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Lizhi Lake, Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang leaned on the railing. A comfortable and cool breeze blew, and the two girls' soft hair was slightly blown.

Xiaoguang looked curiously at Xiaoyao who was staring at the surface of Lizhi Lake, wondering what she wanted to ask him.



Xiaoyao turned her head and said,"Did you mean that Xiaozhi taught you this ice water jet move?"

"As for this," Xiaoguang thought for a while,"Well, at first I thought it would be great if I combined the freezing ray with the water jet, but I couldn't succeed after trying several times.

Because after being frozen by the freezing ray, Pogona will fall down. Later, when Xiaozhi saw it, he instructed me to let Pogona rotate continuously before being frozen, so that even if it was frozen, it would not stop in place. However, although it is easy to say, it is actually difficult to do."

Xiaoguang thought about the scenes of continuous failures when practicing with Pogona."The success rate is less than half. Fortunately, I have become more skilled these days, so I dare to do this."

After listening to Xiaoguang's story, Xiaoyao turned her head and continued to look at the sparkling lake."That's great. Xiaoguang, it seems that Xiaozhi cares about you very much."

Xiaoguang remembered that when he failed in the Fate Tournament, Xiaozhi never tired of guiding him again and again, and accompanied him in practice, and his heart felt warm,"Fortunately"

"Even the long-tailed monster hand is given to you, Xiaoguang"

"Xiaozhi said that Longtailed Monster Hand prefers the Grand Tournament to the Gym Battle, so he taught me to train it." Xiaoguang explained

"Really?" Xiaoguang rested his chin on one hand and looked into the distance.

"Obviously I can help him cultivate it, why didn't Xiaozhi think of me?"

His tone seemed a little wrong, and Xiaoguang began to feel uneasy.

""Xiaoguang" Xiaoyao turned her head with a very serious expression"Xiaozhi, does he like you?"


Xiaoguang's eyes widened. She didn't expect Xiaoyao to ask so bluntly. At this moment, Xiaoyao's snow-white face was slightly red. Xiaoguang could see that she was shy, but even so, Xiaoyao still stared at Xiaoguang, waiting for her answer.

"I, I…" Xiao Guang was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer, should he admit it or deny it. After hesitating for a few seconds, Xiao Guang shook his head.

"I don't know."

Hearing Xiaoguang's answer, Xiaoyao finally felt relieved."That's right, Xiaozhi is not good at expressing his feelings. But this also means that I still have a chance."

"Xiaoyao, could it be you"

"Well, I care about Xiaozhi a lot."

Xiaoyao did not admit it directly, but changed to a more euphemistic statement. However, in Xiaoguang's opinion, this is equivalent to indirectly admitting it.

""Yes, when did it start?" Xiaoguang asked nervously,"When you were traveling together in Hoenn? Um, does Xiaozhi know about it?"

"Xiaozhi doesn't know."Xiaoyao: He can't tell. As for when it started, it should be then."

In the Temple of the Sea, Xiaozhi asked Xiaoyao, Pikachu and Manaphy to get into the lifeboat, and chose to put the Crown of the Sea back to its original place. From then on, Xiaoyao began to care about Xiaozhi. The heartache and sadness when she thought Xiaozhi would never come back were definitely not fake.

After listening to Xiaoyao's story, Xiaoguang remembered the scene when Xiaozhi went to Amoras Town alone to hold Dialga and Palkia. Thinking of this, Xiaoguang couldn't help but smile.

"It really sounds like something that a big idiot like Xiaozhi would do."

"It seems that something similar has happened before." Xiaoyao also laughed."Come on, Xiaoguang, tell me about it."

Xiaoguang nodded and told Xiaoyao about his experience with Xiaozhi and Xiaogang in Amoras Town. After listening, Xiaoyao was stunned and immediately grabbed Xiaoguang's hands.

"The twin gods of time and space in Sinnoh, Dialga and Palkia, Xiaozhi actually fought with the legendary beasts. It's too dangerous, Xiaoguang, you must keep an eye on Xiaozhi, and never let him do such dangerous things again."

After all, those are the legendary beasts Dialga and Palkia, and if they are not careful, they may even lose their lives.

"Well, but Xiaozhi"

"That's right." Xiaoyao felt a headache after thinking of Xiaozhi's personality."Anyway, keep an eye on Xiaozhi. Xiaoguang, I'll leave it to you when I'm not around.""

"Why does this sound weird?"

"I haven't given up." Xiaoyao blinked her left eye mischievously."Next time we meet, I will become stronger and more charming, and then let Xiaozhi confess to me."

"I, I won’t lose to you!" Xiaoguang said anxiously immediately.

The two girls looked at each other, and then laughed silently.

Xiaoyao was in a hurry and had to go back to Chengdu in the afternoon. The red-gold sunlight at dusk shone on everyone’s faces. Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoyao in front of him and said,"Won’t you stay one more day?"

"Ah, Xiaozhi, can't you bear to leave me?"


Xiaozhi admitted generously, which made Xiaoyao stunned for a moment, and then she laughed,"Thank you, I'm very happy."

Xiaogang's face changed, and he immediately looked at Xiaoguang beside him, and found that her expression did not change.

Xiaoguang, who looked normal, walked in front of Xiaoyao and said,"Xiaoyao, be careful on the road."

"Well, Xiaoguang, let’s save the battle of revenge for the next time we meet. I will definitely not lose then!"

"Me too."

Looking at the two girls talking normally, Xiao Gang was a little confused. Shouldn't the atmosphere be more tense?

But Xiao Gang still had to say something before parting."Xiaoyao, there are many delicious foods in Chengdu, but you must be careful not to get an upset stomach."

"It's been a while since I've eaten Xiaogang's food. Next time we meet, I must eat my fill."

"Haha, don't worry."

The cruise ship to Chengdu was about to set sail. Xiaoyao saw that the time was almost up, so he bowed slightly to the three of them and said,"Goodbye, everyone.""

"Wait, Xiaoyao." Just as Xiaoyao was about to turn around and get on the boat, Xiaozhi called her and said,"This is for you."

"What is this?" Xiaoyao looked at the bracelet on Xiaozhi's hand, which was inlaid with a fiery red round stone and a larger fiery red round stone. She was a little confused.

"Key and Blaziken's Mega Stone, Blaziken Knight, if you have this and enough bonds, you can make Blaziken Mega Evolve," Xiaozhi explained.

"Xiaoyao, the bond between you and Flame Chicken should be able to mega evolve. By the way, about mega evolution"

"It was recently discovered in the Kalos region. I saw it on the news." Xiaoyao looked at the bracelet and round stone on Xiaozhi's hand."But Xiaozhi, this thing is very valuable, right?"

"I don't have a flame chicken anyway, so it would be a waste to put it on me, so it's better to give it to you, Xiaoyao." Xiaozhi looked at the bracelet inlaid with the key with a regretful expression.

"It's a pity that time is a bit tight, otherwise the craftsman could have made it more exquisite."

"No." Xiaoyao took the bracelet and the round stone and put on the bracelet."I like it very much. Thank you Xiaozhi."

"As long as you like it, then"

Before he could say goodbye, Xiaoyao rushed over to hug Xiaozhi in front of Xiaoguang and Xiaogang's surprised eyes, and whispered in Xiaozhi's ear,"This is a return gift."

After that, he immediately turned around and quickly ran onto the cruise ship. With a roar, the cruise ship gradually moved away from the port.

"Goodbye, Xiaozhi!"Xiaoyao waved to Xiaozhi on the deck, and looked at Xiaozhi getting farther and farther away from her, Xiaoyao withdrew her hand and sighed.

"In the end, I still couldn't clearly express my feelings to Xiaozhi. I don't know if this big guy can see it."_

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