Pokemon Life

Chapter 389, Origin of Territory

What a sixth sense and never give up!

Although I have lost my memory, I feel that the forest lizard remembers me as quite good.

Charmander, who was thinking this way, immediately prepared to dig a hole, and so did Pikachu. Everyone cooperated with the forest lizard in the final attempt:






"Imada, dig a hole!!!!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Boom boom

[15 minutes·After digging the hole]

Charmander and Pikachu just followed the forest lizard and moved forward bravely under the soil.

That feeling is to hold your breath, dig into the ground, and then use the burrowing energy awakened by the little beast's claws to move forward at full speed regardless of anything.

All the desired effects are achieved,

It's just that digging the hole this time is a little more difficult.

In fact, there are quite a lot of plant roots buried under the soil of the ghostly forest, and they are all in the shape of complex and entangled vines. If you are not careful, you will hit your little head.

Fortunately, everyone can march to the end in one breath,

So layer 45F:

【! 】The forest lizard was the first to break out of the ground!

"Phew, we succeeded!"

[Spitting dirt out of mouth] Charmander follows closely behind;

"It hurts, it hurts. I just hit a lot of plant roots. It really hurts!"

[Spitting out a lot of dirt from his mouth] Pikachu:

"Ah sneeze - puff puff puff"

"The digging skills are too difficult. I ate a lot of dirt this time~"

Charmander and Pikachu were obviously much better at digging holes this time than before, but they still looked unkempt.

Fortunately, the forest lizard lived up to everyone's expectations for him and controlled the northwest direction.

In this way, as soon as the three little ones came out of the land, they arrived directly at 45F of the Ghostly Forest, which is the last room where the BOSS is.

This is an open area:

The greenery on all sides is full of dark-colored plants.

Since no elves have set foot there all year round, all the dark-colored plants grow chaotically and wildly. Under the silence, there are still many broken walls lying flat among the dense plant roots.

Before Charmander and Forest Lizard could carefully observe the surrounding situation,

Pikachu suddenly seemed to have discovered another treasure, his starry eyes lit up again:


"Charmander, look at it!"

"There are still murals on those ruins, but they are covered by plant roots. There must be a lot of story information recorded on them!"

The forest lizard immediately approached the ruins of the wall.

as expected,

After he slashed with the leaf blade, the messy black and purple plant roots covering it, as well as the dust that had not been cleaned all year round, all dispersed instantly!

Scenes of history on the murals appeared before the eyes of the three little ones.

————Ghost Forest Mural————

The first part of the mural.

That day,

The seriously injured Dark Dialga returned to the underworld. He screamed to the sky, struggled in pain for a moment, and finally collapsed in the ghostly forest due to exhaustion.

Mural part two.

The first people to learn of Dialga's return were the elves in the haunted forest.

Although they are not qualified to be nourished by Dialga in the Tower of Time, they have always kept to themselves and lived obediently in the ghost forest.

Out of respect for the Temple of Dialga,

The ghostly forest lord BOSS decided to heal Dialga's injuries at all costs.

The third part of the mural:

The Lord BOSS summoned all the elves in the forest.

Use all the plant power of the rotten wood demon and pumpkin monster + plus the 24-hour mass production of golden tree fruits around the clock + wholehearted prayers to heal the wounds of the Dark Dialga Temple.

The fourth part of the mural:

The Temple of Dialga consumed 10,000 golden tree fruits.

Finally, with the help of plant healing energy, he was able to barely stand for the time being and returned to the Tower of Time in the palace where he lived.

Before taking it away,

In order to commend the territorial BOSS for his contribution, Dialga Palace

He gave all the land within a radius of 800 miles to the lord BOSS and asked him to become the king.

He also asked the elves in the underworld not to easily disturb the Lord King's rest.

So this forest has a king, unique autonomy, and a name that can record the merits and honors, as well as the lord BOSS who was once kind to Dialga Palace.

————The King of the Deadwood Demon.

The mural story ends here, and Charmander suddenly realizes:

"I see!"

"I asked why any changes in this forest are different from other places in the underworld. It turns out that this is an area governed by the King of Lords."


"Hey, hey, hey, when it comes to that king,"

"It's the king of the rotten wood demon mentioned in the mural. Aren't kings supposed to protect their own territories? Why didn't he show up?"

It is true that the King of the Deadwood Demon did not appear in the deepest part of the ghostly forest, but that did not mean that the King was not in the territory.

The forest lizard also realized this,

Because the energy of the plants in this open area is very strong, you can even vaguely feel the aura of the presence of tall and small elves.

However, in the next moment,

The forest lizard suddenly turned around and immediately stared at Charmander's face!

Charmander's face changed from the normal color at the beginning to a vegetable-like green color, and finally turned into a dark green color like being poisoned.

"Wait, why is your face green?"

It's not over yet,

The forest lizard quickly looked like Pikachu again.

Pikachu's face turned green even more, which turned out to be a cute green apple blush when he was shy.

Now, it's good, it's completely poisonous after eating a lot of dyed vegetables, and it has even developed into an uncontrollable dark green.

"How is this going?"

Charmander + Pikachu also saw the forest lizard's face turn green together,

Of course, the forest lizard is originally a green lizard, but everything is getting greener, and the greenness is getting more and more abnormal.

It turns out that all this happened after the three little animals entered the deepest part of the ghostly forest. After close contact with all kinds of crazy green plants nearby, they triggered the green curse.

The curse is lingering unknowingly,

First, the faces of the three little ones turned green, then they were seriously eroded silently, and finally, they were all temporarily given plant attributes.

Grass attribute

Charmander: Fire + Ghost + Grass

Pikachu: Electric + Ghost + Grass

Forest Lizard: Ghost + Grass, the influence of grass attribute skills becomes deeper.

Charmander dragged his chin with his claws, and after pondering for a moment, he finally came up with the whole story:


"I remember that we just got hit by the pumpkin monster [Halloween Carnival] in the forest in front. The symptoms now should be similar to those back then!"

"Do you know that the Kuchiki Demon has a signature skill?"

Forest lizard:

"What, could it be [Forest Curse]!!"

Forest Curse: A grass attribute change skill that can add a curse of plant energy to enemies, allowing them to temporarily gain grass attributes. Elves that already have grass attributes will become stronger.

That's not the worst,

At the last moment, as the three little ones raised their heads in unison,

Above the head was a giant tree that reached straight into the sky. The moment the giant tree swayed, the angry blood-red eyes slowly opened.

Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from the readers. This chapter is about it~

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