Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 291 Become stronger, Yaya!

Populus euphratica: "..."

He looked at Asha with a strange expression.

At this point in time, Asha should have just become the gym leader.

It is for this reason that she deliberately pretends to be serious when facing challengers.

But in the game, she sometimes accidentally overreacts. Just like this, people can tell at a glance that she is pretending to be serious.

And when Asha loses to the protagonist in the game, she will realize that she does not have to pretend, she just needs to do what she wants.

As for now...

Hu Yang glanced past the battlefield, and at a glance he saw the lava worm lying there like a ball of red slime.

Seeing the look in the other person's eyes, Yasha explained: "I was conducting special training on the lava bug just now, and I was accidentally burned by its flames during the special training. But it doesn't matter. I will meet the trainer's challenge. It’s your duty as a gym leader!”

Hu Yang nodded.

Asha showed an excited smile on her face and said: "Very good, let's start the battle!"

"The challenge rules of the Cauldron Gym are 3v3. Defeat all three of my Pokémon, and you will be eligible to receive the Flame Badge!"

There are no judges in the Cauldron Gym, perhaps because Asha has just become the gym leader and has not yet found one, so she can only introduce this rule herself.

After saying these words, she released her first Pokémon.

It was a dumb hunchback with half-closed eyelids and a very lackluster look.

The Pokémon sent by Populus euphratica is the Axetooth that has not yet evolved.

"It's about to begin." Yasha maintained a calmness that was inconsistent with her character. She looked at the axe-toothed dragon opposite and quickly ordered: "Silly Hunchback, use Magnitude!"

After the command was given, the two pairs of forelimbs of the stupid camel sank suddenly, transmitting the power to the ground. The next second, the ground of the battle site shook violently.

A strong shock wave began to spread, and the Axetooth dragon looked at the ground calmly.

"Keep calm, use guard!" Hu Yang said.

The lower body of the Axetooth Dragon stood firmly on the ground, and a magical force protected it within it, perfectly avoiding the magnitude of the damage.

A moment later, when the magnitude of the earthquake stopped, Populus euphratica immediately ordered: "Get close to it and use the dragon claw!"

"Foolish Hunchback, let's come too and use slamming!" Yasha said.

Two commands were given at the same time, and the two Pokémon standing at opposite ends of the field started to move at the same time.

The stupid fire camel burst out with amazing momentum, moved its legs, and rushed towards the Ax-toothed Dragon.

The claws of the Axetooth Dragon also condensed purple energy, transforming into two energy claws.

Slam vs Dragon Claw!

There was a loud bang, and the two Pokémon collided directly, like bulls going at each other's horns.

The next second, the winner of this pure strength confrontation was decided, and the two Pokémon flew backwards at the same time.

The dragon's claws left several scars on the body of the dumb camel, and the axe-tooth dragon groaned and fell to the ground.

The force of the collision was very strong. In Yasha's opinion, if it happened again, the axe-tooth dragon would lose its ability to fight.

Therefore, she directly ordered: "Overheat!"

Hu Yang just looked at this scene calmly, and when the hot air spurted out from the dumb camel's body and rushed towards the Ax-tooth Dragon like a running steam engine, he said in a deep voice: "Shadow clone, start running."


After the order was given, the Axetooth Dragon immediately started moving.

While running on the field, several shadow clones separated from his body.

The stupid camel lost his target instantly, and his special move overheated and hit the air.

"How could it be?!" Yasha was shocked. She didn't expect that the axe-tooth dragon would realize the shadow clone now!

The next second, the Axetooth Dragon, which successfully avoided the overheating, began to counterattack under the command of Hu Yang.

I saw it transformed into a giant tail of energy, and then whipped towards the overheated dumb hunchback. The powerful force directly flew the dumb hunchback away.

Before the dumb hunchback could stand up, the Axe-tooth Dragon's two consecutive blows followed closely behind.

The idiot who was hit with a complete combo of attacks instantly lost his ability to fight.

After defeating its opponent, the Axetooth dragon fell to the ground panting.

Populus euphratica looked at it expectantly, but did not see the light of evolution.

I felt a little regretful, but the battle continued.

Asha took back the elf ball and said seriously and solemnly: "It seems that the moves you practiced with that axe-tooth dragon worked. You are a qualified trainer!"

Populus euphratica: "..."

He knew that Asha was talking about the shadow clone that Axetooth Dragon had just used, but in fact it was not what he taught, but was modified.

Asha put away the elf ball of the stupid camel, and then looked at the lava bug at the edge of the battle field.

Feeling the trainer's gaze, the lava bug immediately squirmed and ran to the battlefield.

Asha said: "My second Pokémon, lava bug, challenger, do you want to change Pokémon?"

Populus euphratica looked at Axetooth Dragon and asked, "Can you still persist?"

Axetooth stood up and said firmly: "Nata!"

"No need." Hu Yang said to Yasha.

"Then, let's start!" Yasha said with a very serious face: "Lava worm, use Sunny Day!"

The command was given, and a red light rose from the lava bug into the sky.

The next second, the sunshine in the sky became stronger, and the weather for the battle also changed from ordinary weather to a sunny day that was beneficial to the fire-type Pokémon.

"Dance of the Dragon." When the lava worm used Sunny Day, Populus euphratica also took the opportunity to issue new instructions to the Ax-tooth Dragon.

When the weather changed, the Axetooth Dragon also finished using its Dragon Dance, and looked at the lava bugs with high spirits.

"The lava bug is a special attacker. Yasha should let it use moves like sparks and flames." Hu Yang secretly thought in his heart.

It is very difficult to use buffing moves in battle, because when the opponent discovers it, he will immediately issue an order for the Pokémon to interrupt.

While thinking, Populus euphratica gave a new command to the Axe-toothed Dragon: "The Wrath of the Dragon."

Yasha also said: "The flames are splashing."

The two of them spoke at the same time again, and flames and purple shock waves spurted out from the mouths of the two Pokémon. They faced each other in mid-air, and after a stalemate, a violent explosion occurred.

When the smoke from the explosion enveloped the venue, Hu Yang knew his chance had come.

At this time, it is the best time to stack the status, because the opponent cannot judge the position of the Pokémon on the field.

Seeing that his vision had become a reality, Dragon's Fury and Flame Splash exploded. Hu Yang took advantage of this opportunity and ordered: "Let's do the Dragon Dance again."


The voice of the Axetooth Dragon came from it, indicating that it had heard the command.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and the Axetooth Dragon in the second stage of Dragon Dance also appeared in front of the lava bug.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Yasha heard the instruction and quickly guessed that her opponent had deliberately used Dragon's Wrath to cause an energy explosion on the field.

But that method has no effect on the lava bugs.

"Lava worm, use the clearing smoke!" Yasha said.

Clearing Smoke can remove all buffs on your opponent's Pokémon.

It's the perfect time to use it at this time.

"Shadow clone, rush forward and use the dragon claw!" Hu Yang saw the other party's intention and said quickly.

The Axe-tooth Dragon in the two dragon dances started to move, and its speed was significantly improved compared to when it was fighting against the Silly Fire Camel.

Several clones appeared and ran towards the lava bug from different directions.

The clearing smoke spurted out from the lava bug's body.

A second before it touched the smoke, the dragon's claws also successfully hit the lava bug.

A stream of flames spread along the dragon's claws and onto the body of the axe-toothed dragon.

The characteristics of the flame body instantly put it into a burning state.

On the field shrouded in purple mist, the lava bug's body lay limply on the ground, losing its ability to fight.

Shrouded in this mist, the Axetooth Dragon also let out a cry of pain.

With the superposition of damage from flames and clearing smoke, it was only a matter of time before the Axetooth Dragon lost its ability to fight.

But winning 1v2 is already a great job for Axetooth, who has been working hard.

The Ax-Tooth Dragon was obviously very uncomfortable from being burned, but he still endured the pain and returned to Populus euphratica.

It didn't cry, nor did it act coquettishly like before. It just stood on the ground steadily and honestly.

This is the growth from Yaya to Axiodon.

Populus euphratica touched its head with emotion and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work. Now have a good sleep!"


The Ax-toothed Dragon opened its eyes and looked up at Populus euphratica. The next second, a rich white light lit up on its body.

In the light, the body of the Axetooth dragon quickly grew taller and larger.

After a moment, the light dissipated, and a Pokémon covered in hard armor and with a pair of sharp teeth like an ax appeared in front of Hu Yang.

The ignorant and immature little dragon in the past has finally grown into a solid and reliable double-axe fighting dragon at this moment.

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