Pokemon Life

Chapter 131, Tracking

The seductive eyes were slightly unwilling:

"This is the first time I've heard of such a skilled Kati dog like Thunder Fang."

Ninja dog Kati dog continued happily:

"Yes, seeing is better than hearing. We are the Kadi who have cultivated the Thunder Fang. Ahem, I would like to remind you, don't struggle in vain anymore."

【!】It took me a moment to understand what this little dog wanted to express, because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the paralysis!

The ninja dog Kadi then jumped up and jumped down from the left shoulder of the enchanting eye. Of course, he immediately picked up Pikachu with his small mouth and dragged Pikachu back to the bed.

"What I just used was [Thunder Release·Thunder Fang] with thunder attribute chakra. Oh, its paralysis effect will be longer, and you can't break free."

Eyes of seduction:...

"As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I don't have the same lethality as Senior Cerberus. I've seen your previous fights."

Eyes of seduction:...


"Because we are a tracking little ninja dog. You know what tracking is, just like the series of actions just now~"

The eye of the soul had to admit that this little Kati dog was difficult to deal with. It could master the tracking skills of hiding its aura, and it didn't take much effort to follow him to the Wish Star House.

At least this is not something that ordinary Kati dogs can do, only those ninja dogs can do it.

Although the ecstasy eye cannot move, it can observe all the Kati Dog's next actions through its peripheral vision.

I saw Kati Dog using his puppy paws to pull out a small golden bead from nowhere. The small bead was a bit like a pill, and there was a trace of strong current flowing on the surface.

The movement was very fast, and Pikachu was fed immediately in the blink of an eye!

Guhunyan immediately said seriously:

"Hey, why are you giving him Malice so casually!!!"

Kadi, the ninja dog, suddenly became impatient:

"Please, what I gave him was the thunder-type [Chakra Calming Pill], okay? Have you ever seen the golden Malissa? This thing is not for sale, are you kidding me!"

Guhunyan then discovered that what he heard from the ninja dog Kadi was indeed some knowledge that he could not understand.

It should be said that it is knowledge only known by ninja elves.

For example, this chakra reassuring pill, of course he doesn't understand what chakra is, nor does he understand the properties of chakra. He just knows that this ninja dog must be closely related to Pikachu.

"It's all your fault. If he delays for a while, the remaining chakra in his body will be exhausted!"

Eyes of seduction:...



But no matter what, part of Seductive Eye's speculation was confirmed.

In fact,

Unactivated chakra is always flowing in Pikachu's body, which is also the unique physique of the ninja Pikachu family.

Chakra, in its inactive state, is always tasked with protecting the owner's last breath.

Therefore, the reason why Pikachu can survive in a dying state is that the last trace of chakra in his body is always supporting him.

Everything Little Kadi does can help Pikachu quickly restore chakra.

As the saying goes, the more chakra is restored, the faster the body will heal.

Until now, the last point can almost be confirmed, that is, these ninja dogs did not appear for no reason at that time.

Apparently after Pikachu encountered a crisis, he quickly rushed to the scene through some kind of resonance and perception.

No, before Sei Hunyan could say anything, the ninja dog Kadi started wagging his tail and wandered around the Wish House leisurely, not forgetting to interrogate:

"It seems that you are Pikachu's new friend, the butler here?"

Eyes of seduction:...

"This place is obviously under construction. I haven't heard him say anything about it recently, so your identity is very suspicious."

Swish, brush, brush, swish——

The ninja dog Kadi moved very fast, and it took less than a few seconds to search the entire Star Wish House.

"But I smelled your scent in the attic area. It seems that you have lived here for a while. Can I understand that you are not lying?"

The seductive eyes said seriously:

"They established this Wishing Star House not long ago, and I was the first housekeeper to apply here. That's how our relationship is."

Guhunyan is still unable to move, and can only let the ninja dog Kadi wander around in front of him.

"Okay, after my tracking, you can go to bed."

Eyes of seduction:???

Unexpectedly, after the ninja dog Kadi confirmed that the seductive eyes were not hostile, he suddenly changed into a polite tone:

"But I have agreed beforehand that I have not admitted that you are a [kind and good elf] under my sense of smell."

"In other words, as for whether you are a [good elf] or a [bad elf], I can only initially judge you as [a good elf for the time being]."

The seductive eyes continued to be speechless:


"Your numbness will disappear in another 3 minutes. Remember to close the door at night and be sure not to let Pikachu catch a cold."

The ninja dog Kadi did not turn around, but walked towards the door of the Wish Star House:

"Also, don't tell him I've been here,"

"I hope you can build this place beautifully, and I will come again when the time comes~"


In the blink of an eye again, the ninja dog Kadi disappeared without a trace in the night.

After a lot of trouble, Pikachu's injury improved significantly, and Charmander got enough rest in bed.

The competent butler of the charming eye began to grind the tree fruit pulp.

The pulp made by mixing and grinding orange fruits and muzi fruits has a better therapeutic effect than taking the fruits directly. It is often used to wipe wounds, bruises, etc.

Needless to say, he was proficient in grinding tree fruits, but his eyes were still carefully recalling everything that happened today.

So when Pikachu wakes up, should we tell him that the ninja dogs have been here?

Or should I say that I took the initiative to tell them that I cleaned up the last scene.

Just in time, Luo Huunyan discovered that the old wound bitten by the Kati dog was still aching. His rescue trip was not a credit but a hard work.

So he remained silent for a few seconds, and then said:

"Forget it, just blame it all on me."

The night is getting deeper and deeper,

After Guhunyan treated the wounds of the two little ones respectively, he was ready to go back to the attic to sleep.

The moment he rescued Charmander and Pikachu, he also packed back apples, gummies and other trophies.

I just didn’t have time to take inventory, so now I can help the two little ones organize their adventure backpacks.

So Juhunyan opened the two small adventure backpacks with the attitude of a butler, and meticulously organized the loot.

incredible map,



steel thorn,

Until the very end, a delicate and small drifting bottle was inadvertently shaken out by the seductive eyes.

【!】Evoking eyes:!

Oh ho ho, the two little ones are finally fine. Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from readers. This chapter is about it~

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