After the country girl left, Wutong received challengers such as the shorts boy, the mountaineering enthusiast, the perfume lady, and the miniskirt girl.

Among the challengers this time, Wutong will choose the Pokémon to fight with according to their strength if they are polite and normal. If they perform well in the battle, Wutong will give them a badge even if they lose.

As for those mysteriously confident or impolite challengers, Wutong doesn't mind letting them experience what hell difficulty is.

Anyway, Swampert is also very idle and doesn't mind exercising.

But what makes Wutong sad is that none of these challengers know him. It hurts, it hurts too much.

Looking at the time, Wutong decided to rest after receiving the last challenger today.

"Excuse me, is there anyone here? I'm here to challenge the Azure Gym!" Just when Wutong made up his mind, a voice full of energy came.

"Is the last challenger here?" Wutong stood at one side of the battle field and looked at the challenger who came in.

"Nana? Long time no see." Wutong took the initiative to greet the challenger who came in.

"Senior Wutong!? Why are you here?" Nana asked in surprise after seeing Wutong.

"For a reason, I'm temporarily acting as the head of the Azure Gym. How about it? Let me see if you have made any progress during this period of time." Wutong said casually.

"I understand! I will definitely not let you down, Senior Wutong!" Nana said after hearing what Wutong said.

Ever since being fed chicken soup by Wutong, Nana has taken Wutong as her role model, calling him senior very fluently.

"The rule of the Azure Gym is 2v2, so let's start, Xiaowa, come out and meet your old friend!" Wutong said.

"Dane~!" Bulbasaur has played for the nth time today, but with Wutong's care, Bulbasaur is still in the best condition.

"It's Bulbasaur again, Chickweed, come on! Go!" Nana decisively chose Chickweed after seeing Wutong release Bulbasaur.

"Chico!" Chickweed with a headband appeared on the field. After seeing the familiar Bulbasaur, Chickweed's fighting spirit began to boil.

"Little frog, say hello, Flying Leaf Blade!" Wutong fully demonstrated the style of the Azure Gym and attacked again.

"Dane~!" Bulbasaur lowered his body and used Flying Leaf Blade.

"Chickweed, let's use Flying Leaf Blade too!" Nana shouted.

"Chickweed!" The leaves on Chickweed's head swung and shot out a large piece of rotating leaves.

The Flying Leaf Blades of Bulbasaur and Chickweed collided in the air and fell down one after another.

"Chikko!" Nana was eager to prove herself and commanded Chikko to attack fiercely.

"Chico!" Hearing the command, Chikko began to sprint and hit Bulbasaur.

"Little frog, take root and grow!" Wutong commanded.

"Dane~!" Bulbasaur took root firmly in the place and took the impact of Chikko.

"Poison powder, hypnotic powder!" Wutong commanded after seeing the distance between the two Pokémon.

A large piece of blue and purple mixed powder sprayed out and wrapped Chikko.

"Chikko! Use the vine whip to break up the powder!" Nana commanded hurriedly.

"Chico!" Chikko, wrapped in two kinds of powder, immediately began to dance the vine whip.

"Bulbasaur, let's use the vine whip to control it!" Wutong said.

Vine whips were also stretched out from both sides of Bulbasaur's body to wrap around Chikko.

Chikorita didn't want to sit there and wait for death, so she waved her vine whip to resist. The vine whips of the two Pokémon got entangled together, and the vine whip attack and defense war turned into a tug-of-war.

"Come on! Chikorita! Come on!" Nana cheered Chikorita up.

Wutong didn't say anything, because the overall situation was already decided.

When Bulbasaur and Chikorita were in a stalemate, poison powder and hypnotic powder were also playing a role. Even if Chikorita was very excited, she gradually fell asleep, and purple appeared on her body.

After Chikorita fell asleep completely, Bulbasaur easily swung it up and threw it out of the venue.

Chikorita lost the ability to resist.

"Chikorita can't fight anymore, shoot your next Pokémon." Wutong said calmly.

"How could this happen!? In this case, Pidgeot, please!" Nana took back Chikorita and sent out the second Pokémon.

"Pi~" The Pidgeot on the field flew in the air and stared at Bulbasaur below.

The battle round begins

, Nana defeated Bulbasaur with the help of Pidgeot's attributes and air advantage at the cost of a lot of physical strength.

However, he was killed by Charmander sent by Wutong. Nana, who was defeated by Wutong again, did not feel as unwilling as Wutong imagined.

"As expected of you, Senior Wutong! I really need to work harder!" Although she failed, Nana still said with full energy. It seems that the chicken soup that Wutong gave her last time was very effective.

"Well, come on, but your performance is very good, so I'm still going to give you a badge. Take it. This is the strike badge of the Azure Gym." Wutong took out a badge and said.

"Really? Thank you so much, I will continue to work hard!" Nana happily took the strike badge and said goodbye to Wutong and left.

And Wutong's first day as the acting gym leader also ended successfully.

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