Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Chapter 58 Use Your Life As Reward! (Please Subscribe!!!:)

Jimo's eyes were blazing, and his face looked even more holy.

This is the first time that his Absol has shown his god-like power in front of outsiders!

Although the use of it in this situation was beyond Jimo's expectations, there were three champions at the same time, and there were already a group of security personnel from the Alliance as spectators.

The level of Contest on this stage is barely enough.

His scorching eyes were fixed on the elegant figure of White in front of him, and his heart was extremely hot.

Come on! Absol! Bring on the Scourge!

Cynthia and the other three champions even stared wide-eyed, looking at the master and slave in front of them in shock, Absol can summon natural disasters or something...

They have never heard of such a thing!

I saw Mega Absol standing gracefully on the ground, and the feather-like hair behind Normal fluttered and trembled in the wind, looking quite ethereal and sacred.

The horn on the top of the head, which has become a little bigger after the MEGA evolution, is also surrounded by a faint light at this moment.

Then, the wind came!

At first it was a gentle breeze, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into a harsh Hurricane that almost knocked people over!

In this bitter Hurricane, there is also the sky full of Icirrus!

The tiny Icirrus was engulfed by the strong wind and slapped on the human skin, making people feel extremely stinging.

Cynthia and the others stared at the sudden blizzard ahead with their glasses wide open.

Although it is not as good as Blizzard's ultimate move, but in terms of range, the range covered by this blizzard is already terrifying!

The Flamethrower issued by Officer Jenny commanding Arcanine, under the blizzard, was like a small flame of a candle, easily blown out by the terrible cold wind!

The strong blizzard made everyone have to cover their faces with their hands from the cold wind!

As for Jimo, he stood proudly in the distance, letting the blizzard behind him blow his White robes, as if he was perfectly integrated into the blizzard.

There was a haughty smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked down at the people in front of him.

And the Mega Absol next to him has a faint light lingering in his eyes, and his lotus body is like a god Normal covered in snow!

Jimo's wild and wanton laughter rang in everyone's ears at this moment.

"Then, gentlemen!"

"Congratulations! You can be the visitors of this grand prelude! This is a sight that countless people will never see in their lifetime!"

"Then... leave it alone!"

There was a howling cold wind around him, but Ji's voice could reach everyone's ears very clearly.

Then, there was a ferocious dragon roar full of tyranny.

And then, with the ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, this sudden blizzard also disappeared!

When Cynthia, Steven and the others opened their eyes and looked forward again, they found that the messy Meteorite Park around them was now covered in snow, and Jimo's figure had already disappeared.

Everyone was shocked to see the terrible scene next to them, which seemed like a natural disaster.

Wallace scanned the surroundings with wide-eyed eyes, and murmured in disbelief.

"A natural disaster really happened! Ji..... Mega Absol!"

His face was shocked, as if the scene he saw through the intense blizzard just now appeared in his eyes.

Jimo and Mega Absol are like gods under the blizzard, their whole bodies seem to be shrouded in faint hazy divine light!

Such a scene, Wallace dare to say!

"If they participate in the Contest with such an attitude, no matter how tricky the judges are, they will definitely give the highest evaluation!"

Wallace's face was resolute and his tone was determined.

This is an affirmation from him, the world's number one coordinating trainer, Contest Venerable Wallace!

"It actually did it... Mega Absol, it actually caused a natural disaster!"

Steven was also very surprised, "Is it because of the special effect brought about by the evolution of MEGA?"

He licked his lips, his eyes were hot, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes pierced the dark night sky, and looked in a certain direction.

In an extremely distant place in that direction, there is a continent called Carlos!

"MEGA Evolution, Carlos Region... Really, I am looking forward to it more and more!"

Glancing aside in self-shock, completely ignoring Steven and Wallace around her, Officer Jenny finally focused her gaze on Cynthia.

She tentatively said.

"Champion of Cynthia, was that...?"

Officer Jenny's tone was soft, while she was speaking, she carefully looked at Cynthia's face.

She seemed to understand why champion Cynthia and the others didn't react at all when they saw Hunter J running away!

It wasn't Cynthia who suppressed Jimo here as she thought, but Jimo, who made Cynthia and the others helpless!

Cynthia was staring blankly at the figure in the Soaring in the sky that was completely covered by the night sky and could not be seen clearly. There was a strange look in her beautiful eyes.

It wasn't until she heard Officer Jenny's question that she turned her head and smiled decently at Miss Jun.

"Jimo, the leader of Team Galactic, just left in 613."

"The leader of Team Galactic!"

Officer Jenny's eyes shrunk, because Veilstone City's special geographical environment is almost isolated from the world, and the news of Jimo did not spread widely, so Officer Jenny didn't know about Ji.

But, even so, the words Team Galactic still sounded like thunder to Officer Jenny!

Especially when Jimo is also the leader of Team Galactic!

Although their Team Galactic in the Sinnoh Region is not as powerful as Team Rocket in the Kanto Region, and almost dominates the entire underground area, the power is absolutely terrifying!

"Then... Cynthia champions, can it be possible for you..."

Officer Jenny carefully watched Cynthia's expression, she didn't know the new Sinnoh champion.

But according to her understanding, the characters of powerful Trainers are quite arrogant, especially those who become champions at such a young age, how arrogant they will be in their hearts, Officer Jenny can imagine.

And my own problem, obviously very likely to touch Cynthia!

But seeing Officer Jenny's cautious expression, Cynthia couldn't help but let out a snort and smile.

"Officer Jenny, don't be so careful."

"If you lose, you lose. I'm not such a narrow-minded person."

Afterwards, Cynthia let her beautiful eyes go blank again, and added a sentence in her heart.


And at this moment, in the direction Jimo is going away.

Garchomp is like a jet fighter, flying at high speed in the air.

And even at this speed, Jimo is still like a thick rock, Normal, sitting firmly behind Garchomp, without even a slight sway,

Send a message to Zhen Xing and others, telling them to hide first, and wait until the time is stable before bringing Meteorite back to Veilstone City.

That's right! Jimo isn't planning to take Meteorite elsewhere, but is planning to bring it back to Meteorite!

One is because the base facilities in Veilstone City are relatively complete, which is convenient for various tasks on Meteorite.

As for the second, it is because of human nature!

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place!

If Jimo was in the position of Alliance, he probably wouldn't think that the people of Team Galactic worked so hard to steal Meteorite, and then changed hands and brought it back to Veilstone City.

This is a trap set against human nature!

After ordering Zhen Xing and others, Jimo opened the map on the phone.

On the map, two small bright spots are moving rapidly.

One of them is naturally Jimo himself, and the other one is the hunter who just escaped!

Seeing the little dots scurrying around like headless flies in front of him, representing Hunter J, Li Mo frowned [said with a light smile.

"It seems that I really don't have the slightest majesty at all! This hunter" seems to want to just run away like this!"

Although it was a light smile, there was no warmth at all in Ji's eyes, but extremely cold.

Naturally, he is not a good man and a faithful woman. The reason why he saved the hunter just now was because he wanted to use her for profit.

But the hunter" actually wanted to escape like this, how could he allow it?

A cold and indifferent voice sounded in the night air.

"Garchomp! Forward!"

"Let's play the cat-and-mouse game again! Disobedient mice need to be taught in this way!"


The ferocious dragon's roar resounded in the cold air.

The majestic dragon's power is like a wild beast, Normal, making countless weak Pokémon in the forest below tremble!

But at this very moment, at the position of the hunter, behind a flying dragon with bloody wings, there were unstoppable voices of cursing and resentment.

"Damn, hate, hate!!! What the hell is that!"

"Damn Pokémon Alliance, damn Team Galactic!!!"

Hunter J's eyes seemed to be on fire, and her complexion was distorted by the Rage in her heart. She never thought that she would have such a big somersault!

Obviously, it was just an easy task like going to Veilstone City to snatch Meteorite, but the hunter also thought that as long as he did it himself, it would be as easy as picking something out of a bag.

but why!

Why did it end up like this!

Although he has escaped from Shengtian now, when recalling that terrifying scene, the hunter still can't help but feel chills all over his body!

"Champion Sinnoh! Champion Hoenn! And the leader of Team Galactic!"

"Damn it! Could it be that this group of people set a trap there specially to let me, the hunter, take the bait?"

Hunter J can't figure it out even if he wants to break his head. Obviously, with his Elite-level Salamence, he can go as far as he can in the Sinnoh Region.

Except for the few Elite Four champions, I can say that I am not afraid of anyone!

Even if it's Elite Four in person.

Although she couldn't beat her, she was able to leave safely. It was nothing more than wasting some of her men who were no different from cannon fodder.

Anyway, for her hunter, those subordinates have never been taken into consideration by her!

Originally, "Hunter" thought so, but the fact gave him a slap in the face!

"I didn't expect those four people to be all champions!"

The hunters are all stupid, Sinnoh has never faced a champion for so many years, but now he has bumped into four champions in one go!

what the hell is she

Are you in the champion's den?

Wholesale champions here?

"The hunter group that was built so hard was wiped out in one fell swoop!"

The hunter's face was gloomy, and although she had a cold nature, she was able to ruthlessly abandon her subordinates and escape alone.

However, losing so many subordinates in one fell swoop, even she is extremely heartbroken!

Not to mention the airship with almost all her wealth on it!

"No! It's okay!"

"As long as I'm here, there's still a chance to make a comeback!"

"It's just some subordinates who can be discarded casually. With my name as Hunter J, it is not difficult to gather subordinates again!"

"That's right! I'm not done yet!"

"Alliance! And Team Galactic!"

The hunter's eyes were cloudy, with strong resentment and resentment.

"The day I make a comeback is the day I will take revenge on you!"

Hunter's character is arrogant, and he has absolute confidence in himself.

Although her group can be said to have been completely destroyed now, this is not important. For her, as long as she is still there, it is not a problem.

She doesn't care about her subordinates, and the money can be made again!

Since I have succeeded once, I will definitely succeed a second time!

Hunter thinks so, but...

"Oh? Miss actually has such [great] ambitions, I really have to be amazed!"

"But unfortunately, you no longer have this opportunity!"

The male voice with a faint smile came into Hunter J's ears, and immediately made the hunter feel a chill from behind along the spine rushing towards Weiling Gai.

Her pupils trembled, her scalp was numb, and she ordered in a startled voice.

"Salamence! Dragon Pulse!"


Salamence at the foot of Hunter J couldn't help letting out a high-pitched dragon roar when he heard this, and turned his head and spit out a blue dragon light.

The energy of Dragon Pulse is extremely manic, just like an angry dragon Normal, stabbing towards the dark night sky.

"Although I'm already scared to death, do you still maintain the rationality to fight back?"

"This way of coping is not bad!"

Looking at the Dragon Pulse speeding forward from the front, Jimo nodded slightly.

Although Hunter J was a little arrogant and ruthless, at least at this moment, her judgment was correct.

Immediately, Li Mo's tone suddenly turned cold, and his complexion also sank.

"Although it's okay to be able to give orders in a timely manner, it's extremely stupid not to measure the strength gap between the two sides!"

"Such a weak Dragon Pulse... Garchomp, break it!"

Although Hunter J's reaction is quite quick, but it's too weak!

She, who doesn't know how to measure the difference in strength between the two sides, is undoubtedly seeking her own death!

Just like the time before when they plunged headfirst into the eyes of their four champions!


Garchomp's roar is completely different from that of Salamence, but the dragon power contained in it is more ferocious and terrifying than that of Salamence!

Dragon Pulse spits out blatantly!

In an instant, Garchomp's Dragon Pulse crushed Salamence's Dragon Pulse, and continued to attack Salamence unabated!

"Get out of the way!"

Although Hunter J hurriedly ordered Salamence to dodge, it was a step too late after all.

Salamence's bloody wings were swept across by the ferocious dragon light, and he let out a cry of pain, and his huge figure also uncontrollably fell towards the dense forest below.


The huge tonnage fell, making Ground tremble.

The hunter climbed down from Salamence's body in embarrassment. His face, which was always arrogant and cold in the past, was now covered with dirty dust and mud king.

She stood on all fours, clenched her teeth, and her face was even more ferocious and distorted!


She was beaten down again in such a humiliating way!!!


Garchomp's strong hind legs landed with a dull sound.

Looking at the unwilling hunters on the ground, Jimo tilted his head and said with a smile.

"Finally recognized the reality, so have you given up on the meaningless escape?"

Hunter J raised his head with difficulty, stared at Jimo bitterly, and said every word unwillingly.

"Leader of Team Galactic, Jimo!"

"Why do you want Help Alliance against me! There is no conflict between us Pokémon hunters and your Team Galactic!"

"We should have a common enemy, the Pokémon Alliance!!!"

The hunter couldn't figure out why Jimo would target him like this!

Even the people who helped the Pokémon Alliance before made their escape plan fall short!

Now that I managed to escape, he actually appeared again!

What the hell is he thinking!!!

Being watched by Hunter J with such satisfied eyes, Jimo couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said with a light smile.

"I'm targeting you? Ms. Hunter J, please don't make a mistake! Just now I didn't respond from the beginning, it was you who didn't have eyes and bumped into my head, right?"

"And if it wasn't for my help, wouldn't it be possible for you to think that you could escape from the Alliance's hands just by relying on your three-legged kung fu?"

Hearing this, Hunter J couldn't help breathing, and it was only when she remembered that Tuanshi really seemed to be what Ji said.

From the time she got off the spaceship, Li Mo didn't say a word, and even the only shot was because she thought she wanted to take him as a hostage, so it was

Forced to do so.

As for the fact that I was able to escape later, it was because Jimo stopped Cynthia and Officer Jenny, otherwise I am afraid that I would be in prison now!

Looking at the thoughtful hunter in front of him," Jimo tilted his head slightly and asked with a smile.

"How, have you finally remembered?"


Hunter J's face turned pale and white, and after clearing her thoughts, she found that she really had no position to blame Jimo, and even wanted to thank him in turn!


But to make the haughty hunter J bow his head, it's not much easier than killing her.

"Since you have saved me from Alliance, why are you pestering me now?"

"Miss is really a noble person who forgets things too much. Didn't I already say it before? I need you to come and contribute my meager strength to protect this beautiful world.


But after hearing Jimo's reason, Hunter, it was like hearing some funny joke. ,

Her eyes widened, looking at Jimo in astonishment.

"Save the world? You're not out of your mind, are you? You're Team Galactic! I'm a Pokémon hunter with nothing to lose!"

"We are all outlaws operating in the darkness behind the Alliance, how dare you say you want (bcet) to protect the world?"

"Are you dreaming? What a joke!"

The hunter almost burst out laughing.

To know who they are!

He is a hunter who ignores the laws and regulations of the Alliance. As long as there is profit to be found, no matter how dirty and despicable things are, criminals can do them!

Snatch Meteorite, selling Pokémon... This kind of thing is already commonplace for her!

And not to mention Jimo!

He's the leader of Team Galactic!

Although Hunter doesn't know what Team Galactic's real purpose is, no matter from which angle you look at it, Team Galactic is not a harmonious and friendly organization.

Like her Pokémon hunter, they are criminals hiding in the dark!

But the leader of such an evil organization actually approached her, a Pokémon hunter, and said that he wanted to protect the world?

How can such a funny joke keep the hunter from laughing out loud?


Looking at Jimo, whose expression didn't change at all, even the hunter couldn't stop laughing.

She put away her increasingly wanton smile, turned to look at Jimo in front of her solemnly and said in a deep voice.

"are you serious?"

Until now, she still finds it quite unbelievable.

After all, this joke is really big!

It's fine if she doesn't destroy the world, save the world?

How can this be!


Jimo nodded calmly.


There are many Legendary Pokémon in this world, Ho-Oh and Lugia in Kanto Region, Flightless in Hoenn Region and Kyogre, Rayquaza, Tao III in Unova Region

Dragon Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem...

There are also some other Legendary Pokémon, because they have powerful god-like power, have a long lifespan that is almost as long as the sky, and unique god powers

These Legendary pet Pokémon, also known as gods!

And among the numerous Legendary gods, the gods of their Sinnoh Region are the most special ones!

God of Time Dialga, God of Space Palkia, Lord of the Reverse World, Charon Dragon Giratina!

The god of time maintains the stability of time, allowing this world to have the past and the present!

The God of space continues the existence of space, allowing this world to have the universe!

And the Lord of the Reverse World controls the Reverse World and supports the existence of the entire world!

Among all the gods, these three gods are the most special kind!

Without them, even this world will be destroyed!

And few people know that above these three gods, there is a supreme god!

God of Creation! Arceus!

Thinking of that holy figure, Wu couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

The God of Creation in Legendary is currently sleeping in its Hall of Origin, and will wake up soon!

And when it wakes up, the God of Creation will personally destroy the world it created!

"Stupid and greedy, human beings devoured by desire!"

Jimo couldn't help cursing under his breath, if there weren't so many stupid people out there, why would he do it himself!

Immediately, Jimo hid the gloom on his face and looked at the hunter in front again."

"So, miss, what is your answer?"

Jimo has a certain chance of winning, he is not worried that the hunter will reject him at all, because…………

He is no good man!

Hunter, no right to choose!

Seeing that Ji Bu seemed to be joking in front of him, the hunter couldn't help showing a cold and cruel sneer.

"Mr. Jimo, think about it clearly, my fee is very high, you Team Galactic, you have to be mentally prepared~~~

Although he doesn't know what Jimo's so-called saving the world is, Hunter is also very clear that it is impossible for him to leave like this!

In addition, she is a lawless person herself, so she doesn't mind whether Jimo is going to save the world or destroy the world.

For her, Hunter J, as long as she has money, that's enough!

So instead of refusing and getting beaten up by Jimo, you might as well just obey him, maybe you can earn some extra money and become the capital for your comeback!



Rubbing his chin, Jimo said meaningfully.

There was a hint of disgust in his eyes, even she, a hunter who was already a softie in the urn, wanted to ask him for a reward?

He showed a full smile towards the hunter, but the tone of his words was without warmth.

"I won't be Miss Hunter, what do you think of using your life as a reward?"


The tyrannical dragon's roar suddenly sounded, and the ferocious dragon's majesty filled the space in an instant.

The terrifying aura made Hunter J feel as if he was being targeted by a prehistoric beast, he just felt like a thorn in his back!

The hunter's back suddenly felt cold, and his whole body was even more horrified, so he forced himself to say.

"What's going on, Mr. Ji, this doesn't conform to the rules of the Tao!"

"Rules? You're just a stray dog. You really take yourself seriously? If it weren't for me, you'd be in jail in the Alliance by now!"

Jimo's face is disdainful, Hunter J's strength is good, and Duan Ye's hand is quite ruthless.

It's no wonder she's been able to go so far as a Pokémon hunter, and has even developed so many minions.


Too stupid, too greedy!

In this case, you still think about Retaliate?

"You still want to ask me for a reward! You don't know how to live or die!"

"Speak! What's your answer? If it's a refusal, don't say it. I don't want to listen to a dead man.

The hunter's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, she never expected that Ji would turn his face and deny anyone so much!

How does Hunter J say that she is considered number one in Sinnoh, but in Ji Hei's eyes, she looks like cats and dogs that can be seen everywhere on the roadside!

She wanted to get angry, but the sense of oppression from Garchomp and the sense of crisis in her heart forced the hunter to calm down.

She knew that if she really said the refusal, then she would only die!

In the end, the hunter lowered his head dejectedly.

"you win."

"Very well, glad you made the right choice.

Looking at Jimo in front of him, the hunter couldn't help cursing in his heart, did I make the right choice?

Damn you didn't want me to choose at all, okay?

If I don't agree, are you going to kill me with the Garchomp knife!

What the hell!!!

Suddenly, "Hunter" seemed to remember something, she was startled, and suddenly looked up at Jimo.

"How did you find me! I should have run far away just now!"

Just after Jimo stopped Cynthia and Miss Junsha, Lie and Salamence ran away with the fastest speed in Zhongzhong's life!

Such a long time is enough to make her disappear from everyone's sight!

How could Jimo find her!

"You said this!"

Jimo pointed to the hem of the hunter's coat, where he had just kicked, where a transmitter was flashing red light.

"It was at that time!"

The hunter's face was solemn, and Jimo actually placed a transmitter on her body between the Spark flints!

And the most deceitful thing is that she cared about running away and didn't notice!

Hunter J lowered his head dejectedly, this time, she didn't lose unjustly!

Looking away from Hunter J, who bowed his head slumped in front of him, Ji knew that his plan had succeeded.

Hunter, now I can't escape from his palm!

"The Meteorite of Veilstone City has been obtained, although the diamond stone of Dialga is now in the museum of Eterna City, but the Pearl jade of Palkia has not been excavated yet

Jimo's eyes flickered, and he quickly recalled the information he had in his mind.

The effect of diamond in the game is to enhance the power of Dialga's steel and dragon skills. In the real world, it can even improve Dialga's overall strength!

Well, it's similar to the two orbs of Flightless and Kyogre, except that the adamantine doesn't control the function of Dialga.

"In the Legendary of the mythical Region, the traces of Arceus, the god of creation, and Giratina, the master of the Reverse World, have been obscured for a long time! Many people only know Dialga, the dragon of time, and Palkia, the dragon of space!"

"And the relationship between the two is quite close! Presumably when the Pearl jade is unearthed, the people of the Alliance will put these two precious jades together for research!"

"Since this is the case, I can wait until the Pearl Jade is unearthed, and then go all out to get these two gems that contain the power of God!"

Ji, who has the memory of his previous life, knows that the current Pearl jade has not yet appeared, but is buried in the historical relics of Celestic Town. Since this is the case, there is no need for him to be so anxious.

Then, Ji Hei's deep eyes looked at Soaring in the sky again, as if he wanted to see something through the dark night.

"Adamantine and Pearl can be Quashed, so the next task is to catch that Pokémon in the lake!"

"The three gods who shaped the spiritual world and gave birth to the heart......"

"Uxie who brought wisdom to mankind, Mesprit who taught mankind emotion, and Azelf who bestowed human will!"

Jimo's eyes were deep, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, and he couldn't help smiling.

"If it was Cyrus, he would definitely hate these three Pokémon, right? After all... it was you who brought his most hated [heart]!

"It doesn't matter if it's just my words, as long as you can contribute to this world and my plan."

"Let's go, hunter", back to the base!"

World of Pokémon, Sinnoh Region, Pokémon Alliance.

It was still in the familiar meeting room, but this time the report was no longer Jenny Yuu, but Steven and Wallace.

Well, although they are not affiliated with the Sinnoh Alliance, they are also the former and current champions after all, and they are the personal experiencers of that incident, so they came here together.

The above is the report on the actions of Team Galactic and Hunter J in Veilstone City!"

After reporting all her information, Cynthia once again returned the leadership of the meeting to the congressmen.

And at the moment Cynthia stopped, Rage's voice appeared again in this conference room.

"Damn it! It's Team Galactic again! Could it be that they really plan to fight against our Pokémon Alliance?"

"It seems that we were too soft-hearted in the past, which made Team Galactic develop into what it is today! We need to be ruthless in the future!"

"Hmph! That's right! No matter how Team Galactic Power Trip is, it's just a mouse hiding in the shadow of Alliance!"

"This cancer must be eradicated! I think it's time to summon the Elite Four!"

"Elite Four? What's the use of that! The Cynthia champions failed again!"

"Can't even stop the three champions? Team Galactic is hard to deal with!"

As they spoke, many councilors who were originally filled with righteous indignation and wanted to eradicate the scourge of Team Galactic couldn't help but turn their guns and aimed at Cynthia.

The meaning behind the words is simply blaming Cynthia for her dereliction of duty!

Jenny You on the side frowned deeply, expressing her heartfelt disgust at these councilors!

At this time, don't you think about how to remedy it, and actually want to shirk responsibility?

so dirty!!!

On the other side, Steven and Wallace next to Cynthia also frowned deeply. The two of them have been champions for a longer time, and their prestige in the Alliance is also deeper.

In addition, Steven himself is the young master of the Zvokki family, so when he was in the Hoenn Alliance, he never encountered a situation like this one.

Not only did the members of Alliance not dare to reprimand him, but they were extremely respectful to him!

Cynthia's complexion was not very good either. She admitted that she had failed and was willing to accept Punishment.

But isn't the more important thing now to find out what Jimo and Team Galactic are up to, and come up with countermeasures?

As a result, these people are all shirking their responsibilities!

As a result, the current situation has become that many congressmen are venting their dissatisfaction wantonly.

And Cynthia and the other three champions became more and more ugly following the unobstructed words of the congressmen!

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