Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 144 Above the Sky

The family behind the Devon Company is the most famous Zivucci family in the Fengyuan region.

Its size and status in the Fengyuan region are no less than those of the Yulong Clan in the Johto region.

But this kind of thing has nothing to do with Hu Yang. He likes this world, not because he likes the feeling of being a master, but because he wants to live a comfortable and leisurely life with his favorite Pokémon.

After seeing off Dawu, Hu Yang began to make travel plans to Kaina City.

He took out the keystone vein obtained from the Fossil Maniac from Gengar's treasure bag, placed it on the table, observed it for a while, and mentally calculated the number of bracelets it could create.


It's almost six dollars.

According to the setting, the function of the Key Stone is to resonate with the Mega Stone carried by the Pokémon, thereby allowing the Pokémon to Mega Evolve.

Mega evolution is the power of Pokémon itself, and this power requires humans to guide it through the Keystone.

But for the two to resonate, there needs to be a deep bond between the trainer and the Pokémon, so that they can feel each other's feelings and carry out Mega Evolution for each other.

This means that a trainer only needs to carry a key stone to mega evolve all the Pokémon in the team.

What to do with so many five keystones?

Hu Yang's first thought was to sell it to others.

The figure of Daigo appeared in his mind. Daigo was quite a good person, and he admired him quite a lot.

However, besides this, there is actually another option.

That is props such as the armored warrior's transformation belt, Balala's magic wand, and Ultraman's transformation device.


Hu Yang imagined himself holding a magic wand and shouting: "xxx, feel our bond with your heart, let's mega evolve!" and suddenly felt a sense of shame.

If you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

Forget it, let’s make it a decent bracelet style. As for what to do with the other five pieces, we’ll talk about it later.

Anyway, it's still early, and it will take at least six years before mega evolves into the world.

Gee, just imagining the scene of mega evolution appearing in the league competition is exciting enough.

A tournament of that size would receive at least regional attention.

Hu Yang never thought that one day he would be like those protagonists of cool novels, pretending to be cool under the spotlight.

He had to experience this.


Hu Yang turned his attention to La Lulasi.

When will this little guy evolve into Gardevoir?

In the game, Yaya's evolution level is level 38, so it took him a long time to conquer it before evolving into Axiodon.

But Lalulas is different. It can evolve at level 20, and before joining the team, it was specially trained by Gardevoir Devil for a period of time.

There is also Charmander. As the third member of the Yu family chosen by new trainers, the main reason is its good growth rate.

You can evolve into a fire dinosaur at level 16, and you can evolve into a handsome fire-breathing dragon at level 36.

However, evolution is something that cannot be worried about. There is no concept of hierarchy in this world, so evolution depends on the efforts and fate of the elves.

October 23rd.

Populus euphratica officially left the ecological park and embarked on a journey to Kaina City with a sack full of energy cubes made by King Dadai.

This time, he chose to fly on the Lightning Bird.

The size of Lightning Bird reaches more than two meters.

Almost two years after he came to this world, Hu Yang's height has also grown a bit. He measured it at home some time ago and found that it has grown from 146cm to 153cm.

But compared to the Lightning Bird, it still looks a bit short.

It is embarrassing to say that after traveling for so long, this is the first time that Populus euphratica rides on a Pokémon that can carry people.

The lightning bird tried its best to make the feathers on its body less stiff, and then leaned down to make it easier for Populus euphratica to climb up.

After Populus euphratica sat firmly, the lightning bird straightened up, moved its wings, and then assumed a flying posture.

Hu Yang took advantage of this moment to wave to King Daidai who was sending him out, and said, "Goodbye, Daizhi!"

King Dudu: "Goodbye, Populus euphratica!"

After the words fell, the lightning bird spread its wings, let out a sharp bird call, and rose straight into the sky.

There were constant airflows blowing around. As the Lightning Bird accelerated, Populus euphratica felt that the sound of wind in his ears gradually became louder.

He was afraid that he might not have a firm grip and slide down, so he hugged the lightning bird tightly and glanced down secretly, feeling his body become weak immediately.

Too high!

The city on the ground turned into a black shadow until it disappeared, and patches of green plains and forests began to appear in Populus euphratica's field of vision.

There is a clear blue sky above the head, and white clouds drift from the front.

In this scene, Hu Yang felt that as a human being, he was so insignificant.

If he falls, he will be smashed directly, right?

Woohoo, so scary!

A feeling of fear arose in Populus euphratica's heart, and he huddled on the back of the Lightning Bird in a useless manner.

If I had known earlier, he would have honestly set off by boat...

Noticing the movements of the human on its back, the Lightning Bird glanced sideways.

Tsk, weak humans!

"Chirp!" Hold on tight!

Hu Yang hugged him tightly.

The Lightning Bird's speed suddenly increased and it shot up into the clouds.

Hu Yang could only feel the constant rustling of wind in his ears, and he could imagine what was going on next to him without opening his eyes.

But soon, this feeling disappeared, and the sound of the wind gradually stopped. It seemed that the lightning bird took the initiative to slow down.


The cry of the lightning bird came to his ears, and at this moment, Populus euphratica miraculously understood its meaning.

Lightning Bird is telling him to open his eyes and see the world!

Hu Yang slowly opened his eyes. Unknowingly, everything around him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The green fields below disappeared, replaced by a layer of clouds as clean and white as cotton.

The lightning bird's flight speed remained very stable, flying slowly above the clouds and sky.

Without the previous feeling, Hu Yang's body slowly relaxed.

He raised his head and looked at the blue dome, feeling slightly shocked.

That's...the color of the universe.

Populus euphratica was shocked, but this scene was already accustomed to Lightning Bird.

It looked back at the human on its back and let out a less sharp cry. Its eyes seemed to say: Look, it's not that scary, right?

Hu Yang was startled for a moment, and then a relieved smile appeared on his face. He hummed, stroked the feathers of the Lightning Bird, and said, "Thank you."

The Lightning Bird didn't respond. It turned its head and cast its sharp gaze towards the unknown front.

After getting along with him for a period of time, he found that living with this human being seemed quite good.

I saw some readers reported that the comments disappeared. That was not done by me and the operations team... Maybe Qidian had another seizure?

I won't delete any comments that don't scold me. .

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