"Bond evolution?" Chihuo was thoughtful. As a super-large organization across time and space, Chihuo naturally knew about bond evolution. Not only that, he also tried it with his Charizard, but the result was always something missing and failed. "But if it's bond evolution, Beedrill won't become like this, right? And you just mentioned Flamin, is it Flamin's Beedrill?" Beedrill is in the shape of a bee, and the Pokémon that landed in front of him is a humanoid mecha that looks very technological, with a feeling of insect-type biological armor. Without letting Chihuo continue to be confused, Chihuo suddenly widened his eyes. In his sight, the mask of the humanoid mecha suddenly opened, revealing a human face, and it was none other than Flamin. "Flamin?" Chihuo exclaimed, and saw the yellow and black mecha on Flamin's body fall off further, and then these fallen mecha fragments gathered together to become a slender Beedrill. Bang! A red light flashed, and Beedrill returned to Flamin's Poké Ball. Flamin nodded slightly: "You must be Chihuo, right? I heard Master Mark mention you a few days ago. Although you didn't see the master's hidden strength, you were able to choose him at first sight. Perhaps you have a unique perception talent."

Mark pinched his chin lightly: "It is possible. Chihuo actually knows almost nothing about scientific research, but he directly discovered my scientific research ability. In addition, his evaluation of Dr. Xiaer and others is unexpectedly accurate."

Chihuo did not answer Flamin's words, but looked at Flamin blankly.

Chihuo: "Are you also from the Rainbow R Organization? And the Beedrill you just saw, was it also a bond evolution?"

Flaming smiled and said, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the assistant to the gym leader of Qingxi Gym. As for the name, you already know it. There are indeed many members of Qingxi Gym from the Rainbow R Organization, but I am not.

As for the Beedrill just now, it did undergo a bond evolution with me, but it was not an ordinary bond evolution, but a fourth-stage bond evolution."

Chihuo half opened his mouth: "Fourth-stage... bond evolution?"

"In actual combat, trainers often become the target of the opponent's concentrated fire, which is also the biggest weakness of fighting between trainers. It may be that my subconscious mind compensates for this weakness. In the third stage of my bond evolution with Beedrill, I gained some of Beedrill's power, such as this..."

As Flaming said, the appearance of his right hand changed, turning into a huge silver needle, and at the same time, wings similar to Beedrill's appeared on his back.

"Then in the fourth stage, I can merge with Beedrill as I did just now. Not only will my weakness as a trainer completely disappear, but I can also exert stronger strength."

Flaming's words were not only for Chihuo, but also for Mark.

Mark raised his eyebrows: "So, can this form of yours be used in actual combat?"

"Well, almost."

Flaming said as he looked at the blue dog at Mark's feet. Since he and Beedrill dissolved their fusion, he felt some hostility from this dog.

Mark: "This is Cang Xiang. It comes from the parallel time and space of the Rainbow R Organization headquarters and has had some battles with you in that time and space."

Flaming nodded slightly: "I see."

Mark said as he touched Cang Xiang's head: "You should understand that he is not those Flamings. Don't be affected by your inner emotions. Only in this way can you exert stronger strength."

Cang Xiang nodded gently.

Then the next moment, both Chihuo and Cang Xiang showed puzzled and confused expressions.

In the sight, a silver-haired boy walked into the gate of Qingxi Gym. Of course, the silver-haired boy was not the focus, but the focus was that there were dozens of Celebi around him.

When Beakley died, the dozens of Celebi enslaved by Beakley recovered and all stuck to Xiao Miyang.

After all, these Celebi were taken away by Beakley from Miyang in different parallel time and space, and Miyang in those time and space had all died.

Maybe there were too many Celebi to take care of, or maybe it was the rebellious period, Xiao Miyang suddenly had a whim, saying that he wanted to release many Celebi in Qingxi Gym, and then go out alone.

Xiao Miyang's rebellious behavior obviously did not get the support of Flamin.

What level is his son? Flamin knew that it was impossible to replicate his training mode with Beedrill and specialize in cultivating that Magna, so he could just train these dozens of Celebi.

The dozens of time Rabbi controlled by Bickley just used the method of controlling puppets to slavery, and Xiaomi Yang's Shi Labi resumed consciousness. As long as he practiced this way, even if Xiaomi Yang's trainer is not good, he will be a enhanced version of Bikley in the future. Xiaomi Yang stunned. In fact, if it wasn't for Labby, Xiaomi Yang might be worse. The Xidao Pavilion, the red fire inexplicably appreciated some warmth. Perhaps, he misunderstood the Mark's Qingxi Road.

It was faster than Chihuo expected. After dinner at Qingxi Gym, he was impressed by the top ingredients of Qingxi Gym when he learned about the upcoming combat training.

Then, the terrifying combat training began...


Chihuo leaned on a huge rock and tried to vomit, but he couldn't vomit anything, not even the acid in his stomach.

This is the fact. In today's combat training, he couldn't remember how many times he was disemboweled and how many times his head was blown up.

In short, no matter what the injury was, he would be revived immediately with full blood when the terrifying Devil Wishing Star appeared and used [Wish].

In the words of the Devil Wishing Star, his physical strength was relatively poor, so it was easier to recover. As for his Charizard, Rhydon and other Pokémon, it was a little more difficult.

Chihuo didn't know how difficult it was. Anyway, in his opinion, whether it was the Devil Wishing Star or the golden Devil Celebi, they could heal him and the Pokémon in one encounter.

After retching several times, Chihuo looked at Charizard, Rhydon and other Pokémons lying on the ground and twitching, and finally lay on the ground.

"Anyway, today should be over, it's already daytime..."

Chihuo looked at the pale sky in the distance.

According to the news he heard before the actual combat training, the actual combat training at Qingxi Gym will continue during the day at night and then end.

"Hehehehe... Is this your first time to participate in actual combat training?"

Chihuo turned his head in confusion and saw a silver-haired man and a Gengar appear in front of him.

Chihuo subconsciously shrank his body. In the dozen rounds of actual combat training not long ago, this white-haired man and Gengar killed him at least three times.

Seeing that the silver-haired man had no intention of continuing to attack him, Chihuo nodded gently: "Yeah."


The silver-haired man smiled, twisted the potion bottle in his hand, and poured it into the ground.

Chihuo looked confused, then reached for the package not far away: "This bottle of potion seems to be Raymond, um, it's the one John II gave me."

George: "Don't worry, the potion in reality is still there, and I'm also helping you get better practical training results, hehehe..."

"In reality?"

George's mouth curled up: "This is a dream training world, so this potion is not real. The reason why you look good now is because this is not the real reality. There is also another good news to tell you!"

"What good news?"

George grinned and said: "The practical training in the dream training world usually lasts for a year..." (End of this chapter)

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