Pokemon Life

Chapter 126, Sajidona

Boom boom boom boom boom boom -

The tough battle at the Monster House continues, and the situation becomes increasingly complicated.

The few armored rhinos that were not dealt with immediately began to become inexplicably violent, and even used attack skills covering the entire screen.

The ground keeps shaking, making no distinction between friend and foe!

"Earthquake, are you crazy!"

The full-screen skill is a large-scale attack that is basically unavoidable in open areas and usually affects all enemies and friends present.

So you can see that several orb silk spiders were directly shocked to death, and Heracross was also affected by the earthquake for no reason. Of course, the two little ones were the most fatally hit.

The fire-type Charmander is restrained by ground-type moves.

The electric-type Pikachu is even defeated by the ground-type. It can be said that the ground-type moves threaten the existence of the entire Starry Night Expedition.

"It's too late, uhhhhhhh!" (Charmander's health remained after eating the earthquake.)

"Yeah-" (Pikachu was even worse. He was shocked to the point of dying and fell to the ground without any strength.)

"Pikachu, hold on!"

"We haven't found the Sharp Fang yet, we must not fall here!"

But the reality of the situation is so cruel. There are at least 3 armored rhinos, 2 Duduli, and a total of about 11 including Heracross and others in the encirclement.

Only 15 of the 26 were barely knocked down.

Charmander and Pikachu were both left with low health, and their life or death was uncertain.

But Charmander can finally breathe a sigh of relief. According to Pikachu's current trend of being weaker than him, he will definitely fall before him later.

Falling first also means being the first to eat the resurrection seeds.

As long as Pikachu can break through the Monster House this time and return to the Wishing Star House alive, it will be Charmander's biggest wish.

Unexpectedly, the moment after Charmander made all the above decisions, a powerful inner resonance suddenly surged into his heart!

【!】Wait a minute, you can’t enter the pure white dream space yet!

At this critical moment, any delay in the battle will cause both the little ones to fall.

But Gardevoir had just calculated this opportunity and deliberately let Charmander forcefully enter his pure white dream space at the moment of life and death decision.

Brushing, brushing, brushing, brushing—

With the same falling feeling as before, Charmander fell in the mysterious space.

But this time, he no longer fluttered his little claws in the air, but fell directly to the ground, landing on a large emerald green grassland.


When Charmander reacted again, he realized that the space this time was an illusion that had never appeared before.

Qingqing Grassland is a bit like the background desktop that comes with the WINDOWS XP system on your computer.

In the middle of the meadow, Gardevoir appeared in a spotless white dress, holding a teapot dignifiedly and elegantly, sipping tea beside a set of exquisite French tables and chairs.

Wait, this scene!

Don’t be kidding, the linkage with Re’s Life in a Different World from Zero doesn’t need to be so exaggerated!

How could the Goddess Gardevoir become like this? Has she turned into the Echidna holding a tea party in Re Zero?

Could it be that the essence of Gardevoir is not a goddess at all, but a witch like Echidna, who has always existed in my heart?

But the first few times I heard the voice of the goddess Gardevoir, and I saw the silhouette and back of the goddess Gardevoir.

So this time should be considered the first one-on-one close communication with the goddess Gardevoir.

Is this what she really looks like?!

Gardevoir's voice was still as gentle as ever, just like the first time they met in a pure white dream space, making Charmander unforgettable.

And every move is so elegant:

"It's really a life-or-death encounter. This is actually the first time that I have such a close contact, Charmander~"

It wasn't until Gardevoir spoke this time that Charmander suddenly realized that Gardevoir's tone was no longer the pure gentle goddess mode.

Instead, she gradually transformed into Echidna, a bit like a lustful witch.

"You are not the goddess Gardevoir!"

"No, I have to leave here right now. Pikachu can't hold on for long, so I'm sorry!"

Charmander, who wanted to quickly return to the battlefield in the Monster House, was about to turn around and leave, but he didn't know that he couldn't control his body in this space and was imprisoned by a mysterious force.

The little animal's feet couldn't take even half a step, and its little body just stood stiffly in place.

"Gardevoir, you!"

Gardevoir, who was still sipping tea, immediately switched her voice. This time it was exactly the same as the original goddess voice, and even changed the surrounding space in an instant!

Charmander was immediately alert and found that the surrounding space had turned pure white again, and the little animal was back to flying in the air under its feet, but now it could not move at all.

"Pure white space, who are you?"

"*()* It seems that you are still only in love with this type, Charmander. If you want to do this, you must always remain elegant."


Wait, this warm sound, including the pure white dream space, is exactly the same as before!

In other words, the Gardevoir in front of me is the original goddess Gardevoir, and she is the closest to her true state!

The next moment, Gardevoir naturally recovered the current space, and the surrounding area returned to grassland:

"How about it? Do you already have many questions?"


More disappointment than doubt,

The goddess Gardevoir who used to look forward to meeting every night is now in this Echidna mode. This is her true nature!

The corners of Gardevoir's mouth raised slightly:

["You just emphasized over and over again in your mind that this is her nature. It seems that you are quite disappointed in me.\

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