"Hey, Sister Xiao is here, let's sit down and eat together?" Liu Yuying teased with a slightly curved mouth.

"That's good." After saying that, Xiao Yuming greeted Bai Ye and the two behind him, "Brothers, sit down, I don't need to be polite, do you?"

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and then he pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Hiss~ha!" Xiao Yuming opened a bottle of drink and took a sip, and then said: "How are the grades of the big guys, do you want to talk to each other, so that everyone can know in their hearts."

"I can do it." Lei Jun was the first to express his opinion. He looked straight at the three people who came back after this, obviously very curious about their results.

"I have 62."

"I have 65."



After some communication, Bai Ye discovered that everyone's grades were not too bad, even Wang Mengmeng, who was the worst, had a high score of 51.

However, this result, if placed in previous years, may still have the hope of winning the ceremony place, but this year, it is a bit hanging.

"Do you need help?" Bai Ye tapped her and asked bluntly.

Wang Mengmeng took a sip of the milk tea in her hand and shook her head, "No need, I'm not a combat trainer, so it doesn't matter if I get the spot or not."

Wang Mengmeng was very open about this. She came to participate in the pilgrimage trial mainly because of the benefit of the water of life that is not easy to get sick.

Just ask for health, even if you can't get the quota, it's okay, anyway, at her current age, she rarely gets sick.

Even Wang Mengmeng didn't need help, and it was even more impossible for the other beauties to accept their help.

After all, strictly speaking, the few of them are still seniors of Bai Ye and the others, mainly because of embarrassment.

Ten minutes later, the horn sounded, and the sound waves resounded through the entire mountain range.

Those elves who were hiding in every corner of the mountain range and hadn't been subdued by 797 ran towards the resting point from all directions as if they had received an order.

Some run directly on land, and of course there are also very stubborn ones who choose to approach from the ground.

Undoubtedly, all the trial elves running on the ground were almost wiped out, and all fell into the hands of the contestants who had already been waiting near the rest point, while most of those who drilled from the ground escaped by luck.

After all, there are trial elves on the bright side attracting firepower, so there are naturally fewer contestants paying attention to the underground.

Moreover, after playing for so long, most of the contestants were a little tired, and at the last moment, they didn't bother to care about the underground anymore.

Bai Ye and his friends all got together and acted together, and they didn't disperse again.

As for the last wave, Bai Ye took three of them, and after his total score reached 76, he stopped subduing them.

With this result, getting a top ten should be stable.

As for the trial elves caught by the metal monster later, Bai Ye distributed them to other people.

Soon, when the trial spirits no longer appeared, this pilgrimage trial came to an end.

Dozens of natural birds reappeared in front of everyone, with a pink light on them, and the next second, the familiar feeling of spinning around came again.

Chapter 422 Inspection Results

"This pilgrimage trial has come to a successful conclusion. Next, the contestants whose names have been called, please go to the checkpoint to record the results!"

Not long after returning to the waiting hall, the voice of the staff came from the radio.

"Number 01, flow east."

"Number 02, Xiamohe."


With only four checkpoints open, White Night feels a bit slow to be honest.

In the pilgrimage trial, not only the trial elves have special tags, but the elf balls used are also different from ordinary elf balls on the market.

Therefore, in this case, the organizer can completely customize a counting machine, instead of asking the contestants to release all the elves they have tamed one by one, and then register and count.

All contestants are in the preparation area. Except for the staff, there are no other idlers in the field.

After just watching for a while, everyone started to lower their heads to play with their mobile phones, or chat in pairs, which was very boring.

Even Bai Ye felt that it was better to be in the rest area of ​​the trial ground than to be here.

In the rest area, at least there are snacks and drinks for sale, but here, there is nothing.

Not long after, the first contestant who finished counting returned from the inspection area. The whole process was very ordinary. It was like the big screen in novels that displayed the number of contestants who had taken in the contestants. No.

"Aren't the results announced today? I remember the results of the pilgrimage test. Didn't they come out on the same day?" Bai Ye looked at Wang Mengmeng and asked with some doubts.

Among the eight people, only Wang Mengmeng is a local from Tingshui City, and only she may know what the others don't know.

Of course, other people may also know that Bai Ye just felt that Wang Mengmeng was suddenly so quiet, and it was a little uncomfortable.

Wang Mengmeng said calmly: "It's announced, but it's only announced outside. The audience can see it, but we can't. If you want to watch it, just watch the live broadcast on the Internet~"

The contestants want to watch the results, but they have to go to the Internet to watch the live broadcast?

The corner of Bai Ye's mouth twitched, "Is there any point in doing this?"

Wang Mengmeng shook her head: "It doesn't make any sense. If I insist on saying it, it's probably to maintain a sense of mystery."

white night:"..."

At this moment, the slightly serious voice of the staff came from the radio.

"The result of contestant No. 056 is invalid, please take precautions for the contestants who have not checked!"

"This is..?"

"It's cheating, alas, there are fools who use this low-level cheating scheme every year, and I'm convinced." Wang Mengmeng rubbed her forehead and sighed, obviously quite speechless about this situation.

Later, after Wang Mengmeng's explanation, Bai Ye basically understood what was going on.

If a contestant wants to check the results, first of all, his check results must be matched with the real-time record results of the camera wizard and the off-site observation results.

It can't be said to be completely consistent, but it can't be too bad.

If the difference is too much, then it is obvious that someone has traded poke balls in private.

Once this kind of thing is found out, its natural results will be invalid, and this person will also be blacklisted by the shrine, and will be prohibited from participating in the pilgrimage trial in the future.

After learning about it, Bai Ye was quite speechless. To be honest, it would not be an exaggeration to say that someone who cheats in this way is a fool.

Afterwards, Bai Ye asked Wang Mengmeng for the URL of the live broadcast of the pilgrimage trial, and just watched it.

Judging from the current situation, there are only 62 first place results. With his 76 results, it is definitely not a problem to get a place.

Ten minutes later, Bai Ye heard his name from the radio.

"Come on, little brother, I am optimistic about you!" Wang Mengmeng put two fingers together and blew a kiss to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye slightly raised his brows, this little girl has been honest for a while, and now she can't help it?

Forget it, I'll take care of her when I get back.

Bai Ye stood up and carried it behind his back, the elf ball in the backpack made a crackling sound.

Just by looking at the bulging backpack and the loud sound, one can tell that there should be a lot of Poké Balls in this bag.

Along the way, many trainers cast slightly envious eyes.

It's just that I don't know if these people are envious of him being able to sit with a few beauties, or if they are envious of his achievements.

Not long after, Bai Ye opened all the poke balls and released all the pokemon in them. After checking, he handed in all the remaining empty poke balls.

During this period, an interesting thing happened. The observers in the field, that is, the natural bird and the magnetite recorded one more score than his actual score.

The data of the off-site observation results and the actual results are the same, only the on-site observation results have one more, which also makes Bai Ye wonder if they did it on purpose.

It's not that they are harming Bai Ye, but they are deliberately increasing his grades.

After all, the gap is only one, and it is not within the scope of the violation.

Because the two elves were not nearby, Bai Ye couldn't be sure in the end, but the result was inexplicably one-third more balls.

Of course, if the record is displayed, it is still 76, but if he has the same score as other players, then this third of the ball will work.

With the same score, the extra one-third of the ball will put him ahead of the others.

Afterwards, Bai Ye walked out from the exit and saw Wang Mengmeng who was already waiting outside.

"Let's go first, everyone will be waiting for you."

Everyone else came earlier than the two of them, so it was natural to check earlier.

"Going to eat together again?" Bai Ye wondered as he walked, "Isn't it a little early for dinner now?"

Wang Mengmeng rolled her eyes, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat all day long!"

"It's rare for everyone to get together, so naturally we want to take pictures as a souvenir."

"I see." Bai Ye nodded, and didn't say much, since traveling, of course taking pictures is indispensable.

Originally, when he was alone, he didn't pay much attention to these things, and it didn't matter whether he took pictures or not, but now it's different, there are more people, especially more girls, these things are naturally unavoidable.

Soon, Wang Mengmeng brought Bai Ye together with a few people, and they all went to a landmark building in the square to take a few group photos, including their respective participating elves.

After the photo was taken, everyone made up their minds, watching the performance here for a while, and then looking for a nice restaurant to have a meal.

Anyway, everyone is not short of money, so a big meal a day is nothing.

Chapter 423 Blocking the door

"Huh! Unexpectedly, this group of people still have a brush." ​​The performance on the stage was about to end, Bai Ye peeked at the ranking on the phone, and suddenly let out a little gasp.

"Tsk tsk, the third place, what a pity." Although the pilgrimage trial was not considered a major event, Bai Ye was a little upset that he didn't get the first place.

At present, there are four people in front of him, one is Luo Zilong, 78, and the other is Huang Liuyuan, 77. This is the first time he has heard of the names of these two people, and it should be the one who first used the sweet aroma There is a gang.

"Just be content with it, those of us who weren't selected haven't said anything yet." Beside, Wang Mengmeng, who heard Bai Ye complaining, rolled her eyes in a low voice, and said a little speechlessly.

"Fuck me, buddy, the score of 68 is unexpectedly lost!" Looking at the 13th place on the list, Xiao Yuming felt like crying.

"It would be nice if I caught a few more before, but now it's a good thing, another busy day."

At this time, the last place on the list was exactly 71, and Xiao Yuming was only 3 short of the result of entering the list.

Among the eight, only Bai Ye and Liu Dongdong got the quota, and the results of the others were much worse.

Lei Jun, Zhao Tingting, Xue Qianxun and others looked at the list and frowned 800 times unconsciously.

Their group of dragons are all outstanding students, but they didn't even make it into the top ten. To be honest, this result is quite unexpected.

Of course, when they saw that Lu Yilong didn't go in, Lei Jun and Xiao Yuming felt a lot more balanced.

"I think, this time, we lost because of lack of preparation." Zhao Tingting looked at the list, took a deep breath and said, "I don't know if everyone has discovered a pattern."

"The distribution of results on the list is very regular, there are very few overlapping results, and the only two overlapping results are Bai Ye's 76 and Liu Dongdong's 73, which has a big problem .”

Bai Ye slightly raised his eyebrows, as if it was really the case.

"I suspect that on the list, except for the two of us, the other eight people should all belong to the same group, and I guess they deliberately ranked this result!" Zhao Tingting continued.

Judging from the results of previous years, even if there is a big gap in the strength of the players, it is impossible for the distribution of results to be so even, and there is no gap.

Therefore, she prefers that group of people from young to old, from 69 to 78, ranked in the top ten, and wants to take the top ten in this way.

"Indeed, this time, after all, we underestimated the other contestants who participated in the trial." Liu Yuying gritted her teeth as she looked at the list.

This time, it was a shame for them to be squeezed out by some guys they had never heard of before. If this was reported back to the school, they would probably be laughed at.

Moreover, what is even more annoying is that if the eight of them are together, they may not be able to directly manipulate the rankings like the other party.

It is still because of two words, contempt and arrogance.

Just when everyone was sulking because of the loss, Bai Ye received a notification message from the organizer. If possible, let him go to the backstage now. If not, it is best to tell him about his body data.

To participate in the Chaos God Festival tomorrow, the selected people need to wear special costumes, and it is best to come early, and they need to put on makeup at around six o'clock.

Fortunately, the organizers did not arrange activities for these foreign rituals, otherwise, they would have to rehearse in advance.

Liu Dongdong over there also received a notification text message, and the two of them summed it up, so they might as well go to measure it together, so as to avoid embarrassment if the clothes don't fit.

Tomorrow's Chaoshen Festival will also be broadcast live on the entire network, so they can't help but be a little bit more careful.

Moreover, the backstage is just behind the square, not too far away, only a few hundred meters away.

The two immediately set off together. On the way, Bai Ye and Liu Dongdong met another group of people who also came to measure their bodies.

After the two sides looked at each other, they didn't speak.

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