After a long time, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Wu Tong walked contentedly in the direction pointed by Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming finally couldn't resist Wu Tong's temptation and agreed to Wu Tong's conditions.

Wu Tong paid Xiao Ming a fixed amount of energy cubes every month and provided regular financial support.

In exchange, Xiao Ming customized the training equipment for all his Pokémon.

All the Pokémon here are not only Wu Tong's current Pokémon, but also the Pokémon that will be captured in the future.

At the same time, if Xiao Ming develops a new training device, Wu Tong also has limited experience rights.

In fact, it's not that there are no other people who can make these things. There are a lot of people who are better than Xiao Ming.

For example, Xiao Zhi's true fans, the Rocket Trio, their manufacturing technology can be described as a monster.

The reason why Wutong was willing to support Xiaoming was because he hoped that Xiaoming could leave his name in this world.

Not the character who only appeared in one episode in the anime, who made people think that he would be a strong opponent but turned out to be worse than a passerby.

Wutong walked while thinking about it, and when he came to his senses, he found that he seemed to be lost again.

Wait? Why say again?

"Could it be that the beast master Xiaoming is a road idiot!? No wonder I can't see him in the later period, he must have been lost all the time, which caused him to not collect all the badges when the Quartz Conference was held! It must be like this!" Wutong said to himself.

The duckbill baby on the side looked at his trainer with a complicated face, and it suddenly became a little worried about its future.

Perhaps because of the ups and downs of his mood, the duckbill baby was instantly surrounded by flames.

"Gurgle~" The water jump fish extinguished the fire on the duckbill baby with a mouthful of water, and then patted its shoulder to show that it was okay.

"Bubby!" The duckbill baby's eyes became firm. No, his trainer must be saved by himself!

"Bub~!" The duck-billed baby tugged at Wutong's pants.

"What's wrong, duck-billed baby? Are you hungry?" Wutong said softly.

Wutong liked this very sensible little guy very much.

"Bub! Bub!" The duck-billed baby pulled Wutong's trouser legs and pointed in a direction to let Wutong follow him.

"Duck-billed baby, do you mean you know the way here?" Wutong, who had the power of Evergreen, probably understood what the duck-billed baby meant.

"Bub-bub!" The duck-billed baby nodded quickly.

"Yes! You must know the way after living in the wild for so long! That's great! I'll call you Navigation Duck from now on!" Wutong said happily while touching the duck-billed baby's head.

"Bub~" The duck-billed baby, whose head was touched by Wutong, looked very comfortable, but immediately reacted, Navigation Duck! ? Trainer, are you serious?

"Okay! Let's go! Navigation Duck!" Wutong said with a wave of his hand.

"Bubby~" The duck-billed baby thought for a moment and had a resigned expression. It was better to be a navigation duck than to get lost all the time.

The resigned duck-billed baby honestly acted as a navigation duck and began to lead Wutong.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a peaceful life. It's just that someone is carrying the burden for you.

"Gulu~" The water-leaping fish walking behind shook his head. The duck-billed baby was still too young. After all, he was just a baby.

Under the leadership of the duck-billed baby, Wutong finally returned to the right route.

Started to move towards the direction of the Dead Leaf City.

As they continued to move forward, it began to drizzle in the sky.

The further they walked, the heavier the rain became. When they got to the back, it had turned into a heavy rain.

Wutong had already taken out an umbrella, holding the umbrella in one hand and holding the duck-billed baby in the other.

The water-leaping fish liked rainy days very much and ran around Wutong happily.

"Strange, how can there be such a heavy rainstorm in this location?" Wutong said in confusion as he looked at the heavy rain that had affected his vision.

After walking for a while, several European-style buildings appeared in front of Wutong.

"Where is this?" Wutong vaguely guessed where this place was.

"The rainstorm internship is over now, and tomorrow will be the foggy internship." A voice sounded.

"Sure enough, it's here." Wutong said as he watched the rainstorm stop instantly and put away his umbrella.

"But tomorrow is the foggy internship, which means I'm ahead of Xiaozhi and the others!? Sure enough, Xiaozhi's lost skill is maxed out." Wutong said.

The duckbill baby and the water jump fish secretly looked at Wutong, your lost skill is also maxed out, and even broke through


"Okay, let's stop here today." A female voice that sounded a bit artificial came.

Wutong looked in the direction of the voice, and a charming girl said to the people in front of her.

In front of this girl was a group of boys in suits and school uniforms, all of whom looked at the girl with admiration.

Behind the girl were two boys in suits and school uniforms, one holding an umbrella to protect the girl from the rain, and the other standing there holding a towel in his hand.

"What a group of licking dogs, this is not a Pokémon Research School, this is a fish pond!" Wutong couldn't help saying when he saw this scene.

"Oh, there is someone peeking, sorry, we are a private school, and we don't have open classes to the public." The girl said after seeing Wutong.

"My name is Wutong, I'm from Changpan City, and I'm a traveler. As for the peeking you said, sorry, I was just passing by." Wutong said calmly.

The girl in front of him was, as expected, Yuto Seidai, the first in the elementary department of the Pokémon Research School.

Wutong still remembers Yuto Seidai's superficial politeness and weird personality.

It was just a pot of pure Biluochun, but the tea art was a bit ordinary and too artificial.

"Although I was just passing by, the weather system in your school is good. Passersby can get wet. I don't know if you will compensate for the damaged clothes. We are all students of private schools. You don't know this little bit of courtesy, right?" Wutong took the lead and said.

When he heard Wutong's words, Yuto Seidai was also stunned. The boy who saw him for the first time didn't react at all, and wanted to compete with him in tea art?

"I'm so sorry, Xiaochun, take this Mr. Wutong to clean up and dry his clothes. After all, Mr. Wutong looks like he only has this set of clothes." Yuto Seidai turned around and said.

"Yes!" A boy with a mushroom head and a weak look ran out.

"Oh, it turns out that the young ladies of private schools are all rude. They don't even respond to someone who introduces himself?" Wutong said with a raised eyebrow.

"I am the first star in the junior class of the world-renowned preparatory school, the Pokémon Research School. I am the Andromeda that shines in the far distance of the Milky Way. People call me that, but my true identity is actually Yuto Seidai!" After hearing what Wutong said, Yuto Seidai began a series of performances.

Wutong's eyes twitched as he watched Yuto Seidai's performance. It was so artificial. Why would Xiaozhi and Xiaogang in the anime blush when they were fascinated by such a thing?

You know, Xiaozhi, the wooden man, didn't react to Serena at all.



Shuiyueyu and Duckbill Baby also looked at Yuto Seidai who was performing by himself with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Dream~!" Perhaps sensing the scent of green tea, the dream demon also flew out from Wutong's shadow, blocking Wutong and looking at Yuto Seidai warily.

"Ah, Wutong, you should have been a trainer for a short time, right?" Yuto Seidai looked at the three Pokémon around Wutong and said.

"I have indeed just been traveling for less than two months. What do you want to say, Yuto Seidai?" Wutong said.

"No way? After traveling for two months, you can't even capture your own Pokémon? Let them wander around outside, and put the Pokémon into the Poké Ball. It's common sense, right?" Yuto Seidai said, covering his mouth with both hands.

"No way, doesn't anyone know that the intimacy between the trainer and the Pokémon is very important? Not only evolution and skills are related to intimacy, but intimacy also affects the command and obedience during battle. As a student of the Pokémon Research School, you can't not even know such a thing, right?" Wutong said in a surprised look.

"Does anyone think that putting a Pokémon in a Poké Ball can make it stronger? No way, no way?" The unbelievable look on Wutong's face even made the students behind Yuto Seidai begin to doubt themselves.

"It seems that you are very confident in your strength, Wutong, how about we have a battle?" Wutong's appearance also irritated Yuto Seidai, so she proposed a battle.

"No problem, I don't mind guiding the eldest lady of the famous preparatory school, the Pokémon Research School." Wutong said kindly.

"Xiaochun, take him to tidy up, and then go to the battle venue." Yuto Seidai said to Xiaochun, and then turned and left.

"Wutong, let's go." Xiaochun said to Wutong, and then led him to the reception area of ​​the school.

In fact, Wutong, who was holding an umbrella, was not too wet, and he would dry after a while.

But Wutong, who felt very uncomfortable with the dampness, still changed his clothes.

"Have you prepared? Why don't you change clothes?" Xiao Chun asked when he saw Wu Tong coming out.

"No, I changed clothes." Wu Tong replied, after all, he had seven sets of the same clothes.

Wu Tong didn't have much desire to talk to Xiao Chun, who was bullied but didn't know it, and only had theoretical knowledge in his mind, and was like a weak chicken in actual combat.

After all, he was not a saint, and this was his own choice, and there was nothing for him to participate in.

Following Xiao Chun, Wu Tong came to the battle field of the Pokémon Research School.

Yuto Seidai was already standing there waiting for Wu Tong's arrival.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Yuto Seidai said.

"Oh, it seems that you can't wait to feel the failure, right?" Wu Tong said.

"Humph, you can only show off your verbal power now." Yuto Seidai snorted.

"Then you set the rules, let's make it clear first, I only have three Pokémon now." Wu Tong said.

"Only three Pokémon? A trainer is supposed to have six Pokémon, but you don't even have six Pokémon?" Yuto Seidai said in surprise.

"No way? No one thinks that as long as you have six Pokémon, right? Don't you have any requirements for the lineup? Catch whatever you see? No way? Can you still be called a trainer like this? It's better to be called a hunter." Wutong said in surprise.

"You really have no manners." Hearing Wutong's words, Yuto Seidai also frowned.

"Manners also depend on the object. Sorry, you are not within my scope." Wutong said mercilessly.

"What's wrong with this guy!"

"Yeah, he actually talked to Lord Seidai like this!"

"Just put a sack on him when he's not paying attention-"

"That's right, we must defend our Lord Seidai!"

The boys behind Yuto Seidai began to mutter.

"You bunch of lickers! Don't talk nonsense! If you don't accept it, come and fight me!" Wutong shouted directly.

After hearing what Wutong said, the boys all showed angry expressions.

"Okay, his opponent is me. The rule is 3v3 singles. Pokémon cannot be exchanged during the battle. No objection, right?" Yuto Seidai said.

"It doesn't matter." Wutong shrugged and said.

"Then, let's start!"

"Go! Water Leap!"

"Go! Rumble Stone!"

Wutong and Yuto Seidai called out their Pokémon at the same time.

"Not good, Rumble Stone of Seidai is not good in terms of attributes!" A boy couldn't help shouting.

"Today, I will give you an extra lesson. Attribute restraint is not everything. If the level is high enough, you can win even if the attribute is disadvantageous! Its Water Leap has not evolved yet, and the level must not be high, so he will definitely lose!" Yuto Seidai began to explain with great confidence.

"Water Leap, Water Wave!" Wutong started to attack directly.

"Gurgle!" Water Leap sprayed a series of circular water streams at Rumble Stone.

"Rumble Stone! Roll!" Yuto Seidai chose to attack directly.

Rumble Stone held its four hands on its body, curled up into a ball and rolled towards the Water Leap.

Yuto Seidai, who was very confident in his Pokémon level, directly let Rumble Stone crash into the Water Leap with the water wave of the Water Leap.

"Water Leap, crush the rock!" Wutong wanted to laugh at the Rumble Stone that was coming hard.

The Water Leap's front paws emitted light and hit Rumble Stone directly.

The Rumble Stone, which was originally rotating, was hit by the Water Leap and stopped rotating.

"How is this possible!?" Yuto Seidai said in disbelief.

His Rumble Stone's attack was easily interrupted.

"Don't you know that there is a behavior called suppressed evolution? And I don't think your Rumble Stone has enough power to crush the attribute restraint. You make me doubt the teaching quality of the Pokémon Research School." Wutong mocked.

"What did you say! Rumble Stone! Falling rocks!" Yuto Seidai shouted.

"Water Leap Fish, Falling Rocks!" Wutong chose to attack directly.

Rumble Stone stretched out his hands to Water Leap Fish, and several boulders appeared from the top of Water Leap Fish's head and fell down.

"Gulp!" Stones also appeared beside Water Leap Fish, and Water Leap Fish threw them directly at Rumble Stone.

Water Leap Fish did not waste the falling boulders, and its front paws emitted light, smashing rocks and breaking the falling rocks.

The boulders that were closer were thrown to Rumble Stone again by Water Leap Fish.

After being attacked by a rain of rocks, Rumble Stone turned into circles and lost its ability to fight.

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