The two looked at the time and it was almost noon, and they still had to go back to school in the afternoon, and they liked Mr. Ailu's outdoor classes in the afternoon and could learn a lot.

The two returned to the school gate and ate something together and then came to the school again, looking at the time thirty minutes before class, the two came to the school playground, today's Hirona is extremely sexy, so that the male students don't know how many times they have peeked.

"There are many people there, let's go and see my wife~

" "I... I haven't eaten ice cream today..."

So Hu Lin Qing first ran to the side to buy two ice cream, and then took Shirona to the crowded sign.

When the surrounding students saw Lin Qing, some of them directly dodged in a hurry, for fear of being targeted by this living Yan King.

"I'll take a look, welcome... New... Big...... Yes, the winner will receive 200,000 Union Coins as a bursary and can receive an entry-level ugly fish! Lin Qing read with a puzzled look.

Then he asked Hirona next to him: "What level is this entry level??? "

Lower qualification than amateur level! Elves with almost no combat ability in the early stage, such as King Carp, Ugly Fish, Green Caterpillar, and Unicorn, are most likely entry-level and the lowest qualified pokemon! It takes a lot of effort to train them! Shirona said with a serious look.

Lin Qing listened to Shirona's answer while looking at Shirona who was looking at the billboard seriously, he knew that Shirona definitely wanted an ugly fish, she had mentioned before that she wanted a Menas, and the mascot of their academy was the ugly ugly fish, which can be said to be much better than the market in Qingliu City.

Just as they were talking, there was a little fat man with eyes next to him holding his little magnetic monster and saying, "Hmph! It's not so much an orientation convention! It's better to say the Mawei Conference! They will send senior ones to fight against us! On a class-by-class basis!! The newcomers of last year and the year before were wiped out by the army! It's impossible to win over those third graders!

Lin Qing was also interested, and asked playfully: "Brother, do you have any words about this third-grade one?" The

little fat man looked at Lin Qing, and then looked at Shirona behind him with a shy expression, he thought that he had never seen such a good-looking woman....

"I... I also heard ... Their third-year students each have three elves... The most inferior is also ordinary level... All of them are elite... Most of our first grade is amateur, most of the second grade is ordinary, and most of the third grade is elite, and I heard that some people in the top class have professional level elves! Surrender directly... I'm not sure my elf is going to get seriously injured! The

little fat man said nervously, and then looked at Shirona next to him, blushed and ran away!

Lin Qing was also aware, he looked at the time again to start the competition tomorrow afternoon, in the school playground, you can first sign up with the head teacher of your class today!

Each squad can select 5 people today for tomorrow's battle.

As the class bell rang, Lin Qing also took Shirona back to the classroom, and sure enough, as soon as the class teacher came in, he told everyone in the class about tomorrow afternoon's orientation meeting.

Teachers of each grade are very fond of these school activities, and a good ranking can not only earn teacher points, but even get rewards!

"Good! Which students in our class would like to participate! This afternoon, we can have a battle, so Teacher Ai Lu and I will watch everyone compete in the playground, and select five students to represent our first grade 6 class for tomorrow's competition!

As soon as the head teacher Karin's voice fell, the students in the classroom began to talk, and after ten minutes, everyone who wanted to sign up filled out the form.

There were 35 people in the class, a total of 18 people who signed up, and Teacher Karin was excited, and half of the people who signed up! It shows that the strength of these students should not be too bad.

Zhang Hu and the five of them immediately signed up after seeing the eldest brother Lin Qing sign up! Also threatened the students in the front row, who dared to sign up to see you at the small intersection after school!! He took another picture of the registration form with his mobile phone and sent it to the four little brothers.

Made a gesture of wiping his neck, who dares to block in front of their eldest brother will be a three-piece greeting: intimidation, blackmail, fat beating!

As a result, only 7 of the original 18 people who signed up went to the playground, six were stopped by them, plus the five of them, a total of 11 people did not go....

Now Zhang Hu is pressing one to scare, "You garbage business-level Bobo also dare to make up the numbers?" Waste our class places! Which trash do I see dares to grab a spot? "

Tiger... Brother Tiger! This is not convinced! He said that his horn bud had practiced tai chi..." Wang Chuang said with a look of displeasure.

Then the one who was not convinced released his trumpet bud, and the leaves gnawed by Zhang Hu and the five of them directly released unicorns and green caterpillars were rotten... Go back and pay thousands of treatment costs!

"Who else has practiced Tai Chi??"

For a while, no one dared to speak at the intersection....

The head teacher Karin and Ai Lu who came to the playground looked at each other with an embarrassed look, and Ai Lu clearly remembered that Karin said that there were 18, why was there 7? There are at least 15 people in the class next to me, and the sixth class of this grade... It's a bit of a bump.

When Lin Qing was thinking about how to use the kettle to compete, he saw the five tiger generals walking over from the opposite side, Zhang Hu took the four younger brothers behind him with a proud look and made an OK gesture with Lin Qing, Lin Qing understood what was going on on the spot!

Damn it! Absolutely....

"In this way, our students in the sixth class, the seven of you only need to eliminate two, for the sake of fairness, use the physical fitness test as a standard to measure strength, and the next two are eliminated."

When several people heard this, they directly released their elves, Lin Qing also released the little sharks, and Teacher Elu found something wrong on the spot, this elf... It seems that the body size has grown again!!

"Ready!! Begin! The

little shark directly landed on all fours like a runaway blue missile, so that Shirona's elite-level Ibrahimovic could barely catch up, and the people behind were thrown away.

Then Lin Qing simply stopped directly and let the little shark run by himself, he wanted to try this newly added kettle.

"Come out! Kettle pot! Teacher

Ai Lu next to him looked puzzled, how to release this food-making elf, how to run like this....

"The kettle uses tumbling! Catch up with those elves in front! Well done evening rewards you with three tree fruits!! Lin Qing directly started the lure mode, and the kettle directly turned on the tumbling when he heard this.

Although its tumbling was not very good, because the shell was not very regular, it also slowly caught up with the horn bud at the back of the line.

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