Pokemon: I'm really a civilian trainer

Chapter 749 Mewtwo's Invitational Tournament and Test (Part 2)

"Mark, Lord Hoopa has forgotten that this is the invitation to the competition that Lord Hoopa has found!"

Little Hoopa quickly flew to the corner of the room and snatched the invitation to the competition that Victini was looking at.

"Mark, with the invitation to the competition that Lord Hoopa has found, we can participate in the competition!"

The black invitation to the competition was quickly handed to Mark by Hoopa.

"The invitation to the competition, did you find it, Hoopa?"




Many elves came together.

Mark looked at the envelope in his hand. There was no text on the surface of the envelope. The material should be ordinary paper, at most the manufacturing process of the paper was better, but Mark vaguely felt that there was a power inside the envelope.

Mark: "What kind of competition is this? Is it a competition between elves?"

As Mark spoke, many elves present looked at Hoopa.

Hoopa blinked: "Should... should be."

Mark continued: "Who organized this competition, Hoopa, do you know?"

Little Hoopa blinked again: "Well... well... it's an invitation to the competition."

Mark: "If it's an invitation to the competition, you should know where we are going to participate, right?"

Little Hoopa was at a loss. He just fished around and found this invitation. He didn't know anything else!

Under the gaze of many elves, cold sweat gradually flowed from Little Hoopa's forehead, and his eyes kept dodging.

Until Mark reached out and touched Little Hoopa's head.

Mark smiled and said: "I won't tease you, Hoopa. Actually, I feel something about this envelope."

As he spoke, a figure appeared in the room.

Mewtwo in the Tianzhui Mountain Experimental Base received Mark's message and rushed over using [Teleport] to take the invitation from Mark.

Mark raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Mewtwo's left arm.

At this time, Mewtwo's left arm was inlaid with many silver-white steel modules. It seemed that Mewtwo had made some progress in the steel Mewtwo technology of the Rainbow R Organization.

Mewtwo flipped the envelope in his hand up and down and said, "Although the traces are not very obvious, this envelope contains the power of Mewtwo from other parallel time and space. Even if this envelope was not sent by that Mewtwo, it must have participated in the manufacture of this envelope."

Mark nodded and explained to Mewtwo, "This is the invitation letter for the competition that Hoopa got by fishing."

Mewtwo looked strange: "Invitation letter for the competition?"

Mewtwo and Mark looked at each other and nodded to each other. One person and one Pokémon had already made a guess.

In fact, Mark had already made a guess the moment he received the invitation letter.

At this time, with Mewtwo's confirmation, he further confirmed his guess.

"Mark, Mewtwo, what is this invitation letter for the competition? Can you tell me?"



Many Pokémon were very dissatisfied with Mark and Mewtwo's behavior of playing dumb, and gradually showed angry expressions.

Mark shook his head helplessly: "I have told this story, and more than once, you should know it."

"What story?"

"Has Lord Hoopa heard it too?"


Many elves looked at each other, and suddenly an elf flew in front of Mark, dreamy.

"Mia~ Mia~!?"

Could it be the story between it and Mewtwo, the "Mewtwo Strikes Back"?

Mark nodded: "It should be. In the Pokémon movie "Mewtwo's Counterattack", Mewtwo cooperated with Sakaki at the beginning, but soon Mewtwo realized Sakaki's deception and realized that the other party was using him, so Mewtwo destroyed and left Team Rocket."

Mewtwo continued Mark's words: "It wanted to destroy the world at first, but in the process of observing the world, it gradually gave up this idea.

Since it was not taught after birth, although it was very smart, it got stuck in a dead end and kept entangled in the fact that it was an artificial elf. Then it became cynical and began to think about the way humans and elves get along.

It believes that humans should not enslave elves. Since elves can be subdued by humans, why can't humans be subdued by elves?

In the end, it invited some human trainers to participate in the competition it held, trying to convince these trainers through this competition, and at the same time convince the elves of these trainers.

Well, I think the one it wants to convince the most may still be itself."

As Mewtwo spoke, many elves also remembered this story.

Jirachi thought of something: "Oh, Jirachi remembers, Mewtwo and Mew fought to a draw, and finally Mewtwo left with those cloned Pokémon!"


Mew was swimming in the air, so they should go to participate in Mewtwo's competition!




Many Pokémons danced with joy.

Mark shook his head slightly: "In fact, the information about the Mewtwo Invitational Tournament is also recorded in the internal records of the Rainbow R Organization, and there are more than one. I have seen five records."

Mewtwo: "But this invitation letter seems to be different."

"Yeah." Mark nodded gently and opened the envelope of the invitation letter.

The envelope has a black cardboard with gold-inlaid patterns printed on it.

As Mark touched it, the cardboard trembled slightly, and a force surged out, forming a cute little man in the air.

The little man bowed.

"Hello, Mark, I am very presumptuous to send you this letter, please forgive me."

"You and your father Salud's performance, even in countless parallel time and space, makes my master amazed."

"In view of your excellent performance, I now invite you to participate in the banquet hosted by my master and the strongest trainer competition hosted by my master."

"However, if you want to officially participate in the banquet and competition, you still need to complete a small test."

"If you decide to participate in the test, please sign to confirm."

After the little man explained the signing, he disappeared.

The cardboard in Mark's hand also showed two very obvious golden words [Yes] and [No].

In the lower right corner of the cardboard, there are two lines of small words, saying that you can circle or tick the words, and if you do nothing, it will be regarded as giving up.

In addition, in the second line, the small words also reminded in bold that you should not cross out or directly cross out the options, otherwise the invitation may be damaged.

Looking at the prompt text below, Mark raised his eyebrows slightly.

Obviously, the power contained in this cardboard contains some logic, which can intelligently recognize signatures, but not so intelligent.

However, Mark did not feel or think too much about this cardboard.

The reason is very simple, it is the words of the naive little man not long ago.

If Mark is right, little Hupa should have taken the invitation letter originally sent to Mark in other parallel time and space... (End of this chapter)

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