange digital cards with each other.

"Xiao Phantom, let's come too, you advance the Spirit Ball, and wait to follow my instructions to transform."

After learning this, Xia Fan decisively chose to join, took out the Pokeball and muttered to the air, the Pokeball automatically opened, and an invisible thing burrowed in.

A minute later, Xia Fan found the trainer of the number card 18, according to the rules, he crossed up to three number challenges, that is, 20, 19, 18, and could not challenge the first place in the number card at once.

At this time, the trainer of the number card 18 has just failed to challenge the number 15th place, according to the rules, if he still wants to challenge, he needs to accept a challenge from the back of the number card, if he wins, he can challenge the top number card again, if he loses, he will exchange the number card with the lower one.

"Come on, I won't let you take my number cards away. "

The trainer holding the number card 18 is a young man who is looking annoyed, he was originally the holder of the number card 6, because he participated in this because of greed for money, he fell all the way to the current position, and he couldn't go back if he wanted to.

Looking at his expression, Xia Fan smiled, took out a Pokeball from his belt, whispered two words softly, and pressed the switch of the Pokeball.

"Come out! Pikachu. A

flash of red light flashed, and a yellow electric rat with an occasional flash of electricity and signature red spots on its cheeks appeared.

"Pika! Pikachu!" As

soon as Pikachu appeared, it immediately caused some girls who were watching the excitement to scream.

In this city, wild Pikachu is basically invisible.

So it's a rare elf.

On the other side, the young man was stunned, and after seeing Pikachu, he immediately wanted to vomit blood in his heart.

Because his elves are water systems.

Just restrained by Pikachu of the electric system.

But he had no choice but to take out the Poké Ball.

"Come out, little saw crocodile. The

red light flashed, and the bouncing little saw crocodile appeared.

"Little saw crocodile, rush up to the water gun, get close and gnaw!" As

soon as he appeared, the young man ordered in a hurry, thinking of hitting Xia Fan by surprise.


The little saw crocodile Wally snorted, a mouthful of water spit out of his mouth, and then rushed towards Pikachu while spitting.

However, his abacus was still overthought, and Xia Fan knew what he was going to do after seeing the water gun.

"Pikachu, dodge the water gun with a flash of light, and approach the little saw crocodile!" Xia Fan ordered decisively.

A flash of electric light flashed, and the water gun of the little saw crocodile was easily dodged, and approached the little saw crocodile at great speed.

At a distance of one meter from the little saw crocodile, Xia Fan ordered again.

"Pikachu, 100,000 volts! Connect the iron tail!" The

words fell, and the surface of the skin of the extremely fast running Pikachu instantly rushed out a lightning bolt that was the thickness of a human thigh and slashed at the little saw crocodile, and the tail behind him also transformed into steel at the same time.

At such a close distance, the small saw crocodile could not dodge, but could only hard connect.

A second later, a violent electric shock scream came from the mouth of the little saw crocodile, and two seconds later, the electric light disappeared, Pikachu jumped in the air, rotated 360 degrees in the air, and then the skill iron tail slapped heavily on the belly of the small saw crocodile.

Shoot directly into the park pool of dozens of zhang.

Watching the lively onlookers, they hurriedly followed over to see the situation, only to see the little saw crocodile shakily shouting Wally, and then fell into the pool and lost its combat effectiveness.

The young man could only exchange digital cards with Xia Fan unwillingly.

Put the little saw crocodile into the poké ball and run to the elf center, let the saw crocodile recover and then find someone to fight.

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