Moreover, there are not only fragments of highly toxic slates in the resource library of Longdu University, but also fragments of dragon slates and iron slates, which he is very greedy for.

In addition, it is impossible for him not to exchange other resources just for the slate fragments. This daily cost is also a big problem.

Based on this calculation, the 10,000 credits basically don't even count as a fraction. If he doesn't do something big, it may be difficult for him to collect the credits needed for exchange in the few years of school.

Once out of school, if you want to exchange it again, you may not have this opportunity.

In other words, what happened in this world? How did Arceus's stone slabs break so much? Could it be that the alpaca itself is cold?

Unknowingly, Bai Ye's thoughts went astray.

Boss Huang looked at Bai Ye's smiling face and couldn't help sighing, "Oh, you young people, why are you so careless about your credits?"

"Even I have to work on a few academic papers overnight to get the 10,000 credits."

white night:"..."

Are you from Versailles, you can get 10,000 credits for a few papers overnight?

"Ms. Huang, in my situation, can I join the school's clubs?" Too lazy to hear that Boss Huang is here, Bai Ye simply changed the subject.

"Society." After talking too much, his throat was a little dry, Boss Huang took a sip from the water glass, "If you want to join, you can join, and no one will stop you."

"What club do you want to join? If it's the main club of our cultivation department, I'll just give you a few words."

Bai Ye said: "The Energy Cube Research Club and the Battle Club."

In Longdu University, he wanted to join the two most popular clubs that also invested the most resources in the school.

Regardless of the school or the club, there is no limit to how many clubs a student can join, so even if he joins two clubs, it is okay.

Boss Huang raised his brows: "You can pick it. If you want to go to the Energy Cube Research Club, just go to Xiaoliu directly. Just say what I said. As for the Battle Club, it is the main club of the Battle Department. I am useless."

Xiao Liu, whose full name is Liu Yuyan, is the current president of the Energy Cube Research Society.

"I didn't want to go through the back door either." Bai Ye muttered, with his strength, there was no need to go through the back door at all.

"What I mean is, the Energy Cube Research Society has a certain task index every month. I can't usually stay in school. What should I do with this task index?"

After entering the club, members will receive a certain credit reward every month, and correspondingly, members also need to complete a certain amount of club tasks.

If the task indicators are not up to standard, not only will there be no credit rewards, but they may also be kicked out of the club.

The so-called community missions are naturally the production missions of some energy cubes, which are generally relatively rudimentary ones, and the technical level required may not be high, but the quantity is relatively large.

For some freshmen, this is an excellent opportunity to practice their mobile phones. Even if there is no credit reward, many people will be willing to take these tasks.

However, Bai Ye didn't think much of these tasks with low technical content. Of course, the more reason was that he couldn't stay in school for a long time.

Boss Huang spread his hands, "I can't do anything about it, I can't let you just take money but not work, right?"

"Don't even think about it, you can't find me."

"What are you thinking, am I so shameless?" Bai Ye was a little speechless, and he had already thought of a solution, and there were still two of them.

One is that he can outsource the task, and then just lie down and collect credits. Of course, this method is easy to be criticized, so he doesn't like it very much.

The second type is what Bai Ye is going to talk about now.

"I mean, can you give me some more difficult tasks that can be completed in one go, so that I don't have to come back often."

"A task with a relatively high difficulty?" Boss Huang looked at Bai Ye and suddenly became interested. "What is the highest quality energy cube you can make now?"

seeing is believing.

Bai Ye took out one of the rations he made for the big needle bee earlier.

"This kind of thing is still like your eyes?"

The moment he saw the energy cube, Boss Huang's pupils suddenly dilated.

"This..." Yi.

Chapter 454 Boss Huang's second wife.

"This, you really made it yourself?" Boss Huang took the energy cube in Bai Ye's hand, first put it under his nose and smelled it, then pointed it at the sun and looked at it carefully.

The golden sunlight passes through the energy cube, leaving a lavender halo. The inside of the energy cube is crystal clear, like the top-level purple gemstone, without any impurities.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a super energy cube with excellent appearance!

"Then what else?" Bai Ye shrugged, "You don't think I'm fooling you with the super energy cube I bought from outside, do you?"

"If you don't believe me, I can make it for you on the spot."

Hearing this, Boss Huang believed more than half of it, but he didn't believe it completely.

Because, only one kind of super energy cube can be made, which does not explain anything. It is necessary to know that the difficulty of super energy cubes is also different.

"How could it be?" He put down the energy cube in his hand, with a bright smile blooming like a flower on his face, "I have always believed in my students."

"Exactly, I have a task here, to help an old friend make an energy cube, do you want to try it? If it works, I can waive the quota for this month."

Bai Ye was speechless.

What is said to believe in students, in the end, he has to practice it before he can really believe it. Moreover, he hasn't joined the club yet, so where can he get any indicators.

Lao Huang is not very honest, no wonder he always takes his sister-in-law on the run.

However, if you only need to complete the task once a month, this frequency is not bad.

"Okay, I'll give it a try. However, if it's a new formula, I might have to familiarize myself with it and practice my hands. The success rate cannot be guaranteed in the first few times." Bai Ye took the vaccination in advance to avoid any problems.

"Okay, when the time comes, I'll demonstrate it to you first." Boss Huang was not surprised at all. After all, at his level, he dared not say that making energy cubes was successful every time.

What's more, for Bai Ye, this is still a new formula, so the chance of success is even lower.

He didn't expect Bai Ye to be able to succeed quickly, but he just had to look at his operation techniques and timing. Sometimes, just through some small details, one can see the general level of a person.

Then, under the leadership of Boss Huang, Bai Ye followed him to his private workshop.

This is a relatively spacious room, and the smell of a large amount of raw materials can be smelled as soon as you enter the door.

To make energy cubes, you must use fresh raw materials. Some bark, insect sloughs, and even stones in animals may be one of the raw materials for making.

In addition to the smell, Bai Ye's gaze was immediately attracted by the huge and luxurious energy cube maker in the glass compartment.

The silver-white steel cantilever with metallic luster is so charming, the round belly is so cute, and the top operating table

There is no doubt that this is a top-end deluxe version of the energy cube maker, and it is the dream lover of all breeders.

"Well, my energy cube manufacturing machine looks pretty good." Boss Huang looked at his big baby and couldn't help showing off.

"Actually, what's even better is his performance!"

"Longteng 8090 high-end engine can provide him with sufficient power, and the maximum speed can reach 120,000. Yulong 3090NI high-speed version CPU, quad-core high-frequency, can maintain the overclocking state for a long time, the calculation speed is extremely high, and the operation is precise. The speed can even reach the subtle level.”

"In addition, it also comes with multiple functions such as quick cooling, quick heating, low temperature heating, and extreme freezing, which can meet the various needs of every breeder. In addition..."

Listening to Boss Huang's eloquent introduction, Bai Ye also felt a little moved.

In the previous life, some people said that the car is a man's second wife, but here, for the cultivators, the energy cube maker is the undoubted second wife.

Let me ask, which breeder doesn't want his second wife to be more beautiful and have higher performance.

"Master Huang, Mr. Er, I'm afraid your energy cube manufacturing machine is expensive, right?" Bai Ye asked cautiously.

"It's expensive, of course it's expensive." Huang He brought Bai Ye to the glass door, "This is not for sale, there is no stock in the market, so we can apply for it only by relying on our school's name...  … ..”

"Why, is your heart moved?" Huang He turned his head, with a playful smile on his face.

"A little bit." Bai Ye didn't deny it.

"If your heart is moved, then work hard. At my level, someone will take the initiative to buy it for you."

white night:"...."

Come again, you are extraordinary!

"Come in with me, I'll teach you her operating procedures first." Boss Huang pushed open the glass door and brought Bai Ye in.

"Let me tell you that this top-notch energy cube maker is not only different from those ordinary energy cube maker in appearance, but also has a big difference in interior. For example, in terms of speed adjustment mechanism, ordinary ..."

Half an hour later, Bai Ye finally understood the general operation process of this energy cube making machine, and Boss Huang also agreed that he could use some materials to practice his hands.

The Cultivation Department has its own plantation, which is managed by students. Therefore, some fresh materials can be picked directly in the plantation, and it will not waste too much time.

Of course, since Boss Huang is here, he doesn't need to do it himself, and someone will naturally send it over.

After using some basic materials and making some elementary and intermediate energy cubes, Bai Ye gradually became familiar with this machine.

Although it may not be as smooth to use as the normal version, the excellent performance of this machine is enough to make up for this small gap with 4.5.

During this period, Boss Huang watched Bai Ye go from unfamiliarity to proficiency little by little, and the energy cubes he produced, no matter whether it was elementary or intermediate, did not fail once, and the quality was extremely high.

I also have a preliminary recognition of his practical level in my heart, and such a stable performance is enough to prove that his professional level is not low.

Another half an hour passed, and Bai Ye felt that he was almost familiar, and it was time to express it properly.

After all, just making some junior-level energy cubes is completely unworthy of his title of super chef.

So Bai Ye asked Boss Huang for raw materials such as Poisonous Aconitum, and started to make Yingdu energy cubes. Through the change of materials, Boss Huang also sensed Bai Ye's intentions, and immediately began to observe carefully.

Chapter 455: Fitness I

The sharp knife is like peeling off the cocoon, peeling off its delicate coat, and the lean and clear flesh is like jelly, with a hint of sweet smell.

"The knife skills are very stable." Boss Huang, who saw this scene on the side, couldn't help but secretly praised him in his heart.

Afterwards, he saw Bai Ye put the various raw materials that had been processed into the machine bit by bit, and the sound of energy cube manufacturing and humming began to be heard in the room.

Looking at Bai Ye's operation process like flowing water, in Boss Huang's heart, he no longer has any doubts about whether Bai Ye can produce the super energy cube just now.

Ten minutes later, at the discharge port, small purple squares with amazing elasticity rolled down into the collection box below.

Boss Huang randomly picked up one, and after looking at it in the sunlight, he couldn't help admiring: "Your skill in making energy cubes makes me, an old guy, a little ashamed."

Even if Bai Ye can only make these 29 kinds of super energy cubes, it can be regarded as a skill. At least, at his age, he is not at the level of making super energy cubes.

"It's just that the audience of this energy cube is too limited." Boss Huang couldn't help sighing.

The appearance of each super energy cube formula will be accompanied by huge benefits. If you are lucky, it will directly allow a cultivator to realize the freedom of wealth.

It's a pity that Bai Ye's formula for this set of Ying-toxin energy cubes is only suitable for the dual-type elves of insects and poisons.

Even the special effect is to reconcile the energies of insects and poisons. This audience is too narrow. Moreover, there are really no popular elves with both insects and poisons.

Therefore, this set of energy cube formula is destined to be used only by Bai Ye himself.

Of course Bai Ye knew what Boss Huang was sighing about, curled his lips, but didn't bother to answer him.

He has been pierced enough times today, and he is almost immune.

"Okay, I have a general idea of ​​your level, and you do have the ability to make super energy cubes, but..." Boss Huang changed his voice and continued:

"If you want me to open the back door for you, you'd better learn the energy cube formula I will teach you next as soon as possible."

He wouldn't ask too much, as long as Bai Ye could produce a similar finished product within a few days.

If it doesn't work, Huang He can only let Bai Ye to rest obediently. After all, the raw materials of this super energy cube are not cheap, ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.

Even he, the head of the cultivation department, could not always provide raw materials of this value for Bai Ye to practice.

This energy cube formula was also carefully selected by him. The value of the raw materials is not too high, but it is quite troublesome to handle and operate. Without a certain level of operation, it is basically difficult to complete.

If Bai Ye can learn and make this set of energy cubes within a few days, then other super energy cubes should be able to master it quickly.

"Just look at it." Bai Ye said confidently, "I will let you know what a genius is!"

Bai Ye naturally knew the worries in Boss Huang's heart, so in order to reduce troubles in the future, it is very necessary to show his talent properly.

Moreover, his reputation as a genius has long been known. At this time, it is normal for him to have an extraordinary performance.

"It's good if you have confidence." Boss Huang chuckled, and then took out some processed materials from the locker behind him.

"This formula is called Jian Ti No. 1, and it is the primary version of a set of energy cube formulas created by our former dean. I think you should have seen the ultimate version of the formula. It is the common general-purpose in the resource library. Body Energy Cube."

Bai Ye nodded.

In the resource library of Longdu University, he did see a lot of super energy cubes, and the names are very straightforward. Just by looking at the name, you can understand what type of energy cube it is. This naming style is obviously from Handwriting of the same person.

"The main function of this set of energy cube formula is to enhance the physique of the elves. Even the special effect is to strengthen the muscles and bones. If you want your elves to have higher defense and stronger physical strength, you can try mixing them in your daily diet. part."

Boss Huang continued.

"However, the set I'm teaching you is only a preliminary version, and the effect is obviously not as good as that in the school's resource library. Therefore, I don't recommend you to buy materials to make it yourself."

"Also, you don't need me to tell you more about the issue of confidentiality."

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