Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Chapter 46 Wallace: Steven, You Deserve To Be Single!

While Jimo and Cynthia in front were confronting each other, Wallace behind him was not idle either.

"Steven? Did you spot it? Weird!"

Wallace nudged his best friend and said in a low voice.

His eyes looked at the two people who were facing each other in front of him, and there was a strange brilliance in his eyes.

"Well, did you find out too?"

Steven rested his chin on one hand, rubbed his chin and thought, "It's not right."

"Yes, yes! I think so!"

Wallace was instantly excited when he heard that his close friends had the same opinion as him.

Now he doesn't look like an elegant world number one coordinated Trainer, nor a Hoenn champion, but just a gossip Common.

Just as the excited Wallace was about to say something, he heard Steven continue.

"Jimo is strong and the actions of Team Galactic are very wrong!"

"It stands to reason that the Alliance should have investigated these Meteorites from beyond the sky. Now that these Meteorites are still here, it proves that the Alliance has not found anything abnormal. Why are they being targeted by Team Galactic?"

"There must be some secrets that we don't know! The people of Team Galactic must have something special for these Meteorites!"

"They know something that the Alliance doesn't know!"

The more Steven talked, the more excited he became, and his eyes were shining brightly. He himself liked stones very much, and even gave up his championship because of this, and even his own company ignored it.

And the big event happening in front of him is obviously related to the stone, so how can he not be excited?

The champion is precious, but the price of the family is higher. If it is a stone, both can be thrown away!


Wallace: "..."

Looking at Steven, who was talking more and more excited, he helplessly covered his face with his hands, and his whole body became depressed.

How silly of me, really!

Knowing that this friend of mine would be particularly energetic when encountering things related to Shitou, why did he think of talking about it with him?

You know, the boss of Devon Company, also Steven's father, Zifuqi Mujin, has worked hard for the other half of his only son.

But now Steven is still single, doesn't that explain the problem?

Even so, listening to Steven talking, he also became interested.

Since it can attract a lawless organization like Team Galactic that opposes the Alliance, there must be some unknown secret hidden in these Meteorites!

The unknown has always been the most attractive existence to Pokémon Trainers!

And this time, on Cynthia and Jimo's side.

"It seems that we can't just resolve it peacefully."

Jimo said seemingly helplessly.

Just now, his proposal to let the two parties stop at this point was rejected by Cynthia without hesitation.

But the helpless emotion only appeared on Jimo's face for a moment, and then disappeared, after all, this was something he had expected a long time ago.

"Since this is the case, then I can only do it. What a pity, I am a person who hates fighting so much."

And just when Jimo was going to use force to solve the matter and leave by force, Steven suddenly spoke out.

"Wait a minute, this...Mr. Jimo."

After recalling Jimo's name, Steven said hesitantly.

"Huh? Who is this?"

Although Jimo had noticed Steven and the huge and imposing Metagross early on, since the other party had no idea of ​​getting ahead, that's all he wanted.

After all, he just came here to find a few stones that no one wanted, so there's no need for side effects, is there?

But now that Steven has spoken, even if he wants to ignore him like before.

"Champion Hoenn, Mr. Steven Stone?"

Jimo's eyes narrowed, Steven's aura was too recognizable, and not everyone can have the aura of being educated in the upper class since childhood!

Adding Metagross with a strong breath on the side, Jimo recognized the other party's identity almost at a glance.

"It's an honor Mr. Jimo recognized me."

"It's just that I have already resigned as the Hoenn champion. The current Hoenn champion is my friend Wallace."

"As for me......"

Steven showed a hearty smile and said with a smile.

"Just a Common Trainer who likes rocks."

"Common's Trainer will not have such a powerful Metagross like you, Steven Champion."

Jimo's deep eyes scanned the Metagross behind Steven, like a piece of Oreburgh, with a strong breath.

As the quasi-god of the Hoenn Region, Metagross is undoubtedly a very powerful Pokémon, as long as it is cultivated, it is the absolute main force!

However, in contrast to its powerful power, it is the expensive cultivation cost of Metagross!

It is simply a bottomless pit!

"In order to find and collect stones in various regions, it is also necessary to have a stronger Pokémon to protect yourself, isn't it?"

Steven smiled brightly.

"You are not a little stronger..."

Zhen Xing on the side slandered in his heart, what the hell is stronger?

Damn, if it's stronger, can my Bronzor, together with the protective cover of Protect's ultimate move, kill it instantly with a single Flash Cannon?

Nima's outrageous!

If you are just stronger, then what am I?

Garbage in the sewer?

Zhenxing is crazy about mmp in his heart!

"If you're being polite, let's stop here!"

Jimo raised his brows and stopped to exchange pleasantries. He had to say that Steven really didn't have any faults in dealing with people.

Even if the two of them are in an awkward situation now, it can make Jimo feel as comfortable as spring breeze.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the young master of the German company, who has been exposed to the existence of excellent education since childhood.

Throwing all these messy thoughts out of his mind, Jimo looked at Steven, who was wearing a delicate suit and had a handsome face in front of him.

"Champion Steven, why do you have the time to travel across the oceans and come to Sinnoh?"

"Could it be that the stones of the Hoenn Region are no longer attractive to you?"

So far, see you in the picture!

Jimo needs to make sure that Steven is here!

Is he a foreign aid specially invited by the Pokémon Alliance Sinnoh branch!


PS: Dear readers, grandparents! If you think the writing is okay and catches the eye, please contribute some data!

Especially rewards and reminders! ! !

I have all your data in my heart, and it becomes the motivation for my code words!

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