Twin Islands.

After reading Liang Kang's mobile phone, Xia Fan was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

I can't wait to give myself a slap in the face, if he can predict the future, he will have to change his head first, so that maybe he has already met Mewtwo and taught that turtle son a lesson.

You MMP Lao Tzu's elves dare to catch.

"Master, should we rush to the Yan Emperor and Lei Gong now."

King Feng's voice sounded in Xia Fan's head.

It was also very worried about Shui Jun's arrest.

"Forget it, hurry over there now, when the time comes, Mewtwo will definitely leave early, and it will definitely pounce." Xia Fan sighed, "I can only pray that Emperor Yan and Lei Gong will not be impulsive, and they will quickly run after feeling the difference in strength, as for the Water Lord.... Alas!

After Xia Fan sighed again, King Feng was also silent and said nothing more.

Since it is now Xia Fan's Pokémon, it is based on Xia Fan's will.

Xia Fan and Liang Kang continued to stay here waiting for the appearance of the frozen bird.

Half an hour later.

The large army of the Mewtwo team rushed to the fourth floor.

After another half an hour, nearly a hundred Mewtwo team members wearing frostproof suits came to the fifth floor.

After installing some technological devices in the cave, like Xia Fan, he found a stone or some hidden corner to hide.

Time passed, two hours later.

When Xia Fanshou wanted to scold his mother, there was finally an extraordinary movement in the cave.

First, a unique whistling sound echoed in the cave, and then a cold wind like a knife swept through the entire cave, causing frost to gradually form on the stone walls on both sides of the cave.

All the Mewtwo team members wearing frostproof suits couldn't help but shiver.

Even Xia Fan, who had improved his body because of the divine fire, almost sneezed under this cold wind, and couldn't help but want to wear more clothes.

After the cold wind, a figure that made everyone look forward finally appeared from the cave.

It fluttered its beautiful blue wings and came to the huge ice bed in the deepest part of the cave.

Raising his tall head, he first looked around the cave, and after feeling that there was not much change from usual, he put away his feathers and lay down.

However, as soon as it lay down, a man's excited cry suddenly sounded in the cave.

"Brothers! Do it. When

the words fell, a violent explosion suddenly occurred above the frozen bird's head.

The cave shook, and the frozen bird looked up.

I saw a huge boulder fall from the top of its head.

This directly frightened the guts of frozen birds.

With flying attributes, what it is most afraid of is smashing something overhead.

Hurriedly flutter its wings and hide.

But in front of it, dozens of flame birds and lightning birds appeared, and their mouths condensed energy.

Although the size of these flame birds and lightning birds cannot be compared with frozen birds, they are the kind that can be seen at a glance and do not have a divine position.

But dozens of them are throwing skills at it at the same time, but it is also irresistible.


The frozen bird thought desperately.

At this moment, another roar came from the cave.

"Phoenix King, Divine Fire!"

A phoenix roar sounded, and then a mouthful of flames with mysterious power struck the huge boulder that was about to smash into the frozen bird.

The explosion sounded, smoke and dust were everywhere, and the cobblestone exploded into pieces directly in the air where it landed.

Everyone in the Mewtwo team looked back in amazement.

In the next second, everyone was stunned.

The shock was beyond words.

Who would have thought that when catching a frozen bird, a phoenix king could appear behind him.

Nima, isn't this?

Not only were they stunned, but the victim frozen bird was also stunned.

What's going on in its home today.

It was just a group of humans who suddenly appeared, and even Lord Fengwang, who was side by side with Lord Lokia, came.

"Phoenix King, Divine Bird Slam!"

While these guys were stunned, Xia Fan's voice sounded again.

There was another phoenix roar, and the Phoenix King put away his golden and red wings and stopped in mid-air to store air.

Everyone in the Mewtwo team turned their heads to look at the source of the voice, and their expressions were even more shocked, and the Phoenix King actually obeyed a young man.

And so on....

Suddenly someone thought of the live broadcast that was making a lot of noise in the Chengdu area some time ago.

The Phoenix King is taken in by a mysterious man wearing a mask.

One of them shouted: "Quick, order to interrupt the Phoenix King, don't let it successfully use the Divine Bird to slam." The

rest of the Mewtwo team woke up and quickly commanded the Flame Bird and Lightning Bird to use their skills to interrupt.

However, just when these skills were about to hit the Phoenix King, the dream appeared.

It appeared in front of the Phoenix King with an instantaneous movement, and a 'hold' blocked all those attacks.

Everyone in the Mewtwo team saw it, and for a while they didn't know what words to use to describe their mood at the moment.

At this time, King Feng's energy accumulation ended.

It had two wings, and its huge wings set off a violent hurricane, and the Phoenix King rushed straight towards those flame birds and lightning birds that did not have a divine position.

It's like a moon slash.

The row of Flame Birds and Lightning Birds all fell to the ground under this blow, unable to fight again.

Xia Fan sent it to the back of the Phoenix King under the dreamy power, and then came to the frozen bird under everyone's gaze, took out a spirit ball and threw it directly.

As a result, the frozen bird directly froze the Spirit Ball in one breath.


Xia Fan's eyebrows frowned slightly, you even dared to resist.

"I'm Lord Lokia's subordinate, you can't arrest me."

The voice of the frozen bird sounded in the minds of King Feng and Xia Fan.

"But your Lord Lokia is also fast!"

Xia Fan took out the silver feather and lit it up, and then let Dream Control this guy with spiritual strength, and he immediately threw out the second Spirit Ball.

The red light flashed, and the frozen bird was taken in.

【Ding! Successfully capture the Pokémon Freeze Bird, please choose one of the skills as your skill]

Once again, a long-lost system prompt sounded in my mind.

[Pokémon of Ice Attribute and Flight Attribute Legend: Frozen Bird

] [Gender: None] [Feature: Oppression (puts the opponent in a tense state, 10% chance of the skill failure

)] [Hidden Feature: Snow Hidden (When hail weather, the dodge rate will increase)]


Carriers: None


The skills are as follows

: [Blizzard:

Blows a strong blizzard towards the opponent to attack, sometimes throwing the opponent into a frozen state. 【

Hail: After using this move, the weather will change to hail, and Pokémon except for the ice attribute will be damaged. [

Absolute Zero: Inflict one blow on the opponent and die frequently. But if it's a Pokémon other than the ice attribute, this move will be difficult to hit. 【

High-speed movement: Let the body relax and become light, so that you can move at high speed and greatly increase your speed. 【

Hasu: Lowered to the ground and rested the body. Restore half of your maximum health (only birds can use it)

] [Avatar: Weaken a little of your own vitality and create a doppelganger.]

The avatar will become its own stand-in. 】


Xia Fan looked at the numerous skill panels of the frozen bird and fell into thought.

A large bird Pokémon with the Phoenix King, the skills of the frozen bird are honestly average in his eyes, there is no unique powerful attack skill, there is no powerful recovery skill without restrictions such as self-regeneration, and the only recovery skill Yusu It can't be used even if you learn it.

After thinking for a minute, Xia Fan finally made a decision.

"I chose the Frozen Bird's skill 'Stand-in'." Xia Fan replied in his heart.

Just thought for a long time, the best practical of these skills should be this.

If it can be paired with self-regeneration in the future, it will be extinct.

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