The Sinnoh region consists of the mainland, the northeastern island of the Battle Zone, and most of the small islands in the eastern suburbs. It is located in the northwest of the three regions of Kanto, Chengdu, and Hoenn.

In the center of the Sinnoh region is the Tenkoan Mountain that connects all the regions, just like the Silver Mountain that connects Chengdu and Kanto. Generally speaking, Sinnoh, Hoenn, and Kanto and Chengdu are not too far apart. It takes less than half a day to get there by boat from Vermilion City.

At this time, Xiaozhi got out of bed, looked at his shriveled wallet, lowered his head and sighed,"It's less than half a day, but the boat ticket costs 1,000 Alliance Coins. It's really a black heart."

How to say it, the living expenses given by his family are limited, so Xiaozhi is not a rich man

"Anyway, we are in the Sinnoh region. Let's go to Professor Yamanashi to activate the Pokédex."


Xiaozhi and Pikachu cheered up again. At this moment, a mechanical hand suddenly and quickly reached out to Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder. When it was about to catch Pikachu, a light blue barrier blocked the mechanical hand.

"morning���I found you guys, you are really persistent."

Looking at the Meowth balloon in the sky, Xiaozhi felt a headache. That's right, a man and a woman plus Meowth and Sure enough, they are the three members of Team Rocket.

""Little brat, what tricks did you play!" Seeing the failure of the battle, Kojiro asked loudly in confusion.

"Do I need to explain it to you?" Xiaozhi asked back,"Pikachu, 100,000 volts."

The golden electric light pointed directly at the three people on the hot air balloon, but the trio did not panic at all. Musashi immediately pushed Guoranong in front of him. A mirror-like luster appeared on Guoranong's body, which was the mirror reflection that could bounce back any special skills. However,

Xiaozhi had guessed that this would happen, and turned to Pikachu and said,"Pikachu, control the direction of 100,000 volts. The target is the hot air balloon."

"What?!"The trio was shocked

"Pikachu nodded, and under his control, the electric light directly exploded the hot air balloon, and the three people who lost the hot air balloon fell into the sea with a cry of"What a disgusting feeling!"

"You really can't learn your lesson."


Xiaozhi and Pikachu shook their heads helplessly and prepared to go to Dr. Yamanashi's laboratory first.

The pier where the ship docked was right here in Masaga Town, so Xiaozhi didn't have to release Pidgeot, he could just ask passers-by about Dr. Yamanashi's laboratory.

After all, Dr. Yamanashi is a famous Pokémon researcher, and he is also the official doctor designated by the Sinnoh League to be in charge of rookie trainers. Almost everyone in Masaga Town knows about him.

After learning the location of Dr. Yamanashi's laboratory from passers-by, Xiaozhi and Pikachu walked towards Dr. Yamanashi's laboratory.

On the way, they passed a small forest, where there seemed to be a few Ariados, all of which were cleaned up by Pikachu's 100,000 volts.

Xiaozhi roughly looked at the qualifications of Ariados, red, red, red, and blue, and there was no suitable qualification, so he gave up the idea of capturing. The qualifications of the Pokémon that Xiaozhi wants to capture must start from blue, because it is easier to cultivate in this way

"I remember that Xinqi Lake seems to be in this forest. Pikachu, let's go take a look." Xiaozhi said to Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Pikachu (OK)"

Heart and Soul Lake, Ambition Lake and Wisdom Lake are the three major lakes in the Sinnoh region. This lake is home to one of the three sacred mushrooms, Emrido, which represents feelings.

Heart and Soul Lake is very easy to find, after all, there is only one lake in this forest. Xiaozhi used the bird guide to ask the shy bud on the road and found out.

Although it was already noon, there was still a faint white mist on the Heart and Soul Lake.

"How should I put it? It's no different from an ordinary small lake, except for the white mist on it.",


Xiaozhi and Pikachu whispered while looking at the Heart Lake. At this moment, the fog on the lake gradually thickened, and a small figure floated in the center of the Heart Lake.

"Pickup truck!"

""Emrido?!" Xiaozhi exclaimed. With his waveguide, he clearly saw that this Pokémon was Emrido, one of the three sacred mushrooms.

However, Emrido only appeared for 1 second before disappearing, which made Xiaozhi feel a little regretful.

"Wait, I remember that only certain people in Emrido can appear from the different space in the lake in the form of souls." Xiaozhi said to himself

"And the person Emrido chose seemed to be"



Two different voices came from the side, and Xiaozhi and Pikachu turned around. The girl in the white hat with the Poké Ball logo, shoulder-length dark blue hair and dark blue pupils, looked at Xiaozhi and Pikachu with a hint of curiosity on her pretty face.

Xiaozhi was too familiar with the girl in front of him, it was Xiaoguang. Xiaozhi thought that he would miss Xiaoguang after taking a day off at home, but he didn't expect to meet her again.

""Excuse me, did you see that Pokémon just now?"

Xiaoguang asked curiously. She and Pogamon finally escaped from the encirclement of Ariados, and then saw the Pokémon suddenly appearing on the lake, and then heard Xiaozhi's voice. From his tone, it seemed that he knew this Pokémon, so Xiaoguang came over to ask out of curiosity.

However, the black-haired boy in front of her seemed to look at her strangely. How to say it, it was as if he had seen her a long time ago.

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