Two days later.

Waiting area for the Dead Leaf City Pokémon Trainer Tournament.

Xia Fan lay on a reclining chair and took a nap.

Around him, there are many trainers who are training their Pokémon before the game.

Not long after, there was a sudden noise in the waiting area.

Wake Xia Fan from his nap.

He yawned, sat up from the reclining chair, and looked into the noise with impatient eyes.

But the crowd was crowded, and he couldn't see anything, only a little key information from the noise.

That is, as one of the four heavenly kings of the Kanto region, the ice king Konah brought her disciples to participate in this competition.

Hearing this, Xia Fan couldn't help but want to come in and take a look.

In his memory, Konah is not only powerful in the world of Pokémon, but also seems to be a mature beauty.

Everyone has a heart for beauty, and Xia Fan is no exception.

Look at the beauty of strength and beauty and do not break the law.

It's just that there are too many idiots on the periphery, and Xia Fan can't squeeze in for a while.

In this regard, Xia Fan licked his lips and thought about it in his mind.

Two seconds later, he snapped his fingers.

The cloudless blue sky suddenly descended a thunderbolt.

Since the waiting area is open-air.

Therefore, it was directly split on a large tree in the waiting area.

The falling thunder was deafening, directly frightening everyone present.

Xia Fan took advantage of this to rush into the front of the crowd.

I saw a woman with big red hair and a sexy professional outfit.

At this moment, she was looking at the big tree that had been struck by lightning in amazement.

"Teacher, thunder on a sunny day is an ominous omen, indicating that there must be ominous people mixed in this group of people, and it is better for us to avoid contact with them." Behind Konah stood a handsome young man, dressed in a suit, his eyes scanning the trainers around him with disdain, as if he was guarding his own forbidden.

"Jia Ren, do you still understand this?" Konah looked at the young man beside him.

The young man withdrew his disdainful gaze and replied with a kind face: "These are also what I learned from my grandfather, teacher, I see the dirt qi from these people, and the thunder split just now is to split this dirt qi, so you must stay away from them, so as not to be accidentally struck by lightning." "

Dirt breath? There is also this statement.

Konah was surprised.

"Can I learn this skill from you?"

Jia Ren shook his head: "I'm sorry teacher, this skill is unique to our family, and only the bloodline of our family can see it." "

Okay then." Cona was a little disappointed and prepared to leave under the leadership of the youth.

And the corners of Xia Fan's mouth, who listened to their conversation, twitched slightly.

This one named Jia Ren is also a player, and his nonsense ability is comparable to what he has.

The thunder skill he used casually became a way to dispel the dirt in this mouth.

The surrounding trainers who had returned from the thunder began to look badly.

Ogo Nyima made a wall.

You are full of dirt.

At this time, a thunder suddenly fell from the sky with dark clouds.

The dazzling thunder and lightning once again frightened everyone again.

And the one who was most frightened was Jia Ren, because the falling thunder was exactly one meter behind him, which was where he was standing just now.

Jia Ren turned pale and said to Kona: "Teacher, let's go faster, the dirty qi of these guys can already make lightning split, fortunately, I had an early warning just now, otherwise the students would have no bones at this moment."

Kona swallowed his spit, looking at the thunder pit behind him, and also had some palpitations.

"Listen to you."

Xia Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, this Jia Ren's ability to can ah, just fooled over like this?

He is a professional fake fighter, and he still doesn't believe that he can't fight you today.


A crisp snap of fingers sounded.

In the next second, under the gaze of everyone, the third lightning strike fell.

This time it landed directly one meter in front of Jia Ren.

Directly frightened this person to collapse to the ground, his face was as pale as white paper.

Xia Fan touched his chin and exclaimed in time: "Gee... Two of the three thunders seemed to be slashing towards this Mr. Jia Ren, and the real filthy qi would not be on Jia Ren. "

Makes sense."

The other trainers who looked at Jia Ren's displeasure immediately echoed, talking about the real filth that actually came from Jia Ren.

Jia Ren was anxious, and quickly refuted: "You fart, how can I stay with the teacher for so long that the thunder fell today, it is obviously caused by you, otherwise how could we split the thunder as soon as we came here."

"Uh... Well, this one.

The trainers were stunned, and Jia Ren's words were a little difficult to refute.

At this time, Xia Fan touched his chin and said: "It must be that the dirty aura on your body before is not rich, this will be rich, otherwise how can this thunder not split us, specifically split you." "

Hmm... That's right, that's it. The

trainers' eyes lit up and they echoed again.

"You fart, three thunders only descend two, this is considered to be a special chop for me? Obviously, your filthy qi is too victorious, and Ray doesn't know who to split, so he accidentally chopped me, and I was hit by mistake. Jia Ren looked at Xia Fan angrily, "Also, don't mislead everyone here." As soon as

the words fell, there was a crack, and the fourth one fell.

This time, it directly scraped past Jia Ren's ears, shaking his whole person into tinnitus.

Xia Fan: "Well, three consecutive splits, it seems that the probability of this mistake being struck by lightning is a bit large." The

trainers around couldn't help but laugh out loud.

They all laughed at Jia Renbe's hard mouth, the dirty qi is actually yours, and the ominous omen is you.

Jia Ren was not convinced, and after the tinnitus came back to his senses, he angrily wanted to continue the bar: "You guys, thunder didn't cut me, how can you count the filthy qi on me." Cona

on the side was anxious when he heard this, and quickly released his Pokémon Fan Lip Sister.

As a result, the fifth thunder really chopped down.

This time it slashed directly at the top of Jia Ren's head.

But fortunately, Kona commanded Sister Fan Li in time to block it with her hand.

Xia Fan: "Uh... Mr. Jia Ren, what are you going to continue to say? Jia

Ren's face turned pale, and he looked up at the sky, still refusing to give in.


Before a word was finished, Konah decisively ordered Sister Misty to seal her mouth with her mental power, and then took the person away.

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