Lin Qing held her breath.

Looking solemnly towards the deep pit of the cave, I saw that in the purple to blackened pit, the ghost held a purple bead in one hand and pinched a guard with the other.

The appearance is very kind, and the kind eyebrows are smiling there: "Don't be afraid~ don't be afraid~ just a moment ~ just a little~"

looks extremely strange.

And Lin Qing just felt a little strange, what are the black shadows on the ground.

At first glance, it is all poisonous elves, dragon king scorpion, rice spoon snake, Nido king, double bullet gas and other elves died in a whole piece, and there are a group of ghostly dead guards around.

And they were all divided into corpses, and the state of death was very miserable, as if they had been scraped alive by some attack.

Lin Qing did not dare to breathe, looked at the ghosts below, and tried to probe the other party's thoughts again.

But all that came out was the resentment and grievances of countless unjust souls that emerged from the ghosts, and the incomparably huge ghost energy rushed straight into the sky.

Just when Lin Qing was still frightened, the man below suddenly became extremely painful, and his expression was distorted.

"Nope... Don't! Lord Ghost... I... I still have children..." The

ghost smiled evilly and stuffed the poisonous orb in his hand directly into the man's mouth.

"Don't be afraid~don't be afraid~just be fine~~I'll give you a new life~~" Ghost said while looking at the man who had rolled his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost stretched out his other hand and pointed directly at the man's heart, and countless ghost energy gushed out wildly.

The man went into shock on the spot, and his body twisted in an extremely exaggerated movement like a zombie.

You will be the third Homo sapiens elf, a combination of ghost, poison, and man!" With

the man's roar, the clothes on his body began to burst open, his eyes were like demons, his body became larger, his skin turned purple, and he was obviously no longer human.

Lin Qing looked at the monster with a look of horror, and he could clearly feel the energy and level of the other party.

Dojo level............

How is it possible that a living person has become an elf, and it is still at the level of a dojo?

At this moment, the ghost took out a silver pixie ball and threw it towards the man who had just completed the transformation with a look of ecstasy.

"Come back, you will call the poisonous ghost in the future~"

But the man did not resist, knelt on one knee with a respectful face, and was accepted by the ghost.

Then the ghost looked at the mess in this place and shook his head helplessly.

"Alas~ I have to do this every time~ It's really troublesome, and I have to take in some new members~ I accidentally ran out again~"

At this moment, the ghost seemed to have discovered something, looked into the air with a vigilant face, and a huge shadow ball directly stunned.

A violent explosion was emitted from above, and a supersonic bat was directly seconds, and a wing fell to the ground.

And after Lin Qing took that person in with that strange spirit ball, he immediately ran.

Now he has arrived at a restaurant outside the secret, and his heart is still hairy....

Use ghost energy and poisonous orbs to create monsters

, and collect people into the spirit ball

? This ghost itself must be at least the strength of the heavenly king

? Is it also a traverser?

"System! System! Are you still alive?" Lin Qing slowly closed his eyes, wanting to find out.

"I'm in... This must be deflated again, otherwise can you remember me?"

Are there any other crossers besides me?"

I checked..."

"There should be no in this dimensional space... What's wrong with the boss?"

Lin Qing kept thinking back to the elf TV he had watched before, and couldn't think of what the situation was.

"You've seen... Can someone turn a person into an elf with their bare hands? The conjured elf is directly at the Taoist hall level! Have you ever seen it??" The

system looked at Lin Qing as if looking at Erbi, not wanting to deal with him at all.

Lin Qing then pressed and asked, "I asked if you have seen it?" and

the system replied with a disgruntled face: "Nonsense! Did you drink fake wine? Or was you dumped by your young daughter-in-law?"

You better rest you, hang or not, every day I know about absenteeism, forget it, I'll check it myself. After

eating, Lin Qing also had no bottom in his heart, this ghost is definitely not a good person, and he is planning something.

In the future, you must keep your distance from this ghost as much as possible, and you also need to find some helpers! The other two Qingliu Sanjie?

In short, you need to improve your strength as soon as possible, and build your own team, and find some henchmen!

Thinking of this, Lin Qing also had a plan, and there was still something to do before he went home.

Saved the women who were captured by the old liquor man.

Then, with the memory of the dead old wine, he found the basement.

After Lin Qing saw the victims, she also made an anonymous phone call and asked the police to come to their rescue.

What shocked Lin Qing was that two of these women were still students, and maybe they would never dare to go to any secret realm in their lives.

On Hirona and Mary's side, they have also returned to the Elven Hunter Center.

I just received the bounty for picking highly poisonous mushrooms in that highly toxic secret realm, and one person shared some.

Bud Yi saw that she was going back, and said with a reluctant face: "That! Sister Nana, thank you so much today, if it weren't for you and your husband... Maybe we're all burping

~""Next time, let's find out more information, don't be so impulsive~ Let's go back early~ It's not early

" "Slow down Nana on the road... Send me a message when you get home!" Mary shouted to Hirona, who was walking away,

and Hirona beckoned to them and called a car to go home.

In the car, Shirona was deep in thought.

Tonight's events really shocked Shirona's heart, and she even felt that Lin Qing was not the first time to kill.

That look of indifference seems to be a little cold-blooded, like doing a very normal thing.


After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and supported him no matter what he did!

When she got home, she released all the elves and didn't eat all night.

Lin Qing specifically explained that the elves must be released separately, otherwise the home will be demolished.

Shirona, originally thought that after releasing the little shark, the other party would make a noise, but today the little shark was very obedient and sat on the TV with a bag of food, and then watched it.

And just after Shirona went out, the little shark secretly took out its mobile phone, and then looked around, and after no one was now, he opened his Love Fish APP.

Then a stream of words began: "Leng Shao is online~ fascinated by a piece! Didi Funeral Love Little Peach ~ You are the only ~ than the beloved you ~


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