Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 741 Groudon, where are you?


Lugia looked at the hedgehog-like elf beneath him and asked.

Semi: "Mi is Semi, and also Mark's elf. Jirachi has sent your message to Mi. Hello, Lugia."



After Xie Mi said a word, he didn't speak again.

Then after a while, Lugia suddenly discovered that Semi was missing.

Until Lugia dropped a feather while walking.

Lugia didn't pay attention to this feather at first. Unlike the feathers of Ho-oh and Cresselia, its feathers were actually useless and easier to fall off.

Well, usually it will change its feathers every ten years or so.

At this time, Lugia is in the period of molting.

Lugia noticed this feather because Semi jumped off its neck, picked up the feather that fell on the ground, and buried it in the soil of the flower bed behind the nearby vendor's stall.


What are you doing

Xie Mi: "I guess you don't want your feathers anymore. I think your feathers are quite delicious. I plan to bury them and keep them for a few years before eating them."

Lugia blinked.


Just like Jirachi, Mew, Hupa, Rayquaza, and Armored Chrysalis before, it couldn't understand the little hedgehog hugging its neck again.

In a daze, Lugia followed many elves to the end of the town's night market, and then came to the Qingxi Gym not far away.

When several elves came to the vicinity of the gym, their mobile phones rang. Several elves were obviously relieved when they saw the information on the mobile phones.

From what the elves such as Jirachi and Mew said, it seems that their trainer Mark will not be back today.

As for the reason for not coming back, it seems that Qingxi Village has been upgraded to Qingxi Town.

Due to the upgrading of the town, Mark had to go through some procedures in Haake City, Luoye Province. Mark did not come back at this time because there were some twists and turns in the procedures.

Just like that, when Lugia came to his senses, Jirachi, Mew, Hupa and other elves were already gathered in front of the TV.

The TV screen lit up, and the opening song of "Pikachu Agent 007" also played at this time, not more than once, not less than once.

Although many elves kept saying that it was getting late and they had to go back early, a few little guys still managed to make the time just right, intentionally or unintentionally.

Well, that's how it's always been.

The animation on the TV soon showed the scene of Pikachu 007 going deep behind enemy lines and showing off its might.

A few little guys danced excitedly, but Lugia felt normal.

At the same time, Lugia felt puzzled because both Jirachi and Mew were countless times more powerful than Pikachu 007 on the TV.

This episode of "Pikachu Agent 007" is a small climax. As the ending song appears, many elves showed some unfinished expressions, but also some satisfaction.

Lugia finally asked: "How strange~?"

Pikachu 007 is probably not very strong. You are all more powerful than it. Why do you like it so much?

Jirachi: "Of course it's because it's very handsome, and it's really strong. We're only better than it in combat, but in other aspects, we're much worse than Pikachu 007!"

Little Dream nodded: "Miyo~Miyo~!"

Hupa: "Lord Hupa also thinks that Pikachu 007 is more powerful!"

Pikachu 007 is the idol of many little ones, and several little ones quickly told some of Pikachu 007’s deeds.

Many of these deeds will never be accomplished by Jirachi and other little guys.

Lugia was still a little confused.

Jirachi thoughtfully continued to explain: "Mark said that we all have some problems with our characters. We cannot be like Pikachu 007, and we are prone to fall into various dangers, so we have to exercise to improve our strength. When If we are strong enough, many troubles will disappear, and we can live happily!"

Lugia subconsciously turned around and saw Necrozma staying in the corner of the room without any sign of going crazy.

Thinking of the powerful strength possessed by elves such as Jirachi and Mew, Lugia vaguely understood something.

Jirachi: "Lugia, your strength seems to be a little bit behind, then you can train with us. Don't worry, Jirachi will just talk to Mark when the time comes. By the way, there is this person, Forgot about the interrogation."

Jirachi said as he flew towards the human Corey on the other side of the room.

In fact, Corey, who was in a coma, had already woken up.

But firstly, these elves have terrifying strength, and secondly, the portable time and space teleportation machine cannot be used, so Corey chose to hold back and decided to find an opportunity.

Unfortunately, Corey's forbearance was of no use, because soon a bottle of memory potion was roughly poured down by Jirachi.

The interrogation began, and Jirachi and other elves quickly learned that Corey was a time traveler, and learned from Lugia that Corey was from the Rainbow R organization...

Qingxi Town, garbage dump.

A yellow figure moved at high speed and then stopped over the garbage dump area.

Since Qingxi Village was upgraded to Qingxi Town, the entire town was replanned. At this time, the garbage disposal area in Qingxi Town became larger and somewhat unfamiliar.

The time traveler Sun Jun jumped off the Kuailong.

Looking at the unfamiliar garbage dump, Sun Jun sighed.

In the more than a month since I left the Qingxi Gym and headed to the Lava Legion's stronghold, too many things have happened.

This fast dragon is the new elf he got during this trip.

This time they went to the Atali Empire to find Groudon, and then confirm and stop the "Ancient Recovery Plan" implemented by the Rainbow R organization, so as to save the OTZ404 parallel time and space and win the appreciation of the mysterious Qingxi Gym.

The result, of course, was not very smooth.

First, he and Blue Chicken discovered that the sleeping Groudon was missing.

Yes, they couldn't find Groudon at all. For this reason, they did not hesitate to sneak into the Lava Legion to steal equipment, but they still couldn't find Groudon.

Later, Shi Xiaoling, the crazy woman from the Rainbow R organization, arrived, and something happened. Shi Xiaoling seemed to have reconciled with Blue Sanji, and then Shi Xiaoling joined their team.

Unfortunately, they still couldn't find any clues about Groudon.

In the end, Lan Sanji decided to look for foreign aid and asked the Star Alliance, the traveler organization, for help. However, due to his negligence, the coordinates were exposed.

When the Star Alliance personnel arrived, nothing happened at first. Then they suddenly launched a sneak attack on Lan Sanji and him, and finally kidnapped Lan Sanji. He was able to escape under the protection of Lan Sanji and Shi Xiaoling.

And they paid such a price, not to mention stopping the ancient recovery plan, and they didn't even find where Groudon was.

"Groudon, where are you..."

Sun Jun looked at the unfamiliar garbage dump in front of him and muttered to himself.

The next moment, with a roar, Groudon, whose body was covered with flame patterns, flapped his wings and fell from the sky.

Although the sound was a little blurry, it could still hear it clearly. The man seemed to be looking for him.


are you looking for me?

Groudon looked down at the stunned figure below and asked... (End of this chapter)

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