After hearing what Wutong said, Xiaozhi, who was so excited, calmed down a little.

"I'm not just that strong! Pikachu! Let's go!" Xiaozhi said to Pikachu beside him.

I don't know whether Xiaozhi simply thought Pikachu could win or remembered that the flying system was restrained by the electric system.

"Pika~!" Pikachu jumped directly from the command platform onto the battlefield, looking at the crow head with full spirit.

To be honest, Wutong was still a little weak when he saw Pikachu on the field.

After all, Pikachu's strength can't be measured normally.

God knows whether he met Pikachu, ordinary Pikachu, or was lucky enough to meet Pikachu and give away heads.

"Crow, tailwind." No matter what, it's definitely okay to stack buffs first.

"Pikachu! 100,000 volts!" Xiaozhi didn't hesitate at all, and rushed in.

"Pikachu, chirp!" Pikachu's body was covered with lightning, and a thick lightning struck Crow.

"Crow, take off!" Wutong chose to avoid the sharp edge first.

"Ga!" Crow heard the command and rushed directly to the sky to avoid Pikachu's 100,000 volts.

"Is this power normal mode? Crow, Divine Bird Smash!" Wutong commanded.

"Pikachu, lightning!" Xiaozhi commanded.

"Pika!" Pikachu started running around the venue with a burst of white light.

Crow was covered with orange-yellow light and fell from the sky to Pikachu.

Pikachu obviously still had some brains, using Lightning Flash to keep running to avoid Crow Head's attack.

The two Pokémon actually started a chase.

"Pikachu! Use Thunder!" Xiaozhi saw that the speed of the two Pokémon was slowing down, so he commanded.

"Crow Head, provoke!" Wutong shouted.

"Pikachu~!" Pikachu stopped with a sudden brake, and the current flowed through Pikachu's body, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

"Gah~!" A hand made of energy appeared above Crow Head's head, and then he stretched out his index finger and hooked it at Pikachu.

However, Pikachu directly ignored Crow Head's provocation, without any anger.

"Provocation failed!? Crow Head, Brave Bird Attack!" Wutong frowned, and it was too late to stop it at this time.

"Gah!" Crow Head shouted, and turned into a giant energy bird.

However, before Crow Head had a chance to act, a thick lightning column fell from the sky.

It directly covered most of the battle field.

"A plant! (grass!), you call this thunder!?" Wutong knew that Crow Head was doomed when he saw the lightning column falling.

The lightning column lasted for three seconds before dissipating. After the lightning dissipated, Crow Head, whose body was mostly charred, lay there with black smoke.

"Crow Head has lost his ability to fight!" The referee announced with a small flag.

"What an amazing power! Has Xiaozhi been hiding his strength?!" The host Xiaoye said in surprise.

"Come back, Crow Head, I'll give you a snack later. You've worked hard." Wutong took back Crow Head helplessly.

"Swampert, go ahead, please." Wutong thought that maybe only Swampert with ground attributes would not be killed inexplicably.

"La Ge~!" Swampert still showed off his muscles when he appeared.

"Okay! Pikachu, let's continue, 100,000 volts!" Xiaozhi now only has the fierce attack in his eyes, and directly lets Pikachu continue to attack.

"Swampert, mud shot." Wutong directly lets Swampert attack with Pikachu's 100,000 volts.

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi seems to not know that his Swampert is a water and ground type, but even if he knew, he might forget it at the beginning.

"Pika!" Pikachu was much more normal this time and a lightning bolt struck Swampert.

"Lag!" Swampert waved his two claws, and a piece of mud shot at Pikachu like a bullet.

As for the lightning struck by Pikachu, Swampert didn't care at all. After all, he was struck a lot, and he didn't know whether it could cause damage or not?

Pikachu was directly hit by a large piece of mud and fell backwards to the ground.

"Pikachu!" Xiaozhi called out when he saw Pikachu fall to the ground.

"What's going on? Pikachu's 100,000 volts has no effect at all!?" Xiaoxia said in disbelief.

"It seems that Swampert is not only a water-type Pokémon, but also has the attribute of a ground-type Pokémon to ignore

Pikachu's 100,000 volts. "The rock type and the ground type have been in the same family since ancient times (fog), so Xiaogang keenly saw the fact that Swampert has dual attributes.

"Isn't that a big disadvantage for Pikachu?" Xiaoxia couldn't help but say.

"Pikachu, high-speed movement!" After finding that the electric skills didn't work, Xiaozhi didn't know how to attack for a while, so he let Pikachu use high-speed movement.

Pikachu adjusted his posture and rushed towards Swampert with a burst of afterimages.

"Pikachu, lightning!" Xiaozhi continued to shout.

Pikachu, who rushed to Swampert's side with high-speed movement, turned into a white light and hit Swampert.

"Swampert, earthquake." Wutong commanded.

"Lag!" Swampert clenched his two claws together and slammed them hard on the ground.

The ground began to shake violently.

"Pika~!" Pikachu jumped up without Xiaozhi's command.

"Rock collapse! "Wu Tong said expressionlessly.

A huge rock appeared out of thin air above Pikachu's head and then fell straight down.

Pikachu was still in a flash at this time, barely dodging the rock, but he couldn't control the direction and lost a chance to attack Swampert.

"Swampert, ram!" Wu Tong continued to command.

"La Ge!" Swampert used all four limbs to ram into Pikachu in mid-air like a cannonball.

"Pikachu, get out of the way!" Xiaozhi shouted hurriedly.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu in mid-air twisted his body unscientifically and moved a distance out of thin air.

"Is this scientific! ? Newton doesn't come out to take care of it?" Wu Tong said speechlessly.

Swampert's attack missed, and Pikachu fell back to the ground.

"Pikachu, Iron Tail! "At this time, Xiaozhi remembered that Pikachu also had Iron Tail, so he quickly asked Pikachu to use it.

Pikachu jumped directly into the air, with its tail covered in the color of steel, and whipped towards Swampert.

"Swampert, super strength! Arm hammer!" Wutong shouted.

"Lager!" Swampert's body glowed red, and the muscles on his arm bulged as he punched Pikachu.

The fist collided with the tail, and this time Swampert had the upper hand and knocked Pikachu to the ground.

"Pika!" Pikachu, who was knocked to the ground, was a little angry and lightning flashed on his body.

"Swampert, earthquake." Wutong planned to seize the opportunity to send Pikachu away quickly.

"Lager!" Swampert hammered the ground and the ground began to shake.

Another thick lightning column fell and directly covered Swampert and Pikachu.

"Suddenly I want to quit the game. "Wutong said speechlessly.

The lightning dissipated, and Swampert and Pikachu both fell to the ground, and the two Pokémon lost their ability to fight at the same time.

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