Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 338 A super evolution that shocks the world!

Due to the disaster, the Hoenn region's league competition was postponed for nearly a month.

Competitions in other regions ended early, and those trainers who traveled abroad also returned to their hometowns.

At this special time, as the only Caiyou Conference still being held, it can be said to have attracted the attention of the world.

Kanto region, Zhenxin Town.

"Xiao Zhi, it's time to get up!"

Hanako's voice came from outside the door. Today is the twenty-third day after Xiaozhi's travel abroad. The Chinese New Year is approaching, and the work in the hotel is gradually getting busy.

Hanako opened the door and saw Xiaozhi sleeping soundly with Pikachu in his arms.

Hearing someone coming in, Pikachu woke up, looked at Hanako who came in, and moved his plush ears.

"This child..." Hanako was a little helpless. She told Pikachu: "I put breakfast on the first floor. If you are hungry, remember to eat it!"


"In that case, I'll get busy first." Hanako smiled slightly, then turned around and went downstairs.

After he left, Pikachu pushed Xiaozhi with his paw: "Pikapi!"

Xiaozhi opened his eyes drowsily and held Pikachu in his arms: "Pikachu, why did you wake up so early?"

As he said that, as if he thought of something, Xiaozhi suddenly sat up from the bed.

correct! Today is the finals of the Hoenn Region Caiyu Conference!

Johto area.

Du, who was performing a mission outside, stopped in front of a billiard hall on the corner of the street and looked up at the TV inside which was playing the Hoenn Regional League competition.

The auditorium was packed with people, and there were endless cheers, applause and shouts.

Looking at Youshu opposite, Hu Yang had an idea in his mind that he had finally reached this point.

Defeating Yushu, he will become the champion of this competition.

"Brother Hu Yang, please start!" Youshu on the other side said seriously.

He directly released his Pokémon, which was a Lizard King.

Hu Yang nodded, and then took out an elf ball.

In a ray of white light, a nearly perfect Gardevoir appeared in front of people.

"It's Gardevoir!" Kyoko said: "Facing Player Yushu's Lizard King, the first Pokémon Player Populus used was Gardevoir, which he had never played before!"

"Gardevoir, it's a very rare Pokémon! We don't know what kind of performance this Gardevoir from player Populus Euphratica will bring to us. It's really exciting!"

Kyoko's voice spread to all over the world along the microphone and the Internet, and Hu Yang and Youshu on the field could also hear these words.

"Gardevoir, they are looking forward to your performance." Hu Yang said in his heart.

Gardevoir uses telepathy to communicate with his trainer: "Gardevoir~"

Hu Yang smiled slightly, looked down at the super bracelet on his wrist, and said softly: "Then show them!"


"Mega evolution!"

As the words fell, a golden light emerged from Populus euphratica's bracelet, combining with the blue light released from the brooch worn by Gardevoir.

Then it turned into a more powerful golden light, shrouding Gardevoir's body in it.

Seeing this scene, Kyoko couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is that...evolution?!"

"No...impossible!" After saying that, Kyoko subconsciously rejected the idea. You must know that Gardevoir is already the final evolved form of Larulus.

Evolving further... She couldn't even imagine it!

However, judging from the scene at the conference, what happened to Gardevoir was indeed evolving.

Its figure quickly changed in the light. When the light dissipated, a brand-new Gardevoir appeared in the eyes of all the viewers.

Gardevoir has really evolved...

At this moment, all the spectators who saw this scene fell into shock and did not recover for a long time.

The entire conference fell into a silence where you could hear the breathing of people around you.

At the same time, in the Carlos area, Dr. Buratano, who was having nothing to do and preparing to watch the game while drinking tea, fell into deep shock when he saw the scene on the screen.

But what followed was an extremely excited mood, and he looked at that special Gardevoir with fiery eyes.

That kind of power...

At this moment, four words appeared in Dr. Buratano's mind - super evolution.

Nowadays, this finals is not so important.

Because the world's attention has shifted to the Gardevoir that has evolved again, and its trainer.

But the game goes on.

Hu Yang ignored the noise outside the court and started a serious battle with Youshu.

Yushu's progress is rapid. It only took him just one year to cultivate Pokémon to this point. His talent as a trainer surpasses that of most people.

But even so, Super Gardevoir still suffered some dimensionality reduction in this battle.

Hu Yang did not deliberately crush Youshu, but instead conducted a tutorial battle with Gardevoir against his Lizard King and the other five Pokémon.

Youshu was a little confused at first, but he quickly guessed what Poplar Hu was thinking, and got into the mood excitedly.

When the last big king swallow fell, Youshu exhaled a sigh of relief.

Although he lost, he learned a lot from this battle and saw the shortcomings of several of his Pokémon.

"Thank you." Youshu said gratefully.

Hu Yang smiled slightly.

At this point, the Caiyou Conference came to an end.

Amidst the applause of the audience, the president of the alliance, Dama Lanqi, walked over with a golden trophy, a kind smile on his face: "Congratulations, trainer!"

Hu Yang took the trophy and said: "Thank you."

"Come on, champion, stand here, release all your Pokémon, and take a photo together!" At this time, the staff following Damalanchi brought a camera.

This is a common practice in league competitions. A group photo is taken with the champion, and then it is included in the league archives to be kept and recorded forever.

Hu Yang released all his Pokémon, then held the trophy and took a commemorative photo surrounded by Pokémon.

Daiwu and Mi Keli stood outside the crowd and watched this scene with a smile.

"It's incredible!" Mi Keli exclaimed.

With a smile on his face, Daigo nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, it's time for us to leave here!" Mi Keli said.

But Daiwu didn't move.

Because he wanted to ask when Hu Yang was going to challenge for the championship.

This way he can know when he can travel to other areas.

Seeing the expectant look on Daigo's face, Mikri couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The awarding session ended, followed by the reporter interview session.

This content was not included in previous league competitions, but because of Hu Yang’s special status, the Fengyuan League added this content today.

The reporter responsible for the interview is still Jingzi from Zi Jin TV.

When she faced Hu Yang, her first question was a very formulaic interview question: "Excuse me, player Hu Yang, won the championship of this Caiyou Conference. What do you think, or do you have anything to say?"

Hu Yang's answer was also very formulaic: "I am very happy, and I am very grateful to my Pokémon companions. This championship was achieved with the hard work of all of us."

Looking at the group of Pokémon surrounding Hu Yang, Jingzi showed a smile and said: "I can see that you are very united, so the second question."

“As we all know, the disaster caused by Groudon and Kyogre four months ago had a great impact on the Hoenn region.

You saved the Hoenn region in that incident, summoned the Phoenix King, and resurrected the dead. Everyone is very grateful to you. Before coming over for the interview, many people asked me to ask you if you have time to visit theirs. The city takes a look, they want to invite you over there to thank you. "

Hu Yang: "...Thank you, but you don't need to say thank you. I am an ordinary person like everyone else. I just did it because I can do it. I think if others can do it, he can do it too." Don’t hesitate to come forward.”

"I understand." Jingzi thought for a while and said, she smiled slightly and stopped continuing the question, saying: "Then, the last question, I believe many viewers also want to know, what happened to Shana in the finals just now? Is the phenomenon on Duo an evolution?"

"Yes." Hu Yang nodded. He looked at the camera and said, "I call it - super evolution."

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