At the gate of Nibi City in the Kanto region, Xiao Gang looked at Nibi City behind him and turned around."Let's just send you here. It's getting late. Let's say goodbye here.""

"Xiaogang, have you really decided?"Xiaozhi looked at Xiaogang with reluctance in his eyes. After all, he was his partner who accompanied him on the four-region journey.

"I have carefully considered what I really want to do during this period of time. Xiao Gang said seriously,"I want to become an elf doctor and protect the lives of more elves.""

"It's a great ideal. I wish you success, Xiaogang." Xiaozhi stretched out his hand."Xiaogang, thank you very much for your company for nearly two years."

"You're welcome." Xiaogang looked at Xiaoxia beside Xiaozhi and stretched out his hand to shake Xiaozhi's."But now you have someone who can always accompany you, and there is more than one person. I can be considered to have retired now."

"That’s different. When it comes to cooking, except for Lila, everyone else...hiss." Xiaozhi felt a pain in his waist halfway through his words.

At this time, Xiaoxia’s hand was twisting Xiaozhi’s waist hard,"Xiaozhi, are you complaining that my cooking is bad?"

"No, absolutely not." Xiaozhi immediately denied

"Haha." Xiaogang laughed at the two of them, vaguely seeing how they looked when he first met Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia. He also compared them with the two mature people now.

"You've really grown up," Xiao Gang whispered

"What?"Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia asked in unison

"It's nothing, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Pikachu. Goodbye then"

"Wait, take this." When Xiaogang was about to withdraw his hand, Xiaozhi handed two khaki-colored round stones, one large and one small, to Xiaogang."The Steelix Knight and the Keystone, I believe they will be useful to you, Xiaogang.""

"Thank you very much." Xiaogang did not refuse, and took the two pebbles from Xiaozhi's hand and looked at them carefully."Honestly, Xiaozhi, where did you get so many key stones and mega stones? Even in the Kalos region, there are only a few cases of mega evolution."

"It's just luck," Xiaozhi said with a smile, without giving a direct answer.

"Hehe." Xiaogang didn't ask any more questions."Xiaozhi, I'm waiting for the day when you become the strongest in the world and a true master."

"I believe it won't be long.","Pikachu!" Xiaozhi and Pikachu said confidently

""You are still as confident as ever, Xiaoxia, you and Xiaozhi should work harder together."

Both of them blushed at the same time, especially Xiaoxia. She knew what Xiaogang meant.

"This time I really say goodbye to Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Pikachu. Don't forget to come to Nibi Gym when you return to Kanto in the future"

"must","Goodbye, Xiaogang","Pikachu (Goodbye)".

The two watched Xiao Gang slowly walk into Nibe City, then Xiaozhi turned around and looked at Xiaoxia and said,"Let's go, Xiaoxia, it's time for us to go back to Pallet Town."


"By the way, Misty, is the Cerulean Gym really okay?"On the way back to Xiaozhi's house in Pallet Town, Xiaozhi suddenly asked. After all, the fighting level of the three sisters of Cerulean is really terrible.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, I have already applied to the alliance. And Sakura has also passed the review of inspector Miss Joy, there will be no problem at all," Xiaoxia said with a smile.

"Can even a battle level like Miss Sakura's be passed?"

"Of course I trained my elder sister well, and I gave her the jewel starfish and white sea lion left by my father." Xiaoxia explained, looking at Xiaozhi's house getting closer and closer, Xiaoxia suddenly reached out and held Xiaozhi's right hand


"Let's go back quickly." Xiaoxia turned her head with a red face,"Isn't it dark already?"

Xiaozhi smiled and held Xiaoxia's hand. In front of the door, Xiaozhi took a deep breath and opened the door immediately,"I'm back!","Pikachu!"

"What are you two doing?"Xia was startled by Xiaozhi and Pikachu's sudden loud voice.

"It's a habit before coming back every time." Xiaozhi and Pikachu scratched their heads and looked into the quiet house."Don't hide, Professor Oak, Xiaomao, Xiaojian and mom, I have found you a long time ago."

"Ah~ I wanted to give you a surprise, Satoshi." Hanako poked her head out from behind the sofa and saw Satoshi and Misty holding hands."Ah, Satoshi, has it come to this with Misty? It looks like you have two surprises for me, Satoshi."

Misty immediately lowered her head when Hanako said this, while Satoshi was a little helpless."Almost there, by the way, what exactly do you mean by two surprises?" Hanako walked up to Satoshi and said,"Of course it's you winning the Lily of the Valley tournament and getting a girlfriend."

"They all say it's not yet"

"I have become a winner in life without realizing it." Xiaomao came out of the kitchen, followed by Xiaojian and Professor Oak who were carrying dishes.

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes and said,"You are the least qualified to say that."

Thinking of the car of cheerleaders when Xiaomao just became a trainer, it seemed exaggerated. Although Xiaozhi should form a car now, there shouldn't be too many problems

"Haha." Xiaomao walked up to Xiaozhi and gently hit him in front of his body with his fist."I haven't congratulated you on becoming the champion of the Lily of the Valley Tournament and the Trusted King of Sinnoh. You are really amazing."

"Strictly speaking, it's not a good thing, right?" Xiaozhi sighed. The strength shown by Regigigas and Darkrai in this Lily of the Valley Conference was enough to attract the attention of some people with bad intentions.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi." Professor Oak came over and said,"This time, Long Tianwangdu and Shirona have already put pressure on the alliance, so you can use the legendary beasts without worry."

"That's good"

""Pa!" The sudden clapping made everyone turn their heads. At this time, Hanako was already standing in front of the dining table."It's dinner time now. If you haven't finished talking, just chat at the dining table. The most important thing now is to eat."

Everyone nodded and sat down in turn, while Misty helped Hanako carry the food, which made Hanako very happy.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Xiaozhi was packing his luggage in the room.

During these three days, Xiaozhi went to Fandou to retrieve the Infernape that was stored there. Two years have passed, and now Infernape's level is 55.

Xiaozhi also heard from Fandou that Infernape has won the championship in the fighting competitions he participated in, except for the time when he lost to Abbyron who was one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Xiba.

Now Infernape is also a powerful fighting force in Xiaozhi's hands. To be honest, it is really amazing to be able to get to this point with the cyan qualifications.

After packing the luggage, Pikachu jumped onto Xiaozhi's shoulder and walked down the stairs. After touching Pikachu's soft cheek, Xiaozhi whispered,"Pikachu, we must also win the championship in the Unova region."

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