The whole audience fell silent for a moment as they watched the green onion split in half.

Haoli stood there a little embarrassed, and Genzo didn't know what to say. After all, it was a competition, but he had split someone else's green onion.

This super long green onion is not so easy to get at first glance.

"!!!|ʘᗝʘ|!!!" Wutong was a little panicked at this time. You know, this super long green onion is a symbol of friendship given to him by Caidou. If Caidou knew about it, he would really face a real person PK!

Although Wutong now has superpowers and barely has a certain ability to protect himself, according to Xiaozhi's punch that broke Mewtwo's energy shield, fighting skills can break superpowers.

Although Caidou is not Xiaozhi, Wutong is not Mewtwo! The difference in mental strength between Wutong and Mewtwo is definitely much greater than the difference in physical fitness between Caidou and Xiaozhi!

If it were a real-life PK, Wutong felt that it would be difficult for him to survive intact.

Under great pressure, Wutong's brain began to spin at high speed, and suddenly remembered Xiaozhi's Onion Soldier.

"Yes, there is still a chance!" Wutong said to himself.

You should know that the condition for the evolution of Farfetch'd is to hit the vital point more than three times in a battle. In the anime, although the onion of Xiaozhi's Farfetch'd was cut off, it was restored after evolution.

Now as long as the Dirty Duck can also evolve, these two onions can still be saved! Thinking of this, Wutong's eyes flashed blue and he directly activated his superpowers.

At this time, Farfetch'd knelt on the ground in the posture of Orz, looking at the onion in front of him with an unbelievable look. (Flaty Duck should be able to kneel down, right? Just assume it can╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭)

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Farfetch's mind.

"Pick up your weapons! The battle is not over yet!"

"Ga!? (Who is it!?) Farfetch'd was startled and couldn't help shouting.

"I am the God of Green Onions. Your green onions are not completely dead yet. Now answer me, do you want to save your green onions?"

"Ga! (Of course I do!)" Farfetch'd shouted without hesitation.

"Very good, now as the God of Green Onions, I will give you an oracle. Pick up the green onions and hit the Gouriki on the opposite side hard. Hit wherever it is weak!"

"Ga? Ga-ga? (Trainer, won't your order cause a contradiction?)" As soon as the voice in his mind stopped, Farfetch'd turned his head and looked at Wutong in confusion and shouted.

"Fuck! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Forget it, just hit him hard! Hit him hard on the vitals!" Wutong said desperately.

"Gah~!" Although he didn't know why Wutong suddenly became so irritable, as a professional ingredient with excellent quality, he must cooperate with the chef.

Onion Duck perked up, holding half of the onion with one wing, isn't it the double-sword style? It has played it countless times!

"Well, let's continue the battle, Gouriki, the secret of the Genzo style, one-word slash!" Seeing that Onion Duck had regained his fighting spirit, Genzo continued to command Gouriki to start the attack.

"Gao Li~!" Gouriki also got back into the state, and his hand knife emitted light and slashed at Onion Duck.

[See through, then sword dance to gather energy! ] Wutong was highly focused, with light flashing in his eyes, carefully observing the situation on the field.

Onion Duck crossed two onions in front of him. With the lesson just now, Onion Duck did not use onions to block Gouriki's hand knife this time.

He leaned back to avoid Goli's knife, and then two green onions hit the ground, and the Onion Duck began to spin.

"Gao Li!?" Goli was forced to retreat.

[Double Wings. ] Wutong continued to command with his mental power. In order to save his life, Wutong tried his best. What's the point of overdrawing mental power? It's better than PK with Caidou.

"Ga!" The Onion Duck, which completed the sword dance, took a deep breath, and his eyes became sharp. Then the two green onions rotated into a reverse grip.

The white light spread from the wings of the Onion Duck to the two green onions.

The Onion Duck rushed to Goli in an instant, and the two green onions alternately crossed Goli's body, and Goli was knocked to the ground in an instant.

Goli's expression became painful, and it was obvious that both hit the vital points.

"What's going on? After Wutong stopped commanding, this Onion Duck became even more powerful!? Goli! Cheer up, kick it down!" Genzo commanded incomprehension.

"Gao Li!" Hao Li kicked hard.

[Jump up and attack the vital points! ] Wu Tong commanded.

It must be said that using mental power to command the battle is more efficient than using

The shouting was much louder. If the command was normally given by shouting, Farfetch'd would hardly have time to react.

"Ga~!" Farfetch'd jumped up to avoid Gouri's kick, and then two scallions chopped Gouri's body in a cross shape.

Under the dual effects of gathering energy and attacking the vital points, this attack hit the vital points again.

After being hit three times in a row, Gouri's old bones finally couldn't stand it, and his eyes turned into circles and lost his ability to fight.

"Gouri lost his ability to fight, and the winner is Wutong!" Chigusa announced the result of the game after seeing the end of the battle.

"Ga~!" At the moment the battle ended, Farfetch'd raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, and then the scallions all over his body, including the wings, emitted light.

"Success!" Wutong said excitedly, and when he saw that the two halves of the scallions were also wrapped in white light, Wutong knew that he didn't need to be beaten.

"What is this!? The light of evolution?" Genzo said in surprise.

"Can Farfetch'd evolve again!?" Chigusa also shouted in disbelief.

"Ga~!" As the white light faded, a brand new dirty duck appeared in the field.

The evolved Onion Duck, no, it should be the Onion Soldier, no longer the Dirty Duck.

After the successful evolution, the dirty style of the duck that looked like it had just run out of the mud pit is gone. The Onion Soldier is now a dark black feather without a trace of mixed colors.

The duck's beak and legs are not yellow, but an iron gray color. The pupil color of the eyes is also different from that of ordinary Onion Soldier, which is a turquoise color.

The duck's face does not give people the feeling of a righteous knight with a righteous face like the ordinary Onion Soldier. Instead, it has a hint of evil, like a dark swordsman who has fallen into evil.

Finally, and most importantly, the Onion that was split in half. The normal Onion Soldier has a thick and long onion white like a lance on one side, and a one-handed shield of onion leaves on the other side.

And the Onion Soldier of Wutong perfectly reflects its character of using offense as defense and its flashing power that can manifest any skills in the form of attack.

The two halves of the scallion completely turned into two pieces, abandoning the scallion shield and turning into two slender scallion blades.

It is roughly similar to the scallion of the Onion Ranger, but it is thinner and more like a one-handed weapon, with a white handle and the hanging onion skin as a hand guard. However, the onion core as the blade is not emerald green, but a deep dark green.

The overall temperament of the Onion Ranger is like a dark swordsman who only wants to overwhelm the opponent with violent attacks.

"So handsome~!" The students watching the battle nearby ×N said enviously when they saw the Onion Ranger successfully evolved.

"Yes, the ugly duckling has become a black swan." Wutong said while taking out the Pokémon Encyclopedia to scan the Onion Ranger.

Because he knew that there were many strangers nearby, Xiao Ai did not show up.

"Onion Ranger, a yellow-billed duck Pokémon. Only the Onion Duck that has experienced countless battles can evolve into this. It will use its hard onion leaves to resist attacks, and then use its sharp stems to counterattack. Its onions are both weapons and food. When the onions wither, it will leave the battlefield.

Features: Courage

Mastered skills: Sand shoveling, pecking, continuous slashing, wild dance and swinging, see through, lightning flash, sneak attack, guidance, sword dance, bird attack, substitute, snoring, sleep talk, gathering energy, wings, iron wall, head-on attack"

Because Professor Oak helped Wutong upgrade the illustrations before, Wutong scanned out the information of Onion Ranger without any hindrance.

"Alas, it seems that I am really old." Genzo sighed and said dejectedly.

"I took advantage of it. The secret of Genzo style is really strong." Wutong replied. After all, if there is no superpower to help, the result of the battle is really hard to say.

Seeing Wutong's modest look, Genzo smiled generously, asked Chigusa to continue teaching, and then motioned Wutong to follow him.

Wutong followed him expectantly, because it was not difficult to see from Genzo's look that he intended to teach Wutong the secrets of Genzo style.

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