Pokemon Life

Chapter 208, The Second Journey

After the little tea cloth got angry,

The two retainers and the Jinweibians resigned one after another. Pikachu didn't know what to say, after all, things had become like this.

Pikachu comforted and said:

"Little Chabu, don't be so excited now. We can talk carefully if we have something to say..."

Seeing that all the retainers and Jin Weibu had evacuated, little Chabu returned to his previous image of an innocent little guy who liked to make trouble:

"Hey, I'm fine now. Two seniors, please take us to the Forest of Time."

Little Pachilis also followed suit:

"Senior Charmander, seeing as we have worked so hard, you can agree for us to set off together."

Charmander nodded cautiously:

"Yes, agreed!"


"Yeah yeah~"

"Yeah yeah~"

The two little guys were extremely happy for the first time, and even happily spun around in the Star Wish House.

But Charmander suddenly became serious the next second:

"Ahem, you two little guys must listen to me!"

"I have three requests along the way!"

Little Chabu and Little Patchlitz both opened their eyes curiously and listened quietly to Charmander's request.

"First of all, listen to the butler Ghunyan and don't make any noise!"

"Second, when encountering danger, everyone must work together and don't fall behind!"

"Third, intelligence and wisdom coexist. If you can't beat them, run away. Don't show off!"

The two little guys answered in unison (X2):

"Of course, senior, please rest assured that we will comply with the requirements!!!"

At this point, everything has been decided. The destination of this expedition is the Forest of Time. The members are Captain Charmander, Vice Captain Pikachu, Butler Eyes, and Little Chabu + Little Patchlitz.

The starry night expedition team composed of 5 small Pokémon is about to embark on a long journey.

This is our second trip.

With the rich experience accumulated from the first trip, everyone was extremely professional in the early preparation stage.

All kinds of dry food, apples and tree fruits are necessary on the road. Of course, they also include some lethal throwing weapons, small stones, branches, etc., as well as various gems that are indispensable in emergencies.

After finishing the preliminary stocking list, Guhunyan Butler went to the Hidden Dragon Store to check out the goods that afternoon.

Time was running out, and Charmander finally decided to leave directly in the afternoon.

As shown on the adventure map,

The Forest of Time is located in the middle of the Treasure Continent, and it takes about three days for five elves to reach it.

It doesn't matter if it's almost night time to set off. Charmander plans to sleep in a Pokémon tent on the first night so that the two little guys can adapt to the trip.

After all, this is the first time for Little Chabu and Little Patchlitz to travel far away, so they need to take care of each other.

Including preparation, etc.

After everything was completed, it was almost dusk, and Charmander also officially issued instructions, so the Starry Night Expedition set off as planned:

"Ready OK!"

"Everyone is heading towards the [Forest of Time], come on, come on, come on!"

(Still holding each other’s little paws high in the air to pose for POSS)

————The expedition dividing line————

The setting sun shines on Treasure Town,

The long figures of the five elves were also stretched longer and longer by dusk.

As they passed the main street of Treasure Town, many store owners curiously kept saying hello, as if they were seeing them off.

The proprietress of the Bagosaurus Warehouse:

"Everyone in the Star Wishing House, where are you rushing to go?"

Little Chabu said happily:

"Go on a long trip, and a trip full of challenges~"

The gold coin sculptures in Boss Mao’s bank flashed and flashed, and even Boss Mao couldn’t help but interject:

"Have you received all the letters this morning? It's not peaceful recently, so be careful on the road!"

Little Patchlitz:

"Don't worry, we won't go to such a dangerous place."

Transform into a hidden dragon boss (green) + transform into a hidden dragon boss (purple):

"I asked why I came to our store and bought so many things. It turned out that I was leading a group on a long trip. Everyone at Star Wishing House is really keen on the challenge."

"I wonder what the Fat Keding Guild has been busy with lately. Look at how diligent they are at Xingyuanwu!"

The residents of Treasure Town also watched Charmander's Wish House built and developed step by step. Generally speaking, everyone was very enthusiastic.

It's too late, it's too late,

The moment Charmander was about to pass by the Natural Bird Divination Tent, Gardevoir Witch immediately resonated with her.

Charmander suddenly felt a slight headache, and then stopped, Gardevoir's voice came to his mind.

"[Stop, you didn't ask for my opinion on such a big thing like traveling far away. I think you are getting more and more arrogant!]"

Charmander had already heard Gardevoir's inner call, and simply responded confidently:

Gardevoir, don't worry.

I have done 100% homework for this trip, and I can successfully complete the task even if I take two little ones with me.


"[It's a good thing that you have confidence, but you just ignore me, who has 400 years of knowledge. I'm so angry. Don't you have anything to ask?]"

Charmander gradually got used to Gardevoir's arrogant moments, and responded with a black line on his face:


By the way, Gardevoir, you are so proactive this time. Could it be that I am ignorant and have neglected some details about the long journey?

Gardevoir said slightly angrily:

"[Of course, the noble man is right next to you, but you turned a blind eye. It really makes me angry.]"

Noble person?

The Gardevoir Witch has given herself more and more good names, and they are getting more and more fancy.

"[Forget it, you're stupid, the noble person I'm talking about refers to that natural bird.]"

"[As long as you go there and do an expedition divination, you will get a shortcut route and you can reach the Forest of Time within 1.5 days.]"


Shortcut route!

And such a good thing, why didn't you tell me earlier when I went to Gardevoir? Isn't the boss of Natural Bird in the tent next to it?

So Xiao Charmander directly proposed to everyone without saying anything:

"I suddenly remembered something. Should we go to the natural bird to do some fortune-telling for the expedition, for good luck? What do you think?"

Pikachu welcomed it, and the housekeeper with the enchanting eye didn't have any objections. The main reason was that the two little guys were particularly interested in the natural bird divination tent. They wanted to make a fuss, so they bumped into each other.

"Okay, okay, we want to play with the magic crystal ball~"

Almost in the blink of an eye,

Little Chabu playfully jumped onto the divination table of Boss Natural Bird, his starry eyes always staring at the magic crystal ball.

This time the magic crystal ball showed a beautiful dusk scene without any dirt.

Natural Bird Boss:


"Guys, if you want to do divination, could you please get off my counter first..."

Little Patchlitz immediately pulled down the little tea cloth, and Charmander followed him and said politely:

"These two little guys are really noisy, I'm sorry."

"Boss Natural Bird, can you do an expedition divination for our Star Wishing House?"

The natural bird nodded,

【!】The next second, he suddenly turned around and spread his wings:


"The divination begins, pay on the right side!"

(Little Teacloth + Little Patchlitz were jumped by the mysterious call of the natural bird.)

Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from the readers. This chapter is about it~

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