"Five billion, extradite me to go abroad within three days, and, I need a new identity."

"This..." The man hesitated, "This is somewhat beyond the scope of my authority, and I need to ask my superiors for instructions."

"As soon as possible, my time is limited." The man urged.

Afterwards, the room fell into silence again. In front of the dressing table, the man drank the wine one after another, and all the liquid in the glass flowed into his mouth soon.

After the man finished drinking, the voice came from the other side again. "Three billion, within a week we can extradite you and give you a legal status."

"Of course, you may need to adjust your appearance."

"Five billion, not a penny less, and there is still time for extradition, up to four days!" The man said forcefully.

"This..." the man hesitated again, "We can agree, but the premise is that the information you provide must be worth the price."

"Our boss needs you to provide information first, even if it's only part of it."

"The information is all in my head. This is a complete process of asking God. It has a lot of content and is very complicated. I can't explain it to you in a short time on 4.5." The man frowned, seemingly a little Said impatiently.

"Haven't you already guessed who I am? Isn't this enough to prove the value of this information?"

"If you can trust me, then I will tell you the specific process after I go abroad. If you can't trust me, forget it."

"I don't have time to describe the process to you bit by bit here."

The man's tone became a little irritable. The Shar-Pei dogs from the Federation were chasing him very closely. He finally found an opportunity to get rid of them temporarily and came here.

If it drags on for too long, these annoying Shar-Peis may come after them again.

The voice fell, and the room fell into silence again. The person behind the dressing table seemed to talk to the boss again.

Chapter 493 Passing the message.

This time, the speed of communication was much faster than the previous time, and it took only half a minute for a reply to come from there again.

"I'm sorry, guest, we can't provide you with any services without knowing the value of your intelligence."

"Waste of time!" The man said angrily, and then said directly, "I need you to send a message to Bishop Jinyuan of Shenting on my behalf, saying that everything they want is with me!"

"If they don't want to get nothing, they will find a way to extradite me to go abroad within three days, and prepare 10 billion Yancoins in advance. Note that Yancoins are not Rilang!"

Rilang, which is the official currency of the Misiri Federation, has an exchange ratio of about seven to one with the currency of the Dayan Federation.

Therefore, in order to avoid being cheated, the man applied the patch in advance.

Hearing the man's request, the people behind the dressing table couldn't help being speechless, good guy, the price doubled on the spot for changing partners!

However, he didn't ask the other party to provide a new identity, obviously he didn't trust these people in the court.

The Divine Court is the largest religious institution in the Misday Federation, and it is also the most concerned and fanatical organization for powerful creatures such as gods, beasts and elves.

This organization has tried many God-inducing plans before. It is said that the God-songing volcano that mysteriously appeared in the Misiri Federation was created by them.

For 10 billion Yancoins, the leaders of other organizations may still consider it, but if it is someone like Shenting who may have been a little dazed, then the chances of agreeing will be very high.

Even if it's a waste of money, they might come up with it for you. However, after getting the information, it's probably time to see each other.

"Also, if they ask, just say that Captain Jin has been killed by the Shar-Peis of the Federation to cover my evacuation, so that they don't have to look for it anymore. If they don't ask, then forget it." The man added said a word.

"It's a general." Hearing this, the intelligence officer behind the dressing table was moved.

Whether this Captain Jin was really killed by the people of the Federation, I am afraid that only this Young Master Wen himself knows about it.

Anyway, he didn't believe it. If people from the Federation were to be hunted down, they would definitely give priority to capturing them alive, followed by killing them.

Moreover, he died in order to cover him, no matter how it sounds, it is false.

It's just that, in this way, the only person who knows the details of the Chaoshen Festival is the Young Master Wen in front of him, and the people in Shenting must keep him if they want to know the details.

In this way, it can also be explained clearly why this guy was obviously involuntary, but before, he still looked confident.

In a blink of an eye, he had already guessed the course of the matter.

"Good guest, besides this, is there anything else that needs to be added?" He asked again routinely.

"Tell them as soon as possible, and after they arrive, ask their people to find me at Nine Dragon Mountain in Beicheng District. I will leave ciphertext marks on some trees at the foot of the mountain." First Young Master Wen continued.

Because of the federal pursuit, the communication network of the entire Longdu is estimated to be under surveillance.

With the existence of special elves like Rotom and 3D dragons, monitoring the communication network of a city can be regarded as a fairly simple matter.

If it is discovered, it will be troublesome. After all, elves like 3D dragons and Rotom can really come along the network cable to arrest you.

Therefore, to be cautious, he did not use any communication tools to contact the other party. Even the news was passed on by the underground organization here.

"Okay, we've finished recording, do you have anything to add?" The staff asked again without hesitation.

After thinking for a while, First Young Master Wen said lightly: "That's all, if I want to pass on news in the future, I will come and find you."

As for whether Shenting would give up extradition because of his lion's mouth, First Young Master Wen never thought about it.

After all, with such a successful example here, it is impossible for them not to be moved.

And all he had to do was how to get out of Shenting's hands safely after getting the money after going abroad.

These Shenting people are much easier to deal with than the Federation's Shar-Peis, and he already has a complete plan for this.

"Okay, sincerity is 500,000 yuan, do you want to pay by cash or credit card?" After recording, the staff asked.

After the words fell, the corners of Wen's eyes twitched, "Send a message of 500,000 yuan, your service is really expensive."

Obviously, he was being robbed, but this was the closest organization he could find that could deliver the news.

However, it is definitely impossible to swipe the card. After all, after the incident, it is estimated that his bank card account has been frozen, and even if it has not been frozen, he dare not use it. body?

Of course, he still has some hidden assets, but those money can't be wasted here.

"Our boss said that you can also owe it first, and it will not be too late to pay the money after you are safe." The staff added

First Young Master Wen didn't reply, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Pay, I don't think it's necessary. On the contrary, for 860, should you give me 10 million for intelligence fees? Of course, I'm a kind person, and I only need 1 million."

The news he wants to convey is not a kind of intelligence?

As a provider of information, the other party's boss actually wants to ask him for money, isn't he thinking too much?

The room was quiet for a while, and then the staff smiled and said: "You are right, this is your information fee, please take it."

The drawer under the dresser opened automatically, and a silver-gray bank card appeared in the drawer.

"The password is six zeros, you can use it with confidence."

Bank cards like this are handled on behalf of other people's ID cards. It's okay to swipe the card outside for consumption, but if you go to the bank to withdraw money, you have to have a lot of risks.

And like this kind of agency card, he has several on his body, which is the way out he prepared for himself before.

"Very good, happy cooperation." Major Wen put the bank card into his pocket, then turned and left.

As for how much this unknown organization can sell his information, that's none of his business, anyway, the people from Shenting will pay.

This is like sending a courier, except that the payment method has changed from the original sender's payment to the payment on delivery.

Not long after First Young Master Wen left, a group of criminal investigators in gray and black police uniforms rushed into the bar.

Chapter 494: Ghosts and Snake Gods

"Tsk tsk, 100 points out of 100 points, this score should be able to enter the club steadily."

In the room, Bai Ye looked at the shocking and unbelievable remarks of the students on the forum about him, and felt very happy.

In fact, he didn't want to be so high-profile, but he didn't allow it because of his strength.


ding ding

The phone also kept ringing, there were notifications, and many people did not know where to get his Fetion signal, and they were going to add him as friends.

These people have different purposes, some are soliciting investment, some want him to help make super energy cubes, maybe some are threatening and intimidating, and there are even some who are empty-handed and want to recognize their relatives.

For example, a person said in a friend application that he had found his parents and siblings, saying that his parents missed him and wanted to have an interview with him.

Bai Ye just took a look, and then directly pulled this guy into the blacklist.

There are many people who are popular, and the more famous they are, the more they will encounter some ghosts and monsters.

Bai Ye never said in public that he wanted to look for his parents, so these ghosts and sprites posted them all by themselves, which is also very annoying.

Since becoming famous, he has encountered this kind of thing countless times. In the application, each of these people is more sincere than the other, sincere and decent.

It speaks better than it sings!

But in fact, among these guys, less than 10% are credible, and most of them come here with the purpose of defrauding money and people.

After all, Bai Ye's age, capital, and talent are there. What is a genius is a genius. He can almost be said to have redefined the standard of the word genius.

For the achievements and talents he has now, even if he is recognized as a godson, it will definitely not be a loss, and it can even be said to be a big profit.

And a guy like this who clarifies his intentions in the application in advance is considered good, after all, Bai Ye finds it troublesome, so he just doesn't pass.

But, there are always some people who are just disgusting and cheap, and even make a lot of noise.

In the intention of coming, he said that he wanted to negotiate a deal with him, or that he was a staff member of the Elf Association, and then waited for Bai Ye to pass, and said backhand, son, I am your father (mother), and it is us Did not do well or whatever.

This kind of smart extinguishing operation made Bai Ye speechless.

This group of people is probably crazy about money.

With this kind of speech, I'm afraid he is taking him for a fool, right?

Moreover, he never said in public that he wanted to find his parents, and he didn't say anything about such a good opportunity in the two major admissions examinations, which is enough to explain the problem.

Just kidding, he is living so well and comfortably now, why should he find a father for himself for no reason, to make himself feel uncomfortable.

He's so obvious that this group of people are still posting, then there must be other plans, so there is no explanation for directly blocking.

That is, since then, Bai Ye has never agreed to a friend request from a stranger.

And at this time, it still works like this.

In addition to these malicious people, there are also other guys who want to find Bai Ye to make, buy energy cubes, or sponsor cooperation.

For these people, he is somewhat interested.

In the case of the former, it is mainly guys with less profound backgrounds.

Although super-grade energy cubes are not uncommon in the market, they are not something that ordinary people can get if they want to.

Take the West Buddha Building as an example. Every day, some super-grade energy cubes are sold to attract customers. However, the number of these super-grade energy cubes for sale will not be too many, and there are no people who can grab them. How many.

The extremely high production difficulty of super energy cubes has greatly limited his output. Therefore, apart from internal directional digestion, it is impossible for too many super energy cubes to flow into the market.

For students who do not have a fixed network, if they want to obtain super energy cubes stably, they can only rely on credits for exchange.

The value of credits is self-evident, and using credits to buy energy cubes is undoubtedly a very bad choice.

Before, they had no choice but to do so, but now that Bai Ye, a guy who can refine super energy cubes, appeared, naturally many people would try it out and ask.

Bai Ye is not very interested in making energy cubes for these guys.

After all, these guys are already poor, and he is only a student, and he doesn't even have a junior cultivator certificate. With this status, it is doomed that he will not make much money by making energy cubes or the like.

This cultivator proved that, just like the various certificates in the previous life, there is a big difference in salary between people with certificates and those without certificates, even if they work in the same job.

For example, on a construction site, people who do the same job and have a construction certificate or a second construction certificate earn hundreds or thousands of dollars more than others.

Here, the situation is similar. Bai Ye has no certificate and no reputation. Even if he can make super energy cubes, the price is definitely not as good as those who have certificates and famous cultivators.

Now helping them make energy cubes is like giving out benefits to pay for nothing. The key is that while they are losing money, they may not be able to think of you well.

Although Bai Ye is not interested in helping them make energy cubes, he is very interested in beautiful stones.

Although these people's backgrounds are not very deep, snakes have snake paths, rats have rat paths, and the more people there are, the more paths there will be, and the paths will be wider.

It is also a pretty good choice to let them help collect super evolutionary stones.

And the price Bai Ye paid was nothing more than helping them make super energy cubes, which was almost the same as whoring for nothing.

And then there's the latter, the guys who want to fund him or want to work with him.

These people generally have a certain background and capital. Bai Ye approached them because he was planning to find a partner.

After all, although he himself is said to have a small amount of capital, he can only get in and out, without a stable income. Bai Ye had already had an idea before, and now that the ugly fish has evolved, this idea is almost ready to be implemented. up.

Menus is known as the most beautiful elf in the world in anime, but in this world, it has not yet appeared.

Its appearance will definitely cause quite a stir.

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