The snow was so cold, and the snow was so cold.

In a cave on the Snow Mountain, a giant bird with ice-blue feathers flew in, holding a white Charmander and a Jigglypuff in its claws.

This giant bird with ice-blue feathers is the legendary Articuno of the Snow Mountain, and the ones held in Articuno's claws are Xiaobai and Jigglypuff, whom it rescued.

After entering the cave, Articuno put Xiaobai and Jigglypuff down.

"Kana? Kaana!" After being put down, Xiaobai looked around and shouted at Articuno.

Looking at Xiaobai's anxious look, it is obvious that he wants to go out to find Wutong.

"Shua~!" Articuno stopped Xiaobai and pointed at the snow outside the cave with his wings to indicate that it was not the time to go out.

"Pu Li~!" Jigglypuff also came to persuade Xiaobai.

However, Xiaobai just wanted to return to Wutong as soon as possible. Looking at the heavy snow outside, Xiaobai, who had no way to go out, was anxious and turned around in circles.

Looking at the anxious Xiaobai, Articuno was a little helpless and wanted to ask Xiaobai to stop turning, but seeing Xiaobai's eyes full of tears and aggrieved look, Articuno didn't know what to do.

"Pu Li!" At this time, Jigglypuff volunteered to stand up.

"Shua!" Articuno immediately asked Jigglypuff to start the show.

Jigglypuff's little claws reached behind him and took out a microphone from somewhere.

"Pu~Pu~Pu~Pu~Pu~" Jigglypuff immediately sang.

Xiaobai, who was already very tired from running for his life, fell asleep quickly after hearing Jigglypuff's singing.

Seeing that Xiao Bai fell into a deep sleep, Articuno breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pu~pupulu~pu~pulipu~" However, Jigglypuff continued to sing without any intention of stopping.

Articuno's eyelids began to become heavy and he was about to fall asleep.

Articuno felt that something was wrong and immediately wanted to stop Jigglypuff, but Jigglypuff, who was singing too much, didn't want to stop at all.

Articuno had no choice but to spit out a blue energy beam from his mouth and shoot it at Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff was instantly frozen and turned into an ice ball.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late. Articuno fell forward and fell asleep due to sleepiness.

The fallen Articuno just hit Jigglypuff, who was frozen into an ice ball.

Under the effect of the force, Jigglypuff's ice ball rolled, rolled out of the cave and then rolled down from the snowy mountain.

Only the sleeping Articuno and Xiao Bai were left in the cave, snoring.

On the other side, Wutong, who learned that Xiaobai was missing, didn't care about the food he had just prepared, and immediately took all the Pokémon to look for Xiaobai's trace.

Onion Ranger flew into the air to search from the sky, and Ditto turned into a crow-headed appearance and searched from the air in the opposite direction of Onion Ranger.

Crystal Rock Snake drilled into the ground, and the three little ones also scattered, and all Pokémon began to work hard to find Xiaobai.

As the big sister, Dream Demon did not continue to be a home girl, and flew out of the shadow to sense the direction of Xiaobai beside Wutong.

As a "useless" Pokémon who can't do anything except fighting, Iron Warrior can only follow Wutong to protect his safety.

"Xiaobai! Where are you!" Wutong called loudly while walking.

But there was no response nearby.

After passing two snow piles, Wutong finally found a clue.

Several Spearows chirped and flew through the air, and Wutong heard clues about Xiaobai from their mouths.

"Iron Warrior! Shoot down those Spearows! Spirit Blade!" Wutong ordered without hesitation.

The pink energy blades on the Iron Warrior's arms popped out and connected to form a double-headed sword.

The blue energy covered it, and the Iron Warrior jumped up and slashed at the Spearows fiercely.

Two Spearows were knocked down directly, and the other two Spearows that dodged found that someone dared to fight them and immediately wanted to shout to get rid of them.

"Dream Demon, hypnosis!" Wutong had already predicted the actions of the Spearows and ordered in advance.

Blue light appeared in the eyes of the Dream Demon, and invisible waves were emitted. The two Spearows that were not attacked instantly fell asleep and fell down.

"Iron Warrior, magic shine!" Wutong continued to command.

The front of the weapon in the Iron Warrior's hand, a rainbow-colored light ball appeared in the center of the weapon, and then a strong colorful light shot out and hit the two Spearows that were still awake on the ground.

The two Spearows lost consciousness directly.

Wutong took out the hemp rope and walked over calmly.

After tying up all four Spearows, Wutong woke one of them up.


Under coercion, Spearow confessed honestly.

Wutong frowned after hearing this. His family's favorite was actually bullied! ? And fell off the cliff! ?

Wutong let the Spearow lead the way with a dark face. Feeling the pressure, the Spearow became very honest and took Wutong to the edge of the cliff.

Looking at the deep cliff below, Wutong's heart sank, and then he glared at the Spearow fiercely.

However, before Wutong could do anything, a rumble came.

Wutong looked up and found a huge snowball rolling down from the snowy mountain.

Wutong immediately took the Iron Warrior and the Dream Demon to hide.

However, where else could they hide nearby?

"Iron Warrior! Fight, Spirit Blade! Dream Demon! Magic Flame!" Wutong said with gritted teeth.

The Iron Warrior obviously didn't know what fear was, and rushed up with a double-edged sword in his hand.

The gem in front of the Dream Demon flashed, and a flame spun out.

However, the two Pokémon were not strong enough to destroy the snowball.

"Ga~!" A cry appeared at this time.

The Green Onion Soldier descended from the sky, and two green onion blades slashed from top to bottom, two swords flow, two cuts, and should ascend the building!

The snowball was directly cut into three pieces, losing its ball shape and unable to continue rolling, and finally stopped in front of Wutong.

"Green Onion Soldier, you are just in time, Xiaobai seems to have fallen down, please fly down and take a look." Wutong said to the Green Onion Soldier.

"Ga~ Ga~!" The Green Onion Soldier shook his head and shouted to Wutong.

"You said you heard other Pokémon say that Xiaobai and a Jigglypuff were rescued by a big blue bird when they fell down?" Wutong said.

"Ga~!" The Green Onion Soldier nodded and shouted.

"Big blue bird? Could it be Articuno?" Wutong thought of the plot and muttered to himself.

"Dream~" The Dream Demon floated over and asked Wutong to take a look at the snowball.

Wutong looked over and saw an ice ball coming out from the middle of the snowball.

Inside the ice ball was a Jigglypuff holding a microphone.

"Jigglepuff? Dream Demon, Magic Flame, let it out." Wutong recognized the Jigglypuff who loved to sing and said to Dream Demon.

"Dream~" Dream Demon used the magic flame again, and the ice gradually melted.

"Puff~!" Jigglypuff yelled angrily after being released, and became very happy after seeing Wutong.

"Long time no see Jigglypuff, have you seen a white little fire dragon?" Wutong asked.

"Puff! Puff!" Jigglypuff nodded and shouted to Wutong.

"Is it really saved by Articuno? In that case, there is no need to worry too much." Wutong said with a sigh of relief.

"But weren't you and Xiaobai rescued by Articuno together? How come you were frozen in the ice and rolled down the mountain?" Wutong asked again.

"No!" After hearing Wutong's question, Jigglypuff instantly became angry.

He wanted to sing to comfort Xiaobai with good intentions, but the big blue bird stopped him and froze him.

After hearing Jigglypuff's story, Wutong couldn't help but sweat on his forehead. Sure enough, the pink devil is a pink devil wherever he goes.

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