Pokemon Life

Chapter 170, Sand Dune Entrance

Seeing that Charmander had disappeared in the sand dunes, Pikachu was about to follow him and take a leap of faith without saying a word.

【!】The butler with seductive eyes obviously blocked it:


"No, Charmander has already jumped in and said, no matter what happens, I'm not afraid, I'm with Charmander!"

Pikachu tried his best to break free, ignoring the obstruction of his eyes.


I saw Pikachu aiming at a hollow sand dune without hesitation, and then one of them jumped in with courage and shouted!

"Charmander, here I come!!"

The dense quicksand around him engulfed Pikachu until finally even the tip of his tail was covered. Only the enchanted-eyed butler was left standing silently on the side.


Are you going to jump now?

This is the fact. Pikachu has always believed 100% in Charmander. From the earliest time when he crossed the waterfall, even in the face of danger and an unknown future, since Charmander said it was okay, he acted boldly.

The enchanting-eyed butler also gradually began to understand the power of the Starry Night Expedition.

Although the entire expedition team only consists of a Charmander and a Pikachu, the trust, bond, etc. between them are self-evident.

In other words, no matter how great the risk is, they can't stop the two little ones from moving forward regardless of their own safety.

The seductive-eyed butler said that it would be okay if he was left outside the desert, so he had no choice but to aim at a hollow sand dune not far away and prepare to jump.

As a lover of novels, he couldn't help but think of a fragment:

When the Condor Heroes were heartbroken, they chose to jump to relieve their sorrows. However, the bottom of the Heartless Valley was a different scene. As long as the hero jumped, he would have a chance to survive, and finally cross the water stream to meet the little dragon girl. See.

Presumably the same is true for the hollow sand dunes in front of me.

The seemingly dangerous quicksand will definitely continue to sink, but after being hit last time, he still crawled out in fear, unable to explore the true appearance under the dune.

Besides, the two protagonist elves all took a leap of faith. If they were really GG, there would be no need to continue writing this book, so there would definitely be no danger.


The butler's diamond eyes flashed like this, and Pikachu also jumped into the sand dune.

——Northern Desert Dividing Line————

Under the quicksand,

It is an extremely open wilderness area. To describe it without exaggeration, it is simply more spectacular than the tourist desert hinterland in the Pokemon Black and White game.

The entire underground area was built by the dragon-headed gopher tribe, and it was right on the edge of a small desert oasis.

There are many green sea buckthorns around the feet. The sand walls used to support the structure of the entire underground building complex are uniformly 3 meters high. There is even an underground river running through the entire desert oasis.

When the conceited butler happened to fall from the sand pit on the top, with the last thin pillar of sand falling from top to bottom, he landed safely on the surface of the hard sand.

[Dragon Head Gopher Tribe·F Area]

The seductive-eyed butler:!

Charmander was the first to stretch out his little paws and prepare to help the housekeeper up. Next to him was Pikachu, who had just mustered up the courage to jump down with him:

"Butler Huhunyan finally came down. We were worried that you jumped into the wrong sand dune."

"Hehe, what I said is right, butler Huhunyan, you are still too cautious. This is the third largest elf tribe in the world. You can see if you are right~"

Since Charmander and Pikachu had said so, the enchanting-eyed butler certainly couldn't let the Starry Night Expedition get away from him, so he quickly returned to his serious butler mode and said:

"Although I have only heard about it, the dragon-headed gopher tribe is essentially built on the edge of a desert oasis. The scenery here should be unmistakable."

The conceited butler also conducted a very experienced investigation around the place where everyone landed, and based on his years of travel experience, he concluded:

"Every Pokémon tribe is not small in size. This one will only be bigger than the Noseleaf tribe and the Haoli tribe. I guess there are 26 regions in alphabetical order from A to Z."

The scale is so large. How were the underground spaces in the 26 areas built?

As mentioned before, in the field of underground development in the elf world, the leading gopher tribe must be the dominant one, and it also enjoys the reputation of being the best in the treasure-stealing world.

Digging three feet into the ground and starting a business are talking about the dragon-headed gophers.

And it's not over yet. The two major tribes that Charmander and Pikachu went to before were mostly composed of unevolved tribes, except for the dragon-headed gopher tribe. It was just the opposite.

The elites in the dragon-headed gopher tribe are 80% of the final evolved dragon-headed gophers, and the remaining 20% ​​are burrowing moles that have not yet grown up.

Seeing the scale of this generous underground space in front of him, Charmander was immediately moved.

If we successfully invite the leading gopher construction team to build the cabin in the future, wouldn’t the built underground space be even more impressive than the Fat Keding Guild?

Sooner or later, the butler with seductive eyes immediately reminded everyone to be alert to their surroundings.

Because there are very few explorers who can break into the dragon-headed gopher tribe on weekdays. Judging from the design of the entrance to this elf tribe, it is obvious that it is to prevent foreigners from entering.

And this time the three little ones airborne without any greetings. I don’t know what the tempers of the elites and leaders in the dragon-headed gopher tribe are like. What if they don’t agree with each other?

Boom boom boom boom boom boom, boom——

【!】Not long after the three little ones broke into the tribe, area F was immediately followed by a strong earthquake, and it felt like the surrounding sand walls began to shake violently.

What, you react so quickly!

"It's a sand dune..."

The seductive-eyed butler said calmly:

"The entire tribe of dragon-headed gophers is located under the northern desert. It can be understood that every sand dune reacts when we walk on it, even the moment each little animal steps on it, or even the moment it jumps into the sand pit."

Pikachu: "Yeah, the butler with the enchanting eye suddenly said more and more, indicating that this information must be very important. Has our intrusion been discovered a long time ago?"

Charmander suddenly realized that not only was he discovered, but the data of every step he took on the top was being monitored minute by minute by the huge tribe under the dunes.

Such a 360-degree full coverage elf tribe guard system is simply a bug.

The strong earthquake was followed by wild sand.

It was obviously a short-term sandstorm specially created to interfere with the intruder's sight. Charmander and Pikachu were already a little unsteady in the strong sandstorm. Fortunately, the diamond eyes of the housekeeper were not affected:

"Attention, the sandstorm is just a manifestation, the real warning position is underground!"

Under the ground?

Boom boom boom boom boom, boom boom boom——

With the sudden attack of the burrowing offensive, the four dragon-headed gophers sneaked towards the three little ones from all four directions, and then aimed directly under the three little beasts' feet to launch a fierce attack.

What did Charmander realize immediately:

The tremors under my feet were obvious;

There’s no mistaking this feeling, this is definitely the 70-cent hole-digging special effect in the Pokemon TV version!!

Thank you very much to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from readers. This chapter is about it~

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