Pokemon Life

Chapter 225, Inspector Mongoose

Inspector Meerkat,

The leader of the Treasure Continent Police Department, his status far exceeds that of the UFO Magnemite and the Three-in-One Magnemite.

Those meerkats with police hats on their heads are his special police team, and of course the three-in-one magnet monsters are also under his jurisdiction.


The police in Treasure Continent are all handled by the UFO Magnemite + the three-in-one Magnemite. For example, in the wanted criminal mission Charmander and his team received in the Fat Kid's Guild, the UFO Magnemite was personally responsible for arresting the suspects.

In special circumstances,

For example, if a special criminal appears in the Treasure Continent, Inspector Mongoose will lead the special service team to personally go out and set up many checkpoints in the Treasure Continent.

Inspector Meerkat, who was always angry, planned to order the arrest of the Duck-billed Fire Dragon and the others because the Farmer Three Fist expedition team ignored his orders and provoked them in person.

Unexpectedly, the duck-billed fire dragon immediately changed the subject when he saw this:


"Wait a minute, it's not that we won't cooperate with your investigation, we will cooperate well..."

The other two also said that everyone's temper was a little too extreme just now, and one of them failed to calm down, and even flattered the Inspector Meerkat like a dog.

Electric beast:

"That's right. I understand why you have to argue with us, King. We will definitely take a serious look at it."

Feisty Hairy Crab: "Yes, yes."

Charmander took a closer look,

The Farmer Three-Fist Expedition Team, who had been so arrogant before, immediately gave in when they saw Inspector Meerkat, and couldn't help but whisper about Pikachu and the butler with the evil eye.

"Pikachu, what is the origin of this Inspector Mongoose? I think they all call him [King of Understanding]?"

"You know, in our human world, there is only one person with the title of King of Understanding."

Pikachu was curious:

"Who is it?"

"That's Trump, but this guy seems to have a lot of aura. Is he really that powerful?"

The seductive-eyed butler interjected in a low voice:

"He is a character who does not usually go to the police. When he does go to the police, he goes crazy. But in fact, his overall strength is mediocre. You can just understand him as a mediocre detective."

Hi, that’s it.

It is obvious that he is exactly the same mediocre detective.

We thought he, Inspector Mongoose, really had some super powers, but it turned out they were all false~

It's too late, it's too late,

The inspection team in front has reached its end, and Charmander and Pikachu will be inspected immediately.

(Group 177 Passengers, Starry Night Expedition)

Charmander (captain) + Pikachu + Haunted Eyes Butler.

Sergeant of the Three-in-One Magnemite Unit:

"[Recently, we are conducting a strict investigation on the most wanted criminal Forest Lizard. We will check the identity at the front checkpoint and pass them in batches one by one. Please answer my questions when you pass!]"

"1. Where did your expedition team come back from?"

Charmander went straight to the point:

"We just came back from [The Deepest Forest of Time]. We were tired all the way and want to go home and rest soon."

After hearing the word "Forest of Time", the red and blue magnetic poles of the three-in-one magnet monsters immediately alternated rapidly, and they asked to the side very alertly:

"[Report to the Chief Inspector, there is a group of suspicious elves here. They have just returned from the hometown of the forest lizard!]"

【!】Meerkat Inspector immediately looked back,

The khaki cape and long coat shook it a bit, and then locked his eyes on Charmander:

"Forest of Time!"

"Tell the truth about why you went there. Also, now I will directly ask you about your relationship with the forest lizard. Only after you explain everything clearly can you pass!"



The seductive-eyed butler:………………

Since Charmander could answer the Forest of Time with just one mouthful, he must have already thought of a countermeasure in his heart and told the next answer very fluently.

Charmander didn't say anything, and directly showed the power of attorney from the legendary expedition team bosses, and truthfully reported that he was entrusted to investigate the abnormal weather.

The handwritten letter from Hu Di’s boss is very useful.

Inspector Mongoose acquiesced that it was okay at a glance, and Pikachu emphasized again that none of them knew the forest lizard.

Before he even had time to spend the night in the Forest of Time, he was driven out by the indigenous people in the Forest of Time.

Through analysis of various reasons, it can be seen that Charmander and the others are just a group of passers-by returning from the Forest of Time, and have no interaction with the so-called forest lizards.

Inspector Mongoose looked back at the team and saw that there were no elves behind him, so he simply said:

"[Okay, okay, pass, pass!]"

"[I'm exhausted today. I'll take the team back to the White House later. Don't forget to prepare some iced Coca-Cola for me!]"

The meerkats of the special service team all got off work as soon as they heard the command. The three-in-one magnet monster was still hesitant, as if it took Charmander and the others seriously.

Three-in-one Magnemite:

"But Detective, does the Charmander team over there really don't need to be investigated more carefully..."

"[What to check? Let's go back and drink Coke first]"

Yes! (3-in-1 Magneto X25)

————Treasure Town dividing line————

Ever since,

Charmander and the others successfully passed the inspection and returned to their Wish Star cabin.

In the warm star wishing house,

The lights are bright.

In fact, it’s weird not to go back to Xingyuan House for a few days, but I miss you.

Since it was very clean when we set out, we could lie down on the soft bed and rest. The entire Star Wishing House was as clean as new, but the three little ones started to suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Pikachu had to sort out the entire team's adventure backpacks before taking a complete rest. There were still many items that needed to be sorted carefully on the way back, so he had no choice but to shout aggrievedly:

"Oh my, I really want to lie down right now, but there are so many things in my backpack that I have to pack!"

The charming-eyed butler is a workaholic all the time:

"I'm going to sort out the important emails I haven't read in the past few days, as well as the important wish tasks accumulated in the wish box, and try to deal with them before going to bed."


"I'm not lazy either, okay,"

"Although we are back here, we can't lie in bed yet. We must hurry up and write down the investigation results of the legendary expedition leaders into a report!"

"Ah, I really want to rest, I don't want to write a report, ahhhhh-"

The house of Xingyuan is always busy,

Unknowingly, it was ten minutes when the moon quietly climbed into the sky.

But it’s not just hard to sleep tonight,

Bigger variables are ahead. The familiar raindrops are coming to the Treasure Continent again, and sudden heavy rainfall will once again sweep across 80% of the area in the second half of the night, causing heavy rain.

【!】Emergency weather forecast, emergency weather forecast!

【!!】Starting from 1 a.m. tonight, the entire Treasure Continent will usher in the second large-scale rainfall, even accompanied by strong winds. Residents please pay attention to safety!!

The plot is accelerating and the second heavy rainfall is coming. Good evening to all readers.

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