The battle was a battle, but the battle was over.

In the open space outside Dr. Souki's laboratory, Wutong looked at Nana who was "burning" across from him and began to think.

After all, Nana was a real rookie trainer who had just received her initial Pokémon, so there were only three ways to deal with it.

The first way was to send the main Pokémon to "kill" in one fell swoop, which might yield: the white eyes of the friends, Nana's hostility, and Dr. Souki's surprise. And get the title - rookie killer.

The second way was to send one of the three little ones to fight in the juvenile group, which might have the risk of overturning, and after overturning, it might yield: the white eyes of the friends, Nana's contempt, and Dr. Souki's comfort. And get the title - Weak Chicken Champion

The last way is to let Ditto play, transform into one of the main players, and quickly resolve the battle during the transformation period, but there is also a risk of failure. After failure, you may gain: contempt + rolling eyes from your friends, friendship from Nana, and helplessness from Dr. Sora. And get the title - Friend of Newcomers.

"Asshole, why are you always being rolled eyes!" Wutong hugged his head and roared.

"What's wrong with that guy?" Xiao Ming looked at Wutong with a cold face.

"I don't know, but it seems that he has started to think about it again." Xiao Mao said with an expressionless face.

"This idiot." Shinji said coldly.

"Then let me be the guest referee. Wutong from Tokiwa City will fight Nana from Wakaba Town. The game will begin!" Dr. Sora said standing in the referee position.

"Go! Kikusoba!" Nana cheered Kikusoba.

At this time, Chikorita had a headband with a lightning mark on her head, and Chikorita seemed to like it very much. The leaves on her head kept spinning.

"Never mind, come out!" Wutong took out one of the three little Poké Balls and threw it out.

Wutong didn't have the idea of ​​bullying the weak after all, after all, he was not a demon.

"Dane!" Bulbasaur appeared in the center of the venue and called out in spirit.

"It's Bulbasaur?" Xiao Ming said in surprise.

"When did this guy capture Bulbasaur." Xiao Mao also said curiously.

"This Bulbasaur is different from the usual ones, and it doesn't look like the ordinary flash." Shinji said as he looked at the pattern on Bulbasaur.

"Little frog? Then let's have a duel of the same attributes!" Wutong said after seeing that it was Bulbasaur that came out.

"Dane~!" Bulbasaur was also looking forward to his first real battle.

"Chikorita, use the Leaf Blade!" Nana couldn't wait to launch the attack first.

"Chico!" Chikorita swung the leaves on its head, and a burst of rotating leaves shot towards Bulbasaur.

"Little frog, use the vine whip to scatter it!" Wutong commanded.

"Dane!" Bulbasaur's body bent slightly, and two vine whips stretched out from the roots of the seeds on its back.

The two vine whips swung, and all the rotating leaves flying towards Bulbasaur were knocked down.

"What! All of them were knocked down? Chikorita, can you use vine whips?" Nana asked Chikorita.

"Chico!" Chikorita called and nodded.

"Okay! Then we will use vine whips too!" Nana commanded.

"Chico!" The buds on both sides of Chikorita's neck stretched out into two vine whips and whipped towards Bulbasaur.

"Little frog, take root and grow." Wutong commanded.

"Dane~!" Bulbasaur's two front feet thrust into the ground forcefully, and then a burst of green energy enveloped Bulbasaur.

After being wrapped by green energy, Bulbasaur seemed to have grown a little bigger.

Chikorita's vines entangled Bulbasaur but couldn't move it at all.

"Control it! Leaf Blade!" Wutong said when he saw the opportunity.

"Dane!" Bulbasaur used the vines to entangle Chikorita, and then used Leaf Blade.

Chikorita, who was deeply entangled with Bulbasaur, had no way to dodge and was directly washed in the face by Bulbasaur's Leaf Blade.

"Chico!" Chikorita cried out in pain after being hit by Leaf Blade head-on.

"Little frog, keep going, hit!" Wutong didn't think of giving way to the newcomer and continued to let Bulbasaur attack.

"Dane!" Bulbasaur shouted and rushed towards Chikorita, who was directly knocked out.

However, because the vines were still entangled with Chikorita, Chikorita was pulled back again.

"The last blow, petal dance!" Wutong said


"Dane!" Bulbasaur swung its two vine whips hard and threw Chikko into the air.

Then Bulbasaur aimed the seeds on its back at Chikko in the air, and a burst of pink energy petals spun and shot at Chikko.

Chikko fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"Chikko has lost its ability to fight, and the winner is Wutong from Viridian City!" Dr. Sora announced.

Wutong nodded with satisfaction at the panting Bulbasaur. It was indeed a body created by Mewtwo, and its talent was beyond words.

Although I don't know where the genes come from, it has inherited three very practical skills: Petal Dance, Poison and Rooting. It is enough to prove the excellence of this gene.

"This Bulbasaur is so strong." Xiao Ming touched his chin and looked at Wutong's Bulbasaur and said.

"He mastered Petal Dance so early, and it is also very smooth to use. The talent is really good." Xiao Mao also said.

"The instructions to Wutong were well implemented, which shows that they have a high degree of trust in Wutong. When did they conquer him?" Shinji also said strangely.

"But, they were too harsh. They were totally bullying." ×3 Shinji and the other two said at the same time.

"I actually lost so thoroughly? I clearly swore to everyone that I would not lose before I left." Nana said in disbelief while holding Kikuko.

"It seems that I was too harsh." Wutong scratched his cheek as he looked at Nana with tears in her eyes.

Then Wutong felt three gazes. Wutong turned his head and found that Shinji, Xiaomao and Xiaoming were staring at him.

[Hurry up and deal with it.] The three people's eyes revealed this meaning uniformly.

Wutong replied with a look of [I don't know how to deal with it either, help me!]

After all, what he promised to Dr. Souki was a coaching match, but he didn't give any guidance, and he used all his strength out of habit, and killed Chikorita in one move.

Shinji, Xiaomao and Xiaoming looked away, with no intention of helping.

Seeing the three guys who resolutely abandoned him, Wutong could only bite the bullet and walk towards Nana.

Dr. Souki on the side also looked like he was watching a show, with no intention of helping.

"You seem very unwilling." Wutong squatted in front of Nana and said.

Nana looked up at Wutong and didn't say anything.

"Let me ask you, do you know me?" Wutong asked.

"No, I don't know you." Nana said decisively.

"Sure enough, you should know the Quartz Conference, right? It's a Pokémon trainer conference similar to the Silver Conference. If you are a trainer who aims to be a Pokémon master, you will know it. I am the champion of the Quartz Conference." Wutong said helplessly.

Why does it seem that no one knows me even though I won the championship?

After hearing what Wutong said, Nana was still a little confused. She didn't understand what Wutong wanted to say. Was he showing off to her! ?

"So, I'm very strong. It's normal for you to lose. It would be surprising if you won. You are a baseball fan, right? Do you think a team composed entirely of beginners can defeat a team that has won the championship without any special circumstances?" Wutong continued.

This time Nana understood what Wutong meant.

"I understand. I'm too arrogant." Nana said.

"No, this is a good thing. Only if you are unwilling to lose can you continue to improve. You are a fan of the Electric Beast Team, right? Although the Electric Beast Team has always been at the bottom, they have never given up, right? You should also have this spirit. Don't give up even if you lose. Turn your unwillingness into food and eat it into your stomach to make yourself stronger. One day you will achieve your goal." Wutong said as a life mentor.

Isn't it just chicken soup? I didn't read so many chicken soup articles before my rebirth in vain.

"Senior, can you also understand the charm of the Electric Beast Team!? I understand, senior! I will never give up!" Nana, who was filled with chicken soup, was revived with full blood, and looked at Wutong with stars in her eyes.

"It's good that you understand, but I am indeed partly responsible today, so you can ask me if you have any questions in the future. I think I am still good in terms of knowledge." Wutong said with a senior posture.

"I understand, thank you very much for your guidance, senior Wutong! I will definitely not let you down!" Nana bowed to Wutong and said.

Seeing Nana's appearance, Wutong suddenly felt that he had filled too much chicken soup? Why does it feel like this child seems to have chicken blood.

"Then as the first step to achieve your goal, let's form your team! As a senior, I suggest that you try to cultivate Pokémon from a young age." Wutong said.

"I understand, Senior Wutong! I will definitely form my own Electabuzz team!" Nana responded loudly.

"Is it a bit unlucky to form your own Electabuzz team?" Xiao Ming said to the excited Nana.

"It is indeed a bit unlucky, after all, the Electabuzz team seems to have never won." Xiao Mao said in praise.

"Keep your voice down, don't attract that child." Shinji said to Xiao Ming and Xiao Mao.

After instructing Nana on the cultivation method of hornworms to giant beepers, Wutong and the other four also bid farewell to Dr. Kong Mu and officially started their journey.

Wutong and the other four left Wakaba Town, and the four who had not yet determined their destination moved forward casually.

"We are almost at the Heracross Forest and Kairos Forest ahead." Wutong said as he walked in front.

"We need to camp in the forest today, Loto~" said the mobile phone Rotom, which was acting as a navigation.

Originally, Shinji, Xiaomao, and Xiaoming did not want Wutong to lead the way, but at this time, each of the three of them was holding a culture device, and they had no hands to look at the map.

There was no choice but to let Wutong lead the way in front, but under the serious warning of Shinji and the other two, Wutong obediently called out the mobile phone Rotom as a navigation.

It also avoided the situation where the four people went around in circles in the forest.

With the guidance of the mobile phone Rotom, the speed of Wutong's four people's progress was not slow, and they soon came to the canyon where the Heracross Forest and Kairos Forest met.

"I didn't see the suspension bridge. It seems that we need to camp in Kairos Forest today." Wutong said.

"It would be better to go to the Heracross Forest?" Xiaoming suggested.

"Xiaoming makes sense. Compared with Kairos, Heracross is more friendly and docile, basically not aggressive, and it will be safer to camp at night." Xiaomao agreed.

"Are you sure that Heracross is more docile?" Shinji suddenly said.

"Of course, aren't you familiar with Wutong's Heracross?" Xiaomao said.

"Yeah, that guy is a very docile kid as long as you don't snatch snacks from his mouth." Xiaoming also said.

"Heracross is indeed more docile, but in this case, you need to find a way to cross this canyon. Although you can fly directly, you are holding a Pokémon egg after all, so it doesn't seem very safe to fly." Wutong said a little entangled.

"Look over there." Shinji pointed in a direction and said.

"Huh?" ×3 Wutong and the other two looked in the direction Shinji pointed in confusion.

I saw a scarred Heracross beating a Kairos.

There were two unconscious Kairos lying at the feet of Heracross.

"What's going on!?" ×3 Wutong, Xiaomao, and Xiaoming said in unison.

"I don't know, but the Heracross used sword dance just now." Shinji said, holding the Pokémon egg and walked over.

Obviously, a Heracross that can sword dance aroused Shinji's interest. As a strength party, Shinji was very interested in conquering that Heracross.

"Heracross that can sword dance? That's really interesting." Xiao Mao said and followed.

"These two guys." Wutong said helplessly.

"Let's go. Although I have no interest in that Heracross, I have to watch the excitement." Xiao Ming said and followed.

Wutong had no choice but to chase after him.

Wutong and the other four looked at the Heracross beating Kairos and did not act rashly, but wanted to see what this Heracross wanted to do.

The four followed this Heracross all the way.

This Heracross is not as gentle as other Heracrosses. It is the embodiment of violence. When it sees Kairos, it rushes over without saying a word. It is either fighting or on the way to fight.

Wutong looked at Heracross, who looked like a flat-headed brother, and didn't know where to start to complain.

What kind of lone hero is this Heracross? A lone Pokémon fighting in other Pokémon's territory?

Is it necessary to be so reckless?

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