(Seeing the title, you must have guessed who it was, right?)

On their way to Red Lotus Island, Ash and they happened to pass a city that the Alliance had built itself more than a decade ago to conduct Pokémon exams.

There is a unique and simple name: Zhengding City

(I didn't find a name in the original book, so let's make do with this)

If you successfully pass the competition, you can also get an original badge to participate in the quartz conference.

For this badge, Ash is naturally determined to get it.

After entering the city, the Pokémon Center did not enter, so I first went to the Alliance Accreditation Examination Institute to register.

Came to the registration hall, just about to enter the door, the three of them almost didn't enter, there were so many people that they almost didn't even squeeze into the queue.

Even though there were a total of ten registration windows, they were in line for half a day.

"When you arrive at the registration window, be ready to show your Pokémon Pokédex or Trainer's Certificate. Save time without impacting others. Several

loudspeakers in the hall were constantly sounding to remind the sign-ups, and many of them had already taken documents that were a little larger than their ID cards, with detailed and brief information about themselves as trainers.

Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang naturally have a similar, but their more advanced points, "trainer" in front of the word "Taoist" as a prefix.

It means that they are trainer certificates issued by a certain dojo, usually the apprentice, family member or owner of the dojo owner.

This is better than those normal trainers, after all, the owner of the Taoist Hall also has to assist Miss Junsha in managing and protecting the security of the city, and the treatment must be better than these people.

So much so that when Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia submitted their documents, some people around looked at them with a little different eyes, and they were a little kinder.

"What is this, how come I have never seen such a trainer card, your certificate is not a fake." (ᄋᄆᄋ川"

While Ash was doing the registration, the registrar not far away suddenly shouted, attracting a lot of attention at once.

"I issued this by the alliance, how can it be fake, you can take a closer look."

"Let me take a closer look... It's really issued by the alliance, I'm really sorry, I've seen this kind of certificate for the first time on weekdays, sorry sorry. The

lady at the counter apologized one after another, and seeing this, the person who went through the registration procedures eased up a little.

"Then hurry up!"

The man was in a bad mood, perhaps the word "temporary" poked his heart too much.

"Okay, okay, give."

With the certificate of participation, the person was pushed away by his parents, and only then did some find that the other party was still in a wheelchair.

Listening to this voice was very familiar, Ash took the thing and immediately looked over.

"Gou Hao?!"

That's right, the "person" in the wheelchair just now was Gou Hao, but I didn't expect it to actually come here.

What a rarity!

Gou Hao did not notice the gaze from Xiaozhi behind him, to be precise, there were too many people who secretly looked at it or blatantly every day, and a person in a wheelchair was easy to attract people's eyes in many places.

Especially with Gou Hao's somewhat shabby appearance...

"That kid just now looks like he's dragging, can it be said that the temporary trainer certificate is very awesome Klaas?"

A man with a very loud voice looked at Gou Hao's bird-like appearance, did not care that his voice was very loud, and directly asked his little brother next to him.

He is also a simple brain, and he can't get around this extra temporary for a while.

"Big brother, there are some things in the world whose names are not as long as possible, it is a temporary trainer, which means that it can only be counted... Temporary trainer. If something is wrong, it may be revoked, and if I remember correctly, the entire Kanto has only one special treatment - Gou Hao! "


The last three words were spoken, and many people around who "accidentally" heard it also reacted quickly.

A few couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed directly.

The others who knew Gou Haowei's name also whispered,


Such a loud voice, how could Gou Hao not hear it, at this moment, its face was extremely dark, and it could squeeze out the water gloomy.

These people are exposing its black history again, Gou Hao is really a little unbearable, but feeling the heart-wrenching pain coming from his butt, Gou Hao does not dare to act rashly.

Gou Hao could only endure these strange gazes and left with unwilling to push the wheel by hand alone.

"I really didn't expect to meet it here, but isn't it temporarily unable to travel, even if you take this badge, what can you do, anyway, you can't go to the quartz conference and use it as a decoration?" Or to show off his temporary trainer card.

Ash looked at Gou Hao, who had withdrawn like a defeated dog, and wondered if Gou Hao could perform well in this Pokémon test, otherwise he would really have failed his earnest expectations!

Gou Hao's surprise made Ash a little interested, and it seems that this test will be much more interesting than the original.



Gou Hao pushed his wheelchair in the garden square outside, and he was in a very bad mood.

Since losing a big face in Lampurqi City last time, Gou Hao has returned to Dead Leaf City to become an otaku.

Later, because the quartz conference was approaching, there were many trainers to the dojo competition, for a while it was itchy, and he was also half a trainer, those normal dojo badges can't get it, so it's good to take this what kind of verification badge.

I finally persuaded his parents to bring it here, but he didn't expect to be recognized by others.

The mood is so unpleasant!

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, anyway, with my knowledge, it should be no problem to take a first, right?"

Thinking of this, Gou Hao is in a wonderful mood, he has been busy recovering the trainer's test over the years, and has learned a lot of Pokémon knowledge, and the Pokémon test is not enough!


Sorry sorry, the update will be suspended from the 20th to the 30th, and I have to prepare for a week of review.

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