Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 722: The plasma form of the Skybreaker (Part 1)

Nuclear fusion, also known as nuclear fusion, fusion reaction, fusion reaction or thermonuclear reaction.

Its principle is not complicated. On a microscopic level, it is probably two lighter atoms. Under certain conditions, the extranuclear electrons break free from the constraints of the nucleus, and then the two nuclei attract each other and aggregate into a slightly heavier nucleus.

In this process, the protons and neutrons inside the regenerated nucleus are rearranged and combined, and the neutrons and electrons are released to form a huge amount of energy.

The reason why the sun has such a high temperature and releases huge light and heat all the time is essentially that nuclear fusion is happening inside all the time.

Although Rayquaza is very smart and almost understands everything in combat, and has unparalleled combat talent, he has always been unsatisfactory in aspects other than combat.

Especially in the study of knowledge, Rayquaza has not performed very well.

Take mathematics as an example. Rayquaza has a good intelligence and can easily learn things that little guys like Jirachi and Mew cannot master.

For example, the math problems Mark gave to Jirachi and Mew not long ago.

Even though the little guys were enlightened by Mark and directly mastered a lot of mathematical knowledge, they still had to write the formula on the ground with a wooden stick to calculate the math problems.

But Rayquaza was different. He could calculate the result directly with mental arithmetic, and he could answer it almost instantly.

You know, this was before Rayquaza was enlightened.

Unfortunately, Rayquaza's mathematical level was limited to this. If it was a little more advanced, Rayquaza would not be able to do it.

Not only mathematics, but other knowledge was also similar. Rayquaza only learned some superficial knowledge and did not delve into it in depth.

Deep in Rayquaza's heart, he never valued these knowledge and other things.

Compared with learning boring knowledge, he still felt that training and practice would help him more. In addition, learning these boring knowledge was too uncomfortable.

Simple knowledge was okay, but it felt like countless ants were crawling all over his body when he learned more difficult knowledge.

So, whenever Mark taught more advanced knowledge, Rayquaza would either be lazy or find an excuse to sneak away and find Mewtwo for combat training.

Mark had taught Rayquaza some time ago about the birth of the sun and nuclear fusion, but Rayquaza was in a similar state and had not learned anything at all.

At this time, through the knowledge that Mark had infused, Rayquaza finally understood what nuclear fusion was, and also further understood the sun as a star.


As Mark pressed on Rayquaza's forehead, Rayquaza gradually widened his eyes.

The mass-energy equation, energy equals mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light!

Deuterium and tritium aggregate to form helium atoms at high temperatures, releasing a large amount of energy. This is the secret of why the sun is so hot!

Not only the knowledge of nuclear fusion, but also the knowledge that Mark had infused has greatly changed Rayquaza's cognition of the world.

Mark once told it that the world is made up of various tiny particles.

It has learned some things, for example, it knows that the tiny particles in Mark's mouth are atoms, and it also knows that atoms make up molecules. It even remembers that the molecular formula of water is H2O.

But it knows the fact, not the reason.

It just memorized these things by rote, but it didn't really understand what these things meant, and it never wanted to understand them.

And now, it suddenly understood, and it understood everything under Mark's enlightenment!


As Mark's palm left Rayquaza's forehead, Rayquaza suddenly thought of something.


In the experimental base of Tianzhui Mountain, there is a high-magnification electron microscope. When Mark gave a lecture some time ago, he brought it with him to use with Jirachi and Mew, and he also used it.

But at that time, it just glanced at the screen and didn't feel anything.

And now, it has an impulse, an impulse to go to the Tianzhui Mountain experimental base and lie on the screen of the electron microscope to watch it happily.

No, no!

It's going to see it now!

Rayquaza pretended to rush over, but suddenly thought of something and stopped.

——It doesn't know how to open the electron microscope!

No, to be precise, it not only doesn't know how to open the electron microscope, but also doesn't know how to use it. In its memory, Mark's microscope still has dozens of buttons!


Thinking of this, Rayquaza flew to Mark again and urged Mark.

Take it to the experimental base of the Skyfall Mountain quickly, it wants to see the electron microscope!

"Okay." Seeing Rayquaza's impatient look, Mark shook his head helplessly and glanced at the other elves nearby: "If you want to go, you can follow. If you don't want to go, just stay here for the time being. Rayquaza and I will be back soon."

The little guys such as Jirachi squatted on the ground, writing formulas on the ground with sticks for fun. It seems that it will take a while before they lose interest.

Elves such as Armor Warrior, Zapdos, Butterfree, Magneto, etc. are still familiar with their new powers.

Among the many elves, only Mewtwo stood up slightly and floated over.

Mark nodded: "Okay, if Mewtwo is here, you can demonstrate to Rayquaza better."

[A world away]!

Mark took a step forward and entered the Skyfall Mountain experimental base.

Two energy waves appeared, and Mewtwo and Rayquaza followed closely behind, using [Teleport] and special flying abilities to appear behind Mark.


Raykuzo couldn't wait to fly to the electron microscope and urged Mark to turn it on.

Mark and Mewtwo looked at each other and worked together to turn on and adjust the electron microscope. Soon, the screen next to the electron microscope turned on.

Raykuzo saw this and immediately moved over, staring at the image on the screen.

"In the world before I crossed over, it was actually very difficult to use this electron microscope to show you, because it was difficult to perform some microscopic operations, but in this world, many things have become convenient, especially since I have mastered the power of waveguides."

Mark debugged the equipment and then inserted a silver metal bottle into the observation area of ​​the electron microscope.

"This tube of gas is hydrogen. What you will observe next is the hydrogen atoms needed for nuclear fusion."

While speaking, Mark changed the observation area and inserted another silver metal bottle.

"This is water. You should remember the chemical formula of water, right?"


Raykuzo responded. Of course it remembered!

Raykuzo still stared at the screen of the electron microscope.

Mark and Mewtwo worked together to continuously change the material observed by the electron microscope.

Rayquaza's expression was clearly unsatisfied, as if he wanted to continue observing, but Mark and Mewtwo gradually stopped.


What happened?

Mark pinched his chin lightly: "For you, the effect of observing through the screen is still a little worse..." (End of this chapter)

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