
Dream was stopped and cut down and flew dozens of feet.

Xia Fan was shocked, obviously it was Dream to attack first, but it still flew out upside down.

At this time, Mewtwo stopped in mid-air after attacking Dream.

The figure was able to be seen by Xia Fan.

"Y dream!"

Xia Fan was shocked and immediately recognized Mewtwo's form at this moment.

It's hard to believe that this Mewtwo can be hyper-evolved.

Hearing Xia Fan's exclamation, Mewtwo set his eyes on King Feng.

The next second disappeared from Xia Fan's eyes and flashed.

Xia Fan drank: "It's not good, the Phoenix King quickly uses to hold it."

However, compared to the speed of Mewtwo, Xia Fan's reminder was still too late.

Because when he was still saying the first word, Mewtwo had already approached the land of the Phoenix King, and it opened its hands and was ready to cast a spiritual strong thought at close range.

A powerful mental power fluctuation unfolded from Mewtwo's body.


Xia Fan's heart was like ashes.


But just when Xia Fan felt that he was going to follow King Feng to have a mental meal.

A white light mask suddenly emerged from the Phoenix King himself.

With his own sense of crisis, King Feng actually judged what needed to be done one step ahead of Xia Fan.

Xia Fan let out a long breath.

Fortunately, it is worthy of our thighs, and we know what needs to be done in times of crisis.


At this moment, a shadow ball suddenly struck from a distance.

Straight to Mewtwo.

Mewtwo's eyes were sharp, and he ended the mentally strong attack, and turned his body to shake, and the shadow ball scraped a centimeter distance from its side.


The Shadow Ball smashed into the water, causing a terrifying wave.

The dream returned, a teleportation flashback.

It looked angrily at Mewtwo.

Four wave missiles condensed on the chest.

"Aren't you going to hide? Then you hide and watch. "

Saying that, Dream is going to push the wave missile out.

However, Mewtwo came behind it in an instant.

"Now that I'm stronger than I used to be, you'll never want to hit me if I want to."

A mockery from Mewtwo sounded in Dream's mind.

Immediately after that, Dream's back was kicked heavily.


Dream was directly kicked into the sea by Mewtwo from the air.

This is Mewtwo's humiliation of dreams, without skill attacks, only with a simple punch and kick as an attack.

The last time the two of them met, what Dream said was still fresh in his memory.

'A Buddha-figure is a Buddha-figure, and if you fight with your body without a trick, the Buddha-figure will never lose to the replicator. In

that case, it will defeat the dream today with a simple punch and foot attack.

Xia Fan looked at Mewtwo, who was very satisfied with the violent beating dream at the moment.

Brows frowned slightly, caught in thought.

Mewtwo's Y form is a form with extremely terrifying special attacks and speed, and its flight speed in this form far exceeds that of other Pokémon.

In the past, he thought that this form of Mewtwo might be using the ability of other Pokémon to flash their electric light as his own constant state.

But now it seems that it is clearly not, and its speed even ordinary is far beyond the limit speed of other Pokémon.

If that's the case, if you can't keep up with it, never try to hit it.

"System, open the dream skill panel for me." Xia Fan murmured in his heart.

In the next second, only he could see the system panel in front of his eyes, and Xia Fan began to look for a skill that could restrain Mewtwo among the many skills of dreams.

And at this time, Dream rushed out of the sea again, and it could not accept its replicator surpassing itself.

So it began to constantly use teleportation and mewtwo to pull attacks, while strictly ordering the Phoenix King to help itself.

Two guys fought from Tianbei to Tiannan.

But unfortunately, teleportation cannot be used indefinitely after all, and after Dream used up the power of the last remaining space in his body, Mewtwo directly kicked it into the sea again.

Mewtwo spread his hands and floated in the air, and said in an extremely proud tone: "Dream, this is the gap between me and you now, although I am made by your genes, I can evolve again, with unlimited potential waiting for me to develop myself, and you?" I can only stay where I am, so from now on I am the true Buddha-figure. "


A ball of shadow broke through the water.

Dream trailed behind, and the originally cute little face was full of anger at the moment.

Mewtwo smiled contemptuously, tilted his head, and easily dodged the shadow ball.

"Little Illusion, use the skill 'lock' on it." Xia Fan finally spoke.

Dream Hearing Yan glanced back, then closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes were shrouded in strange light.

The world in your eyes is nothing but Mewtwo.

"Use the Shadow Ball." Xia Fan said again.

A pitch-black ball of energy condensed from Dream's chest.

"Useless, useless, now you are no longer worthy of fighting me."

After Mewtwo's mocking mockery, he disappeared from place again.

But this time, the dreamy eyes began to follow Mewtwo's movement to the top of the head.

It decisively pushed the Shadow Ball upwards.



Mewtwo is flown upside down by the Shadow Ball.

Dreamy was stunned, and then quickly flew to Xia Fan's side excitedly and surrounded him affectionately.

At the same time, the telepathy also excitedly told Xia Fan and King Feng that he had hit.

"Don't be happy too early, the next battle will still be a vicious battle for you." Xia Fan took out a medicine from his backpack, "Your teleportation should be unusable, this skill recovery PP can restore the power of space in your body, allowing you to use teleportation again." "

Dream took the medicine.

The power of space in the body quickly recovered.

At this time, Mewtwo returned to the near front of the dream, and his figure was a little embarrassed.

Obviously, the Shadow Ball of Dreams just now gave it enough to choke, and it was completely defenseless.

Mewtwo looked at Mengxian in disbelief: "How is it possible, how can you hit me."

"Little illusion, don't explain to it, hit it directly, think about how it humiliated you just now." Xia Fan drank.

The dreamy eyes were then covered with alien light again.

It stared at Mewtwo deadly, while the Shadow Ball condensed on its chest again.

Mewtwo's eyes were cold.

The figure disappeared from place again.

Xia Fan quickly ordered: "Little illusion, from now on, as long as it disappears, you will use teleportation to keep up, don't be afraid that the power of space will run out, I still have dozens of skills here to restore PP." The

dream disappeared from the place.

After a while, every corner near the twin islands began to appear dreamy and mewtwo figures in an instant.

The two of them are chasing me and fighting each other.

"King Feng, use Mewtwo to foreknow the future."

While Dream and Mewtwo were fighting, Xia Fan gave instructions to King Feng.

"But didn't Dream say to let it single?"

King Feng looked back in surprise.

"Don't listen to it, it's self-esteem, if you really let it fight like this, the devil knows how long it will take." Xia Fan looked around his eyes, and then said softly, "It's a big deal that if Mewtwo loses, let's just say that everything is still Xiao Fantasy, and it plays well."

The Phoenix King thought for a while, and finally closed his eyes according to Xia Fan's instructions, and when he opened them again, his eyes were shrouded in white light, and the world in front of him began to stage the location where Mewtwo would appear in five seconds.

Then a cloud of thought emanated from its mind and ambushed towards that location.

As soon as Mewtwo arrives, it will immediately appear and attack Mewtwo.

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