After saying goodbye to Shinji from the Johto region, Wutong and Kenta handed the Pokémon to Miss Joy for recovery.

The two hungry people came to the restaurant on the second floor for dinner.

"By the way, Wutong, you seemed surprised when you heard that person called Shinji just now. Who is Shinji? A very famous trainer?" Kenta asked Wutong curiously while eating.

"Oh, Shinji is not a celebrity, just an ordinary friend of mine. Let me tell you, that guy has a bad face and a sharp tongue, but he is actually a dead tsundere. He can't express his feelings at all. He is obviously a good person but always looks like a villain." Wutong instantly turned into a gossiper and started to say "bad things" about Shinji.

"Oh, is that so? What else?" A calm questioning voice came.

"And..." Wutong continued to speak before he could react.

Kenta, who was opposite him, looked at Wutong's back with horror.

At this time, Wutong finally found that something seemed wrong. Obviously, Kenta was sitting opposite him, why did the question just now come from behind?

And Wutong felt as if there was an invisible pressure coming from behind him. Wutong's forehead instantly oozed cold sweat and turned his head stiffly.

I saw a familiar dark purple hair and cold eyes. It was Wutong's ordinary friend Comrade Shinji.

"Hey, my best friend, long time no see." Wutong raised his hand stiffly and said hello.

Please ask, what should I do if I am caught saying "bad things" about my best friend behind his back? Waiting online, urgent!

"Yes, long time no see, best friend!" Shinji said, but he didn't know if it was Wutong's illusion, he felt that the pronunciation of the word "best friend" was particularly heavy.

"Why are you here?" Wutong asked, trying to change the subject.

"I was just about to go to Manjin City. Lei Si asked me to go to Manjin City to see the origin of Moo Moo Milk, and there is a gym there. Who is this?" Shinji sat down next to Wutong and replied.

"He is Kenta, a very powerful Pokémon trainer. Moo Moo Milk is really good. I just bought a batch, so I'll give you a box." Wutong said after introducing.

"I am Kenta from Wakaba Town, hello." Obviously Kenta was also frightened by Shinji's expression just now, and said politely.

"I'm Shinji, from the Sinnoh region. How much did you buy?" Shinji asked when he saw Wutong take out a box of Moo Moo Milk from somewhere.

"Not much, just three digits." Wutong said indifferently.

Shinji sighed as if he was used to it, then flipped through his backpack and took out a long, curly thing that looked like a tentacle.

"This thing is for you, you should be able to use it." Shinji handed the curly tentacle to Wutong and said.

"What is this?" Wutong asked after taking the curved tentacle. After getting it in hand, it was not as smooth as imagined, but more like some hair.

"The curly hair on the top of the head of the Frog King, that Frog King is very strong." Shinji replied calmly.

"Huh? The curly hair on the top of the head of the Frog King!?" Wutong looked strange. What was going on? Was Shinji going to the Monster Hunter route? How could he still kill monsters and collect materials?

However, Wutong also knew why Shinji gave it to him. After all, Shinji had seen Ditto and knew Ditto's special abilities.

It should have been obtained by chance and left for Wutong.

For Pokémon like Frog, the status is based on the length and curliness of the curly hair on the top of the head. The longer the curly hair on the top of the head, the more beautiful the curly hair, the higher the status.

According to Shinji, the owner of this curly hair is very strong, which means that it should not be easy for Shinji to get this curly hair.

"Then I will accept it. In this way, my rainy day team is half completed." Wutong said without hesitation.

With the ability of Frog to transform, Ditto can instantly become one of the cores of Wutong's rainy day team. With Swampert and Squirtle, which has not yet grown up, the rainy day team is already half completed.

Just as Wutong and others were talking, a brown-gray helicopter with an R mark landed on a mountain near the battle square.

As the plane landed, the mountain wall shook and then split apart, revealing a landing pad.

After the helicopter landed on the landing pad, it was taken into the mountain.

In the secret base of the Rocket Team inside the mountain, a

A man with a mushroom head and round glasses, who looked like a villain, was waiting with two men.

As the helipad slowly descended, two people walked out of the helicopter.

One of them had golden hair and the other silver hair, and they both had a Shamatte-like hairstyle. They could play the roles of Jinjiao and Yinjiao in Journey to the West without makeup.

"Are you two responsible for this?" The mushroom-headed man asked calmly with his hands behind his back.

"I'm Bashu from the Special Operations Department, and this is Pusen." The silver-haired man said.

"Where is the equipment prepared by Dr. Silanu for us?" asked Pusen, the blond man.

"It's ready, and we can start right away." Dr. Silanu said.

After that, Dr. Silanu took the two to the laboratory.

Standing in front of the isolation window, looking at a strange device with purple crystal as the main core in the center of the empty research room.

"Is that it?" Bashu asked with his hands folded in front of him.

"The updated version of the crystal area system, we call it the crystal system for short. Then, please see how powerful it is, let's start!" Dr. Silanu said.

As soon as Dr. Silanu finished speaking, the researchers in front of the computer behind him immediately started working.

"Switch the standby power supply to the main power supply!"

"Release the crystal system safety lock!"

"Start charging!"

"Crystal system protection is turned on!"

After a series of operations, the crystal system device began to operate, and the lavender protective shield wrapped around the device.

"Okay, prepare to launch artificial lightning." Dr. Silanu continued to command.

After Dr. Silanu finished speaking, many cylinders extended from the wall near the crystal system device.

"Artificial lightning is ready."

"Fire!" Dr. Silanu said.

A strong current was generated and shot in all directions of the laboratory.

However, when the current flew to half, it seemed to be guided by something, and all turned a corner and shot towards the crystal system device.

Countless strong currents converged on the crystal system device, but the crystal system device was intact, and the lavender energy shield became larger and larger as the current flowed in.

A burst of strong light dissipated, and the current in the laboratory disappeared. The crystal system device was not damaged at all, and the energy shield expanded more than ten times.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Pusen was surprised.

"The crystal system can absorb all electrical attacks within a certain range and turn them into its own energy." Dr. Silanu explained calmly.

As Dr. Silanu's voice fell, the ground in the lavender energy shield changed again, and a circle of steel cylinders stretched out, and strong lightning hit the energy shield from the inside.

However, the lavender energy shield not only had no reaction but also bounced the current back.

"The crystal system will bounce back the electrical attacks in the area, and at the same time amplify the energy to create a crystal area, completely destroying the targets in the crystal area." Dr. Silanu continued.

"So that's it~" Pusen said with his hands on his waist and an evil smile on his face.

"No matter what kind of Pokémon it is, it will be vulnerable in front of this crystal system." Bashu said calmly.

"Very good, the next step is our work!" Pusen said after moving his body.

Returning to the Pokémon Center, the group of people who had finished lunch came to the lounge on the first floor of the Pokémon Center.

In the lounge, there are not only places for trainers to rest, but also pools, sandy areas and other places suitable for Pokémon to relax.

Wutong and Kenta have already taken their Pokémon back. Kenta directly called out Infernape in the lounge and started brushing its fur.

Wutong looked at the size of the rest area and decided not to release all his Pokémon, so Wutong only released Xiaobai and the three little ones to let them play.

After all, Wutong's other Pokémon are already mentally mature, only Xiaobai and the three little ones are still young.

The three little ones were playing with each other, and Xiaobai was lying in Wutong's arms watching the three little ones play.

"White Charmander? Your luck is still as good as ever." Shinji said after seeing the Charmander in Wutong's arms.

"Kana? Kana!" Xiaobai felt someone was looking at him. When he looked up and saw Shinji's gloomy face, he was so scared that he leaned into Wutong's arms.

"It's okay. He's not a bad guy, he just looks a little fierce. My dear friend, you have to smile. If you keep doing this, it will scare the children." Wutong rubbed Xiaobai's head and said to Shinji.

After seeing Xiaobai's reaction and hearing Wutong's words, Shinji couldn't help but twitch his eyes. Sure enough, this guy was as annoying as ever.

"Come out, Ibrahimovic." Shinji didn't bother to pay attention to Wutong. After thinking for a moment, he called out

A Pokémon.

"Booey~" A Pokémon that looked very young and like a little fox appeared at Shinji's feet.

The newly released Eevee cried out in a baby voice and then fell on Shinji.

Shinji skillfully caught Eevee and held him in his arms, but Shinji's expression remained cold throughout the whole process.

"Huh? Eevee? Could this be hatched from the Pokémon egg that Professor Sora gave you? It looks very clingy to you." Wutong said in surprise, looking at the Eevee in Shinji's arms.

Judging from the shape of the white edge on Eevee's tail, this should be a female Eevee.

Although Shinji has always had a cold expression, judging from his skillful actions of catching Eevee and holding it in his arms, he should have been "trained" well by Eevee.

A cold-faced dad is also quite attractive, isn't it?

"Yes, it was hatched from the egg of Professor Soragi, but this Eevee..." Shinji frowned and looked at the Eevee in his arms with a tangled look.

"What do you mean?" Wutong asked curiously when he saw Shinji's expression.

"This Eevee is a little too clingy. Although it is very obedient, it seems that it is not afraid of me... This is not conducive to training." Shinji said, and it seems that he is very conscious of his scary expression.

"You are thinking too early now. Your Eevee should have been born not long ago, right? Young Pokémon cannot be trained with high intensity. At most, let it do some simple physical exercises. And training can't just rely on your cold face, right?" Wutong said helplessly.

But he is more curious about how this Eevee is obedient and how it is not afraid of Shinji.

"How about this, you show it to me. I am a Pokémon breeder after all. Let's see what the situation is." Wutong continued.

"Really? But your expression tells me that you just want to watch the show." Shinji looked at Wutong and said.

"Illusion, it's all an illusion, okay, let's start!" Wutong quickly denied.

"Ibrahimovic, get ready for training, thirty sets of repeated horizontal jumps (Bingkuai has never practiced this, it should be one set of jumps on each side, right?)." Shinji still gave in and said to the Ibrahimovic in his arms.

"Buyi~" Ibrahimovic screamed and jumped to the ground, and then started to jump repeatedly and horizontally flexibly.

Thirty sets of repeated horizontal jumps are not many, and they were done quickly. After doing the repeated horizontal jumps, Ibrahimovic immediately threw himself into Shinji's arms again.

Shinji caught Ibrahimovic very skillfully. Then Ibrahimovic kept rubbing against Shinji's arms, and then turned over to expose his belly and asked Shinji to touch it.

"No, be honest." Shinji said coldly when he saw Ibrahimovic's appearance.

Hearing what Shinji said, Ibrahimovic looked at Shinji with a tearful expression, and his little paws touched Shinji's chest from time to time.

Shinji looked at Ibrahimovic with a cold face, but soon Shinji turned his head away and began to rub Ibrahimovic's belly with one hand.

Ibrahimovic immediately cried happily and rubbed his head against Shinji.

But Shinji just rubbed it perfunctorily twice and stopped. It seems that he is still not used to doing this kind of thing.

Ibrahimovic didn't mind, and climbed directly onto Shinji's shoulder and licked Shinji's cheek, then lay on Shinji's shoulder and pressed his head against Shinji's.

"What kind of beauty is this, the peerless Daji. This is too coquettish, and Shinji, it's obvious that you can't control yourself." Wutong couldn't help but say.

After hearing what Wutong said, Shinji couldn't refute it for a while, and the cold face he had been maintaining was a little bit unsustainable.

Kenta and Infernape were watching the show. They didn't expect that Shinji, who had always been aloof, would have such a side. They all had expressions of eating melon. (︎ ᐛ )

At this time, the sound of someone making a video call saved Shinji. The familiar voice instantly attracted Kenta.

Seeing Kenta's appearance, Wutong asked, "What's wrong? Did you meet someone you know?"

"It should be. I'll go and take a look." Kenta ran over after saying that.

Wutong looked over curiously and saw a girl with blue hair and a strange hairstyle using a video call.

"Ah! I remember it!" Wutong said as he tapped his palms when he saw the girl.

At this time, Wutong finally remembered why he felt impressed by Kenta, because he was the protagonist of the movie version, Raikou, the legend of thunder!

However, this movie version did not have Xiaozhi, and it was also very unpopular, so Wutong only watched it once and never watched it again, so he didn't have a deep impression.

Shinji on the side was relieved to see Wutong divert his attention.

Then he hugged Ibrahimovic from his shoulders again.

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