Xiao Zhi, who successfully subdued the fossil pterodactyl, returned to the ground, and Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang immediately ran in front of him.

"Ash, you are really bold, you actually want to subdue the fossil pterosaur, and you really succeeded" Xiao Gang looked at Ash and sighed, "I still remember that you were captured by the fossil pterosaur in the Great Sand Valley."

"After all, I'm not the same now as I was then," Ash said with a smile.

The subdued fossil pterosaur Ash did not keep him with him but teleported to Dr. Oki, and now he has no need for the fossil pterosaur for the time being.

At the Oki Research Institute in Shinshin Town, Dr. Oki was eating instant noodles in front of the computer, when suddenly a message from the elves transmitted by Ash appeared on the screen

"Ash has subdued a new elf again?".

Dr. Oki took a sip of instant noodle soup and tapped his mouse

"It's a fossil pterosaur?!Good guy, this is an ancient elf, it seems that some research has been studied."

Dr. Oki immediately put aside the half-eaten instant noodles, walked to the machine and opened the Poké Ball, and the fossil pterosaur that came out of the Poké Ball first looked around, and suddenly pounced when he saw Dr. Oki in front of him.

"It's quite wild, it looks like it's just been subdued."

Dr. Oki smiled slightly, and there was no panic in his eyes. I saw a flash of white light, and a sturdy thysmansal dragon appeared in front of Dr. Ohki, and it was a million-ton punch at the fossil pterosaur that pounced on it.

The fossil pterosaur was directly knocked unconscious to the ground by this heavy punch, and looking at the fossil pterosaur lying on the ground, Dr. Ohki's eyes showed excitement

"Hehe, let the old man study you well."

It is not known how the fossil pterosaur will be treated by Ash, but at this time he is receiving praise from Junsha at the police station, although there is no money to reward him this time.

As for the fossil pterosaur, the researchers at the museum did not ask for it to be recovered, after all, it was accepted by Ash. And there are a lot of fossils here, and it will not be difficult to resurrect a fossil pterosaur one day.

However, this time, he not only subdued the great power of the fossil pterosaur, but also got 800 exchange points, which is enough for Ash.

Later, it was reported that the lost fossil resurrection machine was found by the police outside Black Gold City, but the person who stole the machine was not caught.

"These three guys are really fast," Ash whispered


"What did you say, Ash?" Hikari seemed to vaguely hear Ash muttering something.

"It's nothing," Ash shook his head, "Since you can't go to the Black Gold Museum for the time being, let's go and challenge the Black Gold Gym."

"Okay, I haven't seen the official gym battle yet."

"Ash, it seems that you have the confidence to win" Ash smiled and joked as he looked at Ash, who had a relaxed face, but he was also surprised by Ash's strength growth, and it shouldn't be a problem to win the gym battle with Ash's few elves now.

"As long as the owner is not too strong, it's too outrageous."

The three of them came to the Black Gold Gym, and Xiaoguang looked around curiously, after all, this was her first time coming to the Gym, and it was still very new to her.

"It's kind of like the inside of the Nibi Gym," Pikachu said, "Ash and Pikachu said as they looked around.

"Maybe it's because of the same Rock Gym," Xiao Gang said

A young man wearing a red hard hat and eyes, dressed as a miner, walked up to the three of Ash, "May I ask what is the matter with you?".

Ash bent down slightly, "I'm Ash in Kanto Shinshintown, I'll leave the gym battle to please, Mr. Ryota", "Pickup!".

"Eh, is he the owner of the pavilion?" Xiaoguang was a little surprised, just looking at his appearance, he thought he was an ordinary miner.

Lady looked at Ash carefully for a moment, "You're the boy who subdued the fossil pterosaur."

"Well, Mr. Ryota saw it too".

"After all, the fossil pterosaur has caused such a big mess, of course I can't sit idly by as the owner of the pavilion," Ryota said with a smile, "But I didn't expect you to solve it first, come with me, I'm also looking forward to fighting you."

The three of them followed Ryota to the arena, while Xiaoguang and Xiaogang sat in the audience.

Hikaru unleashed his Bogaman, Curling Ears and Longtail Monster Hand, "You three should watch Ash's battle well."

"It's really a good way to learn," Xiao Gang next to him also said.

After the referee briefly read out the rules of the gym battle, Ash opened the Poké Ball and sent out the Forest Turtle. And the lady sent a level 20 small fist stone, the same level as the forest turtle.

"Little Fist Stone, Awaken the Power" Ryota was ready to strike first, and the whole body of the Little Fist Stone glowed, because it was a sandy place, the Awakening Power turned into a lot of clay and flew towards the forest turtle.

"Flying Leaf Knife".

Sharp blades appeared around the forest turtle, and under his control, they directly dispersed the awakening power and flew towards the small fist stone.

"With Scrolling".

Xiao Fiststone's entire body shrunk into a ball, avoiding the Flying Leaf Knife and quickly rolling towards the forest turtle.

"With an iron head".

The entire body of the forest turtle glowed with a silver-white light and directly met the small fist stone, and the two elves collided with each other, and the result was that the little fist stone was directly knocked out of the arena.

The referee came to Little Fist Stone and found that he had fainted "Little Fist Stone lost his ability to fight, and the Forest Turtle won".

"It's really a powerful iron head," Lady retracted the small fist stone, "However, this guy won't lose if it's more powerful, come on, big rock snake!"

With a roar that resounded through the arena, a large rock snake with a huge body appeared in front of the forest turtle.

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