Liliai said and ran away, puffing out her cheeks with a dissatisfied face, her mother was still like this after so many years.

He didn't respect his children's opinions at all, he could do whatever he wanted, and even Liliai's personal space had to interfere.

I met a friend named Ash before, but her mother didn't agree with Lilia Ai and them hanging out.

It is not a good thing to say that any man is, especially if he has worshiped the Dragon Emperor.

But Lilia knew that Ash would never have thoughts about women, and she wanted to make it clear to her mother many times, but her mother directly locked her up and did not let the door out.

Yesterday, she was even more unreasonable, saying that she would introduce her to the cadres of the Galaxy team and let her go on a blind date.

What to say, as long as the marriage is established, the Aether Foundation and the Rainbow Rocket Team will go further.

Thinking that Liliai was already planning to leave here, looking at this seemingly prosperous ether foundation, she knew that her mother had changed.

Her mother was not of this personality before, and she didn't know what was going on, as if it had changed before the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom.

Her mother Lushaminai captured many mythical beasts, and many elves such as Land Cloud and Biligion are now kept by her mother in her etheric paradise.

In her eyes, as long as it is a Pokémon she wants, it must live under her nose, which is the safest, so she built this place.

At first, the foundation was run with the concept of "protecting injured Pokémon", and perhaps it was good at first.

But everything changed later.

Her mother seems to have taken a virtual wuyide, and she doesn't know how, and it has changed since then.

Possessive and manipulative, not only for Pokémon, but also for her children.

Liliai, who can no longer stand this oppression, plans to leave here today.

With her, the little nebula lurked in the backyard.

"Mom is really annoying, this time I really ignored you! I'm getting out of here! Get out of here forever! Liliai said with an angry look.

Then she took out her mobile phone, and Xiao Zhi, Xiao Gang, and Xiao Xia, who came to pick her up today, had long been lurking in the grass at the back door of their house.

"Pika~Pikachu~Pippi~" Pikachu looked around with a wary face, and after reporting to Ash, he also returned to Ash's shoulder again.

"Nice job Pikachu!" Ash whispered, that is, yesterday, their friend Liliai suddenly told them to take her out of her house.

Faced with their friend's proposal to run away from home, they also made up their minds after repeated discussion.

Soon, a man crawled out of a dog hole in the backyard, a yellow-haired girl wearing a huge sunhat, followed by a small nebula.

"Over here! Liliai~~"

Ash shouted with a look of excitement.

Liliai was overjoyed, her mouth was slightly upturned, and she ran over with an excited face.

"Everyone's coming?! It's really troublesome for you! Let's go quickly... My mom was still inside with the people from the Galaxy team.

Ash was also a little nervous and said, "Does it really not matter? Liliai, you left here, then isn't your mother even more unscrupulous? Thinking

of the captured Pokémon, Ash was a little excited and wanted to rescue them.

Xiao Xia next to her also reminded in a good voice: "Take Liliai away first, there are a lot of people from the Rainbow Rocket Team here..."

Xiao Gang also said excitedly: "Do you want me to talk to Liliai's mother about life and talk all night!" I can definitely use my passion to Miss Lilia's mother! "

Bang~~Bang~~" Xiaoxia directly punched again.

Xiao Gang smoked above his head, and his face was full of unwillingness.

Soon they got into a flying machine, which was a pedal flying machine developed by Kojiro.

Kinetic energy must have two people to pedal that bike.

Ash and Xiaogang have also experienced the hardships of the Rockets for 25 years.

The two pedaled, Xiaoxia drove, and soon they were flying.

Xiaoxia looked at the steering wheel of this cockpit that was actually the front of a bicycle, and she also swallowed her saliva.

"The Ministry of Scientific Research... It's really quite environmentally friendly..."

And just when Ash's horizontal version of the Goranon flying machine just flew into the air, the first person of the Aether Foundation also woke up now, and hurriedly took the walkie-talkie and shouted: "There are intruders!!" "

The intruders are coming in!! Hurry up and dispatch the Air Force, send the Bigmouth Gull!! "

Dozens of large-billed gulls and big king swallows flew out directly, and there were people riding on them.

Xiaoxia hurriedly shouted: "Quick!! Hurry up and pedal!! Use a little force! Caught up! Ash

also hurriedly stood up from the bicycle seat, and even the pedaling belt began to exert force!

Xiao Gang also began to exert strength.

And at this time, Pikachu also stood up, roaring something with an excited face.

Xiao Xia was also stunned: "What? Open the car window?

Pikachu nodded and looked at the large-mouthed gulls behind him with an excited face, obviously wanting to make another move of thunder from the sky.

I saw that after Xiaoxia opened the window of the aircraft, Pikachu climbed along the wall of the aircraft to the top.

Looking at the group of flying elves behind him, and the group of little minions of the Aether Foundation who didn't look like good people, Pikachu clenched his fists, hunched over, and directly exerted force.

"Pickup ... ~Pickup~~~!!! Qiu ~~~ "

A huge thunder in the sky, the flying elves behind are simply like a catastrophe, landing one after another, obviously they are almost ripe.

And at this time, another big brother who was not afraid of death directly released a championship-level eagle!

It's several times higher than those professional-level big-billed gulls level!

The people of the Aether Foundation behind shouted excitedly: "Up! Captain!!! Hahaha! A championship-level competition! They definitely won't be able to run!! Xiao

Xia in the aircraft looked at the champion-level eagle behind her with a cold sweat, and swallowed her saliva a little nervously.

Because she saw that there were more than a dozen flying elves next to her who had not been hit by Pikachu's thunder.

If this is a five-five Pikachu against the championship eagle to thunder... Those with low grades in the back are estimated to fly up in place.

And at this moment, Ash below also heard another person chasing behind him, and hurriedly shouted: "Pikachu!! Don't take it lightly! Use the Falling Thunder Attack!! Full power!

Xiao Xia's eyes widened, and she looked nervously at the group of people behind, although they came to steal people, they didn't want to kill people.

With a huge thunder from Pi Daddy, the sky and the earth changed color....

Everyone was stunned, how could the giant thunder, which was only two meters thick just now, be ten times larger now....

"I grass..."

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