Pokémon Modifier

Chapter 381 The mysterious Pokémon in Clear Cliff

Although it is very troublesome, once his trip is over, he will have a lot of time to stay in the ecological park and ferment the tree juice by himself with Huchu.

As for subduing Huhu... Populus euphratica is not too anxious. After all, Huhu is very common in the wild. When the time comes, just invite a few to settle on the island.

Well, perfect.

After silently eating the dinner prepared by Granny Huhu, Hu Yang got up and went to the guest room to rest.

Early the next morning, under the bright sunshine, Populus euphratica stood at the entrance of Huhu Paradise and said goodbye to the old woman.

The old woman always had a gentle smile on her face. She looked towards the direction where Hu Yang was about to leave and said:

"Through this forest, you can see a cliff. There is no town there. If you want to get to the other side of the cliff, you need to take a bus at the bus stop at the foot of the mountain."

"But one thing to note is that the bus only passes once a week. If you arrive late, you will have to wait an extra week."

Hu Yang nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, this kind of thing is not a problem for Pokémon trainers."

The old woman was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said, "In that case, let's go!"

Hu Yang hummed, turned around, carried the travel backpack and continued to set off.

After passing through this forest, the natural environment ahead began to change as the old woman said.

In the center of a vast green hinterland, a very steep cliff appeared. The gurgling water fell from above in the form of a waterfall, and finally met on the surface, forming countless rivers that meandered into the distance.

Hu Yang took out the map and looked at it, and was surprised to find that there was not even a human town in this place. If he had not walked this journey himself, when faced with this situation, he might have thought that he had traveled to some undeveloped primitive place. In the forest.

Populus euphratica intended to explore this place, so he did not ride the fire-breathing dragon directly over here.

Following the route pointed out by Grandma Huhu, he soon saw a simple bus stop at the bottom of the steep cliff.

Behind the platform stood a woman wearing home clothes.

Hu Yang stepped forward.

The woman also saw him and asked, "Are you planning to go to Asakusa City?"

Hu Yang: "Yes."

The woman looked like you were late: "The bus to Asakusa City left an hour ago, and the next bus will be here in a week."

Hu Yang nodded. It didn't matter to him whether he took the bus or not. After all, he had many ways to get through here.

It's just that... looking at the stop sign erected next to the bus stop, he always felt that this place seemed a bit familiar.

While Hu Yang was deep in thought, the woman opposite spoke.

She smiled and said: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Luna. I am currently investigating the natural environment here at Clear Cliff. I am running this bus station and the hut opposite. If you are not in a hurry to leave, you can leave temporarily. Stay in a small hotel and a new bus will be here in a week.”

"Is this place Qingqing Cliff?" Populus euphratica asked with a frown.

Luna was stunned for a moment, her eyes a little confused: "Yes, Clear Cliff! What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Hu Yang replied quickly: "I just heard that the weather here at Qingcheng Cliff is very bad."

After hearing this, Luna smiled. This was the direction of her investigation, and she could be said to be very knowledgeable about it:

"It is indeed very bad. Due to the terrain and air currents, the weather around Qingcheng Cliff is very unstable. Debris flows will occur when it rains. At that time, winds with wind speeds up to 40 knots per hour will blow. Tornadoes are also very common. .”

At this point, Luna sighed again: "Oh, but there is nothing we can do. This road is the closest road to Asakusa City. No matter how bad the weather is, the bus has to continue to leave."

Hu Yang understood that after all, not everyone is a trainer, and not everyone has a Pokémon that can fly.

What surprised him a little was that he accidentally came to Qingqing Cliff.

Mewtwo's counterattack incident has already happened before. After that incident, Mewtwo erased everyone's memory and took the group of cloned Pokémon it created to find a place to live elsewhere.

And Qingqing Cliff is the place to stay.

So the question is, are Mewtwo and those replica Pokémon still in Clear Cliff?

Hu Yang didn't know, he calculated the time carefully in his mind.

It's been half a month since I last separated from Xiaozhi. According to Xiaozhi's speed, it's very likely that he hasn't been here yet.

This also means that he came early.

Nothing has happened, Xiaozhi has not arrived, and Team Rocket headed by Sakaki has not yet discovered the new residence that Chaomeng found.

Looking at the unknown cliff not far away, Populus euphratica felt a little complicated.

The strongest Pokémon...

Hu Yang thought for a moment and finally decided to stay at the motel run by Luna.

At night, the weather in Qingcheng Cliff changed dramatically as Luna said.

A strong wind roared through the window, and the whole world seemed to be enveloped in a heavy rain.

Hu Yang sat on the sofa of the small hotel, holding Gu Yuenniao and looking at the situation outside.

At this time, Luna, the owner of the hotel, let out a exclamation.

Hu Yang turned around and saw that she was playing with a black phone. A slightly anxious message came from a man on the phone:

"This is bus No. 107. Our bus encountered a problem halfway up the mountainside of Qingcheng Cliff. The engine cannot start. We need to replace parts before we can set off normally. We are now asking for help from the terminal!"

Luna slapped her head in self-reproach, then quickly got into the counter and searched for the parts the other party needed.

"What happened?" Hu Yang asked.

While rummaging around, Luna replied angrily: "There was a problem with the bus that left today. He contacted me in the afternoon to replace parts, but I didn't see it. Oh my God! Why is the weather like this again? ! Ah! I hope they find a place to hide in advance!"

Populus euphratica: "..."

Soon, Luna found the parts. She wanted to deliver them in the rain, but as soon as she opened the door, her eyes were attracted by the spectacular black tornado in the distance.

"Oh my God!" Luna murmured.

Hu Yang also saw that scene. After a moment of silence, he said: "Since the car broke down in the afternoon, they must know the consequences of staying in the car in the strong wind, so they may have left the car before it rained. , found a place to hide."

Luna frowned and said worriedly: "It's all my fault, nothing will happen!"

At the same time, halfway up the mountainside of Qingcheng Cliff.

A bus was driving slowly forward in the storm.

In the afternoon, there was indeed a problem with the car and it could not drive. After asking for help from the station to no avail, luckily there was a car repairman among the passengers.

Under his repairs, the car finally returned to normal when it got dark.

We have passed by Qingchengya many times, and the driver has long been accustomed to this kind of weather.

At first, he didn't take it seriously, but after turning a mountain road, the terrifying tornado was immediately exposed to the driver and everyone in the car.

The driver's pupils shrank suddenly: "Damn it! How could this happen!"

He looked at the worried passengers behind him and said, "We can't continue setting off in this weather. We have to stop and find a safe place to wait for the rain to stop!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind swept over him, causing the entire car to tilt instantly on the narrow mountain road.

The driver's head hit the glass, and a panicked scream came from inside the car.

Seeing this, the driver immediately turned the steering wheel and tried to restore the car, but unfortunately, he failed.

The car tilted completely, and the passengers in the car fell towards the bottom of the cliff.

"It's over."

At this moment, everyone had thoughts of despair.

But at this moment, everything around seemed to suddenly stop.

A faint blue light shone on the scattered luggage in the car, and they were frozen in mid-air, motionless.

The noisy wind and heavy rain all around also stopped at the same time. The sudden silence made the driver who had closed his eyes tightly waiting for death to slowly open his eyes.

By chance, a bolt of lightning flashed across the night.

The driver saw a scene he would never forget in his life——

A humanoid figure floated quietly in front of the car. It stretched out a hand and, like magic, slowly sent the bus that was supposed to fall off the cliff back to the mountain road.

The driver looked at the figure in disbelief.

The next second, he felt a bright light in front of his eyes. The bright light made him instinctively close his eyes, but when he opened them again, he found that he had returned to the public station at the foot of the mountain.

The rain here is much lighter than that on Qingcheng Cliff.

The driver and the passengers in the car got out of the car with confused faces. As they looked at each other, someone asked, "What just happened?"

The driver swallowed, and the scene just now appeared in his mind, and he replied: "I seem to have seen a Pokémon..."


The driver nodded: "A very powerful Pokémon."

A mysterious Pokémon that could affect the surrounding weather and saved them.

News spread like wildfire that Bus No. 107 was returned to the station by a mysterious Pokémon.

While Luna prepared hot soup and blankets for the frightened passengers, Hu Yang calmly looked at the driver who told about seeing a mysterious Pokémon.

Sure enough, is Chaomeng still here?

Hu Yang was not surprised that Chaomeng would choose to help humans.

After all, Chaomeng is still in a confused period of "Where is this place? Who am I? Who brought me here?"

Although it has experienced the original counterattack, Chaomeng's hatred for humans has been reduced a lot, and because of Xiaozhi, it no longer wants to harm humans.

Hu Yang thought about Chaomeng thoughtfully.

He looked towards the clear cliff shrouded in darkness.

Want to go see it?

At the same time, on the top of Qingcheng Cliff, there was a dark cave.

A group of Pokémon were sitting around here, and one of them, Charizard, used his tail as a light, illuminating the dark cave.

At this time, Chaomeng's figure suddenly walked in from outside the cave.

A Pikachu sitting on the ground looked at it and said: "Pikachu." (You helped humans.)

Chaomeng looked at the Pikachu and said nothing.

Pikachu continued to ask: "Pika?" (Why would you help humans?)

Chaomeng looked at it, and after a moment of silence, he said: "If there is a car accident here, a large number of humans will come here to rescue, and we who live here will be affected by them."

Hearing this, Pikachu's ears moved, his head lowered, and he said no more.

But the meow on the side saw through its thoughts and said, "You actually don't want to hurt humans."

Chaomeng denied: "There is no such thing. The life and death of human beings have nothing to do with me."

Pikachu was a little confused: "Pika?" (Is this really true?)

Chaomeng did not answer this question again.

Not getting an answer, Pikachu sighed.

Miao Miao looked at the wind and rain outside with a sad face.

Mewtwo was thinking in his mind about the questions "How should they survive?" and "What should they do from now on?"

Looking at the group of Pokémon in front of him that had been copied like it, Chaomeng asked them what they thought about this matter.

Hearing these words, Pikachu's ears twitched, his tone was a little low, and he slowly said: "Pika...chu..." (The life of hiding here is no different from being in jail...)

Meow nodded in agreement: "The moon is round no matter where it is, Meow."

There was silence on Chaomeng's face, and there was a seriousness in his eyes, and he said to several Pokémon:

"We Pokémon copied by humans are not real Pokémon."

When he first came to this place, looking at the beautiful Mirror Lake in front of him, Chaomeng often questioned whether he was qualified to appreciate the beauty of this lake.

As copied Pokémon, why do they exist?

Chaomeng's face was full of confusion.

Miao Miao saw Chaomeng like this, and his eyes revealed the aura of a philosopher, and he said to Chaomeng:

"Whether we are Pokémon or not, the moon shining in the sky is round, meow."

After hearing this, Chaomeng did not continue this topic with Meow Meow and the others.

It turned its head and looked at the wind and rain outside the cave, with a thoughtful expression on its face.

Meow Meow looked through the cave to somewhere in the sky.

On nights without rain, a very beautiful full moon would often appear there, but now, it was obscured by dark clouds and darkness.

Miao Miao looked there and sighed softly, perhaps because he was moved by the scene, which made him sigh in a sad tone:

"Copying Pokémon is like a shadow, but it can't find a place where it can live like a shadow, nya."

This sentence made all the Pokémon here feel a little sad.

Pikachu lowered his little head: "Pikachu..." (I don't want to continue to be a shadow...)

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