Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 696 Is Victini's IQ even lower?

Qingxi Village, open space behind Qingxi Gym.

Little Hupa was surrounded by many elves, boasting vividly about the process of fusing with another self.

"Lord Hupa got the yogurt and drank it continuously. The other Hupa was in Lord Hupa's stomach. After the yogurt went down, it kept begging for mercy inside, but Lord Hupa knew it would not give in easily, so he continued to drink it. Guess what happened to it later?"

Jirachi: "It didn't drown in the yogurt, did it?"


Mew also gave a guess, maybe the other Hupa was drowned in the yogurt and cried, and the previous little Hupa cried because it secretly fed yogurt.

Listening to Menghuan's words, the excited expression of little Hupa froze slightly.

But soon, Little Hoopa changed the subject: "Mr. Hoopa didn't cry that time, he was just blinded by the wind. Ahem, let's talk about that Hoopa. You all guessed wrong. It didn't drown, nor did it cry, nor did it continue to beg for mercy, but kept cursing at Mr. Hoopa!"

"It actually cursed, then what did you do, Hoopa?"

"Meow, meow?"

Little Hoopa showed a proud smile, touched his belly and said: "Mr. Hoopa of course cursed back. Mr. Hoopa is the most evil villain. It was no match for Mr. Hoopa in cursing. It was directly angered to tears by Mr. Hoopa, and then Mr. Hoopa digested it in his stomach!"





"Tini tinni~!"

Many little guys listened to Little Hoopa's deeds and kept sighing.

Mark stood aside, with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

As for the lame lie of Little Hoopa that he drank yogurt and made another Hoopa cry, he naturally would not help Little Hoopa to tell it, and everything was told by Little Hoopa himself.

As a result, after returning to the gym, Little Hoopa further exaggerated this lame story, making it even more outrageous.

But even such an outrageous and lame story, Jirachi, Mew, Celebi and other elves actually believed it.

For human lies, even if the other party's lies are flawless, Jirachi, Mew and other phantom elves can easily detect that something is wrong and will not be fooled.

As for the lies of elves, phantom elves are difficult to distinguish.

However, it is difficult to distinguish, but these little guys didn't see such an illogical lie?

Especially Victini.

Yes, Victini also accepted Hoopa's lie.

Not long ago, it was him who relied on Victini's invisibility ability to follow behind Hoopa and witnessed the whole process of Hoopa's fusion with another self.

After the result came out, Victini seemed to have forgotten everything.

As for Shemy...

Mark looked around and soon found Shemy near the corner. Shemy didn't join in the fun at all. At this time, he seemed to be chewing moss, soil, and some moldy fungi near the corner.

Mark rubbed his forehead and didn't continue watching. He turned his head back and looked at Victini, who was jumping and cheering with many elves among Celebi and Leafeon.

He has always known that Victini's intelligence is a bit low.

But although the intelligence is a bit low, Mark has always defined Victini as a level slightly weaker than Jirachi and Mew.

And now it seems.

Victini may be even less intelligent than he thought.

Is it similar to the level of Psyduck and Slowpoke?

Unconsciously, Mark has made a decision.

He doesn't care about other elves, but he decided to feed Victini two capsules of Fucon every day. This really can't go on.

"It's not just Victini, it's time to improve the cognitive abilities of these little guys. Forget about the others, but at least they should be able to see through this lame lie."

Mark murmured secretly.

The celebration of the little guys continued. Little Hoopa laughed strangely and turned into a huge liberated form, and then began to use his special ability - Lao Lao.

The shape of Hoopa's liberated form looks very much like the demon guarding the lamp.

It's the genie in Aladdin's magic lamp.

As long as you wipe the magic lamp, the genie will appear and fulfill the wishes of those who wipe the magic lamp.

And Hoopa's Lao Lao has the ability similar to the genie, which can fulfill people's wishes.

In some ways, Hoopa's Lao Lao is very similar to Jirachi's little wish.

However, it is not as arbitrary as Jirachi's little wish.

Jirachi's little wish can create something out of thin air, but Hoopa's Lao Lao cannot create it out of thin air.

Both wish for a bottle of Coke, Jirachi's wish creates it directly out of thin air, while Hoopa's laolao gets Coke from the Coke factory.

But in some aspects, Hoopa's laolao is more powerful than Jirachi's wish.

Hoopa's laolao can get some living things, such as elves, while Jirachi's wish can only create some dead things.

In the open space behind the Qingxi Gym, Hoopa showed off his strong body and quickly got out a dozen Pikachu dance troupe in suits.

If Mark's memory is correct, these dozen Pikachus are the most popular Great Detective Dance Troupe in the Roma Federation recently.

Mark thought that Hoopa forced these dozen Pikachus to come, but he accidentally discovered that in the process of getting a dozen Pikachus, Hoopa seemed to have already negotiated with these Pikachus.

More than a dozen Pikachus were not panicked at all, and shook hands with many elves present very skillfully.

Soon, Jirachi used a small wish to build a stage in the open space.

More than a dozen Pikachu dancers stepped onto the stage and began the agent dance of "Pikachu Agent 007" amid the cheers of many little guys.

Mark shook his head slightly and ignored these messy little guys.

He glanced at Cang Xiang who was looking at the stage nearby.

It can be seen that Cang Xiang was actually very interested in this lively stage.

Mark finally did not disturb Cang Xiang and walked towards the nearby Xuwuid floating in the air.

Although Jirachi, Hoopa and other elves were very noisy, the two little nebula Cosmogu and Zygarde were already asleep in the body of Xuwuid.

After continuing to test the second-color Xuwuid, Mark still did not feel the special ability of Xuwuid.

Mark finally looked at the three sleeping little guys.

The two little nebulae Cosmogu have been sleeping more and awake less recently, and their food intake has been decreasing.

This behavior is very similar to the evolutionary performance of the green caterpillar, unicorn and other elves.

Mark guessed that these two little nebulae may evolve at any time recently.

As for the Zygarde core, he had explored it through the [Power of Waveguide] before and felt the strange power in Zygarde.

While feeling it, Mark retrieved the information related to Zygarde in the past three hundred years through Porygon.

It seems that there is no difference with the information searched some time ago... (End of this chapter)

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