"King Feng, haven't you sensed the location of the Water Monarch?"


After getting the silver feather, Xia Fan sat on the back of the Phoenix King and left Dead Leaf City.

But I don't know what's going on, the position of the Water Monarch, the Feng King, can't even sense it.

What a hell.

"In this way, King Feng, go back to Dead Leaf City, go and capture a member of the Mewtwo team, let him lead the way to the headquarters, the Water Lord should be there."

After thinking for a long time, Xia Fan felt that there was only this way.

Ten minutes later, Xia Fan returned to the beach in Dead Leaf City.

The Mewtwo and the Four Heavenly Kings were still sleeping there.

Xia Fan's eyes scanned for a while, and finally brought Liang Kang to the back of King Feng, and when he was talking yesterday, this guy said that he was the person in charge of this operation.

Since he is in charge, he must have a good position in the Mewtwo team, and he will know the most things.

"Little illusion, give him a water gun."


Liang Kang opened his eyes from his slumber and lazily looked around his eyes.

In the next second, it was like a spring, and it instantly sat up.

"What are you going to do?"

"How could I be in heaven?"

"What are you going to do to me?"

"Wait, Dream?"

Liang Kang looked at Xia Fan tremblingly, and asked a hundred thousand whys incoherently.

Xia Fan sighed, already knowing that he would not let Dream delete his memories yesterday.

"Xiao Phantom, can your deleted memories still be recovered?"

"Yes master, the so-called deletion of memory is just hiding that part of the memory in the deepest part of his heart, as long as it is re-obtained from the outermost part."

"Then do it."

Ten minutes later.

Liang Kang opened his eyes again.

After looking around and finding that it was in the sky, he said with trepidation: "Didn't you say you wanted to let us go?" Why am I here, and everyone else?

Xia Fan raised his eyebrows.

Great, saying this means that the memory is indeed restored.

He looked at Liang Kang and shrugged his shoulders, "I let you go, and I'm still ready to personally send you back to the base camp of the Mewtwo team, so... Tell me where your Mewtwo team is strong? I asked King Feng to take us over. "

King Feng?"

Liang Kang caught a key word and carefully looked at the Pokémon under the seat.

The golden and red wings exude colorful light.

Depend, it's really the Phoenix King.

Liang Kang put his left hand in front of his mouth, and pointed at Xia Fan with his right hand trembling: "You you you... You even accepted the Phoenix King.

"Happy? Sit on the back of the legendary Pokémon. Xia Fan said with a smile, "And it's still the treatment of sending you directly back to the headquarters." "

Kai..." Without saying the word in his heart, Liang Kang suddenly closed his mouth.

Xia Fan sneered: "Looking at your thick-skinned appearance, you need me to give you a set of torture to extract a confession like yesterday, right?" As

soon as the words fell, Xia Fan got up and walked towards Liang Kang.

A minute later, Liang Kang came out with a blue nose and a swollen face.

"Look, it's okay to say no early." Xia Fan sighed and pointed out the direction to King Feng.

According to Liang Kang, the base camp of the Mewtwo team is behind an unnamed mountain north of Tokiwa City.


Half an hour later, under the extremely fast flight of the Phoenix King, they came to the mountain that Liang Kang said.

In order to prevent the grass from startling the snake, Xia Fan withdrew the Phoenix King into the Spirit Ball when he was in the clouds, and then turned the dream into a bijing, taking him and Liang Kang to the ground.

Under Liang Kang's guidance, they climbed over the mountain.

It's just that there is nothing special there, except that trees are still trees.

Xia Fan looked at Liang Kang: "You fool me?"

Liang Kang said helplessly: "Big brother, how can the base camp be seen at a glance, of course, it is built underground." "

'Uh, it seems to be right too'.... Xia Fan put away the fist that was just about to be raised again.

"So how do you get in?"

"Walk about five hundred meters ahead, and you will see a secret door, which can be opened by taking out our Mewtwo pass."

Liang Kang pointed out a position to Xia Fan and continued to lead the way.

He was now completely afraid of Xia Fan, for fear that he would punch himself if he was not satisfied.

So answer whatever he asks.

In his heart, their Mewtwo team is going to be over today.

How to survive when you encounter such a pervert.

If it was just Emperor Yan and Lei Gong, he would definitely report to the headquarters against the water, but the horror is terrible, there is also a dream and a phoenix king in this goods, where do you dare to go against the water.

Unless it's tight to die.

Ten minutes later, Xia Fan arrived at the secret door he called under Liang Kang's guidance, and Liang Kang

took out a blue magnetic card from his pocket and was about to stick it to a scanning port in the center of the secret door

, when the ground suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of the two of them, the ground... Cracked.

Xia Fan looked at Liang Kang, and when he was about to ask him what was going on, Liang Kang rushed to answer.

"This is an important operation for the Mewtwo team."

With that, he took out his phone.

Xia Fan stood beside him and glanced at him.

Finding that this guy and children could be taught, he already knew what action he wanted to ask, so he directly inquired about the news in their cadre group.

Half a minute later, Liang Kang let out a long sigh and explained to Xia Fan: "This time is an operation to capture frozen birds and lightning birds.

"Three holy birds with or without a godhead?"

"Of course, there are godheads, and all those without godheads have been caught."

As soon as his words fell, huge helicopters began to fly out of the cracked ground.

Xia Fan looked at these planes, picked up the Spirit Ball and whispered softly: "Phoenix King, can you sense the location of the Water Monarch now?"

"Still can't."

Xia Fan frowned slightly, thought for a long time, and finally made a decision.

If he didn't sense it, it means that he may not be here, since this is the case, then he still followed the Mewtwo team to subdue the Three Holy Birds first.

Therefore, when all these helicopters flew out and the ground reclosed, Xia Fan released a dream to transform into a bidiao, and followed these helicopters with him and Liang Kang.

After about twenty minutes, the helicopters separated again.

A dozen planes flew south, and a dozen to the east.

"What's the situation?" Xia Fan looked at Liang Kang.

Liang Kang took out his mobile phone again and flipped through his group of cadres.

After a while, he said: "This is to divide the troops into two ways, flying south to catch frozen birds on Twin Islands, and flying east to catch lightning birds at the unmanned power plant on Road 10, according to the information of investigators in these two areas, their traces have appeared in these two areas in the past few days."

Xia Fan nodded when he heard this.

"Master, who to go with?"

The dreamy voice sounded in Xia Fan's mind.

Xia Fan bit his lower lip, this is really not a good choice.

Three seconds later....



: "....."

Dream: "....." Xia

Fan finally pointed to the south, that is, to capture the frozen bird.

Xia Fan patted Dream's back: "Little Illusion, lower the height."

After that, he took out two Spirit Balls and instructed them like an old father to the Spirit Balls:

"Emperor Yan, Lei Gong, wait for you to follow those helicopters

flying east, if you see the lightning bird, and those guys are going to start the capture operation, then you will make a mess there, but keep in mind that when making trouble, don't make trouble like a reckless man, you must rely on outwitting, just like I used to understand?"

"Like your methods of learning without martial virtue?" Lei Gong, who liked Xia Fan the most, directly responded with telepathy.

Xia Fan rolled his eyes at Lei Gong's dumb Spirit Ball: "It can also be said."

After that, Xia Fan pressed the buttons of the two spirit balls.

The red light flashed, and Yan Di and Lei Gong rushed out, jumped on the top of the big tree below, and chased the helicopter in the east.

"Little illusion, fly south."

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