After the two of them had a meeting, they found that the room was not too small.

Seeing that Wutong agreed readily, Zhenghui was also very happy and started to search in the laboratory.

Soon, Zhenghui came back with a machine the size of a kettle.

The whole machine is a cylinder with a screen on top and several buttons.

Half of the middle part is made of translucent material, which looks like a mini life support capsule. You can see that there is a not-so-small space inside.

Open the translucent hatch and you can see a circular groove. As expected, it is used to place the Poké Ball.

Zhenghui explained to Wutong how to use the portable Pokémon transmission device.

The operation method is very simple, but according to Zhenghui, this device has high signal requirements, so it is still being improved.

But there is no danger at all, you can safely transfer Pokémon.

"Can I try it?" Wutong asked curiously.

"Of course, no problem. By the way, there is a video phone in the lighthouse. You can contact the person who helps you keep the Pokémon first." Zhenghui said.

"Okay, thank you." Wutong thanked him and found the video phone in the lighthouse.

There was nothing to hesitate, Wutong contacted Professor Oak directly.

"It's Xiaotong~ Where are you? It's a bit gloomy." Dr. Oak asked worriedly after seeing the environment behind Wutong.

"I'm in the lighthouse on the coast near Vermilion City. There is a man named Zhenghui here who gave me a portable Pokémon transmission device. I want to test it, so I contacted you, Dr. Oak." Wutong explained.

"Zhenghui? Oh, it's the little guy who developed the Pokémon storage system. He is a very promising researcher. No problem, how can I cooperate with you." Dr. Oak said readily.

Obviously, for Dr. Oak, there is no need to hesitate to participate in the research. After telling Professor Oak what Masahiro taught him, Professor Oak immediately understood what he needed to do.

"Then please, Professor Oak, transfer Pico over here." Wutong said.

"No problem, wait a minute, oops! My instant noodles!" After saying that, Professor Oak turned around and saw that his instant noodles were already cooked.

After a while, the portable Pokémon transfer device set up by Wutong flashed a burst of light.

A Poké Ball appeared out of thin air in the device.

"It's really magical." Wutong said as he took out the Poké Ball.

"Come out, Pico." Wutong called out Pico directly.

"Pico~?" Pico appeared and looked around in confusion. After seeing Wutong, Pico happily greeted him.

"Long time no see, Pico, come back." Wutong greeted him and took Pico back into the Poké Ball directly.

Then he put the Poké Ball into the portable Pokémon transmission device, and then smoothly transmitted Picosi back.

"I received Picosi here, come out, Picosi." Professor Oak released Picosi.

"Pico~!?" Picosi was confused, what happened? Who am I? Where am I?

"Thank you for your hard work, Picosi, go and have a rest." Professor Oak said to Picosi.

"Pico! Pico~ Pico!" Picosi was angry, bullying Pokémon, right?

Ignoring Picosi's anger, Wutong exchanged pleasantries with Professor Oak again and hung up the call.

"It's really a good thing." Wutong was very satisfied with this portable Pokémon transmission device.

Carefully put the device in the backpack, Wutong returned to Zhenghui's laboratory.

After all, everything was taken, and he had to do some work.

When he returned to Zhenghui's laboratory, he did not see Zhenghui's figure, but a man-sized Ammonite stood there.

"Oh, Wutong, you're back." Hearing the footsteps, the big ammonite turned around and showed Zhenghui's face.

"Don't be afraid, Zhenghui, I'm here to save you!" Wutong shouted, and then kicked the ammonite in the abdomen with a flying kick.

"Ugh~!" Facing the sudden flying kick, Zhenghui fell to the ground with a ferocious look.

"Bubby?" The duck-billed baby looked at all this with a puzzled look.

"Numa~" Swamp Leap patted the duck-billed baby's shoulder, indicating that it was better to watch the show at this time.

"You guy, you must have done it on purpose just now!?" Zhenghui rubbed his still aching abdomen and said to Wutong beside him.

"How is it possible, I

Just now I thought a giant ammonite beast came from nowhere and wanted to eat you. "Wu Tong quickly retorted.

At this time, Zhenghui and Wu Tong came to the lighthouse, on a beach near the cliff.

"Don't lie! You didn't even change your expression just now! You definitely did it on purpose!" Zhenghui roared.

"What are we doing here?" Wu Tong started to change the subject directly.

"Your skill in changing the subject is too bad. Of course, we came here to investigate the unique Pokémon." Zhenghui said helplessly.

Under the leadership of Zhenghui, the two came to a pothole on the beach.

"Is this a pit that is neither big nor small what you are talking about?" Wu Tong asked puzzledly after seeing the pothole.

"Take a look for yourself." Zhenghui was not angry, but said patiently.

Wu Tong looked carefully again, and soon he found something different.

"This pit seems to be the footprint of a Pokémon, but this size. "Wu Tong said.

If nothing unexpected happens, this pit is the footprint of the giant Dragonite.

"Yes, this is the footprint of the unique Pokémon I have been waiting for." Zhenghui said proudly.

"Can't you guess what Pokémon it is from this footprint? Is it possible that it is a known Pokémon that has become huge for some reason?" Wu Tong said puzzledly.

After all, the footprints of different Pokémon are different.

"This, you are right." Zhenghui was also stunned after hearing Wu Tong's words.

The preconceived notion made Zhenghui not think of this footprint as a known Pokémon at all.

Zhenghui's mind was full of discovering a brand new and unique Pokémon. Now after hearing Wu Tong's words, he also fell into thinking.

This may be the case of the authorities being confused.

"You are right, I will go back to study and compare it now." Zhenghui said and immediately ran back to the lighthouse to continue his research.

"Is this the enthusiasm of researchers? "Wu Tong said helplessly when he saw Zheng Hui who disappeared in an instant.

Wu Tong looked at the sky and returned to the lighthouse.

Soon, Zheng Hui completed the guess of the type of Pokémon that left the footprints through comparison.

Zheng Hui, who got the result, came to find Wu Tong.

Zheng Hui's expression was complicated at this time, a feeling of joy and disappointment.

He was happy that he knew the true face of this mysterious Pokémon.

He was disappointed that he did not find a new Pokémon.

"From your appearance, the result should be a known Pokémon." Wu Tong said.

"Yes, this footprint is 96% consistent with Dragonite's footprint if the size is not considered." Zheng Hui said.

"Giant Dragonite? Judging from the size of the footprint, the size of this Dragonite may be larger than the lighthouse." Wu Tong couldn't help but say.

"Yes, although I have seen it several times, it always appears at night, and I have never seen its true face. "Zhenghui said.

"But it appears regularly every time, about once every seven days. If nothing unexpected happens, it will appear again in three or four days." Zhenghui continued.

"Is that so?" Wutong learned from Zhenghui that he was about three or four days ahead of Xiaozhi and his group.

Sure enough, Xiaozhi was the one who got lost.

"If that's the case, we can see the giant Dragonite in three or four days. This size of Dragonite can indeed be said to be unique." Wutong said.

"Yes, although it is not a brand new Pokémon, it is still a unique existence. This time I must see its true face! "Zhenghui said excitedly.

Wutong also wanted to see the giant Dragonite, so he just stayed in the lighthouse.

It was only three or four days anyway, so he was not in a hurry to travel.

These three or four days also allowed Wutong to think carefully about the training direction of Swampert and Duckling.

The strength advantage of Swampert must not be ignored, and Swampert is also a Pokémon with excellent physical attack racial value.

Although Swampert's special attack racial value is also 85, it is much worse than its physical attack talent.

So Wutong planned to let Swampert focus on physical attack skills, supplemented by special attack skills, to fully exert the advantage of strength.

And Wutong's training task for it is to fight against the waves.

Although Swampert is a water-type Pokémon, Wutong did not plan to let it enter the water completely.

Half of the body is in the water, and the lower half of the body must break the incoming waves. Of course, not in one place, but keep moving.

Make full use of the resistance of water to train Swampert.

This way of moving half of the body in the water is similar to

Swimming in water is completely different.

The familiar water now makes Swampert a little uncomfortable. The resistance of the water makes it difficult for Swampert, which is not as light as before, to move.

As for the duckbill baby, it is the opposite of Swampert.

Wutong intends to train it as a melee mage, mainly to train fire special attack skills. While making it an excellent turret, it can also fight against close enemies.

The training method is similar to that of Swampert, but it does not need to go into the water.

It is to use various fire skills to hit back the waves. It can be said that it is very difficult for the duckbill baby now.

And Wutong will certainly not be idle, and began to make special feed for the situation of Swampert and duckbill baby.

After all, training consumes a lot of energy, and blindly training without corresponding energy supplement will not only not make it stronger, but may also cause damage to Pokémon.

Wutong, who has been in the breeding house for ten years, will not make such a mistake.

After the training of Swampert and Duckling is completed every day, Wutong will give the two Pokémon a massage.

Let its muscles relax and stretch, so that it can have a better rest. At the same time, the power of Evergreen will be used appropriately to stimulate the growth of Swampert and Duckling.

If Wutong is fully committed to the industry of Pokémon breeders, Wutong is now one of the top ones.

Finally, on the evening of the fourth day, Wutong met Xiaozhi and his group again.

At the same time, this also means that the giant Dragonite can be seen today.

"I will definitely catch Pokémon with my own strength!" A familiar voice came from a distance.

Wutong looked over and found that Xiaozhi was fighting with a giant crab with a branch.

It is worthy of Xiaozhi, the super rookie of humanoid Pokémon.

Not long after, the giant crab revealed a flaw and was knocked unconscious by Xiaozhi's Poké Ball. Ahem, no, it was captured by Xiaozhi's Poké Ball.

"See! I successfully captured the giant crab!" Xiaozhi said happily.

However, before Xiaozhi could be happy for two seconds, the Poké Ball of the Claw Crab disappeared directly.

"Did you teleport to Professor Oak again?" However, Xiaozhi did not seem panicked about the sudden disappearance of the Poké Ball.

"Xiaozhi, long time no see." Wutong walked over and greeted him.

"Xiaotong! Long time no see." Xiaozhi was also very happy to see Wutong.

"Pika!" Pikachu also ran over and greeted Xiaozhi.

"Long time no see, Xiaotong." Xiaoxia also came over.

"What a coincidence, Xiaotong, I didn't expect to meet you here." Xiaogang walked over and said.

"Xiaogang? Have you given up being the gym leader? Why are you with Xiaozhi?" Wutong asked pretentiously.

"Because I want to fulfill my dream, the gym is now managed by my father." Xiaogang said without hesitation.

After chatting with the three people for a while, Wutong took them to Zhenghui's lighthouse.

And on the way, Wutong also knew why Xiaozhi was not surprised by the sudden disappearance of the Poké Ball.

It turned out that due to Wutong's influence, Xiaozhi's hornworm did not escape. And it successfully evolved into a giant beedrill.

This also led to Xiaozhi having six Pokémon in advance. Later, when he captured Squirtle, Squirtle was teleported away.

However, Xiaozhi, who understood the specific situation, quickly exchanged Squirtle back.

And the one exchanged back was a giant beedrill.

Wutong was a little emotional. History seems to be difficult to change easily.

So now Xiaozhi's Pokémon is the same as in the anime.

Several people chatted while entering Zhenghui's lighthouse, but the lighthouse was very quiet. I don't know where Zhenghui ran to.

"Zhenghui, that guy, won't." Wutong suddenly thought of something and continued to walk deeper into the lighthouse.

Although Xiaozhi and his group were surprised, they followed.

They came to a room, and a giant fossil helmet stood on a staircase covered with a red carpet.

"Sure enough, you guys trapped yourself again?" Wutong said helplessly.

After that, Wutong walked forward and pressed a button on the Fossil Helmet.

With two clangs, the Fossil Helmet broke into two halves, and Zhenghui emerged from it.

"The Fossil Helmet's arms are too short, and it can't touch the button by itself." Zhenghui touched his head and explained.

"Please pay more attention next time. By the way, let me introduce you, these are Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang." Wutong said and pointed to the people behind him.

After hearing what Wutong said, Zhenghui also came to Xiaozhi and the others and began to introduce himself.

After a round of greetings, the four of them were familiar with each other.

"So, tonight's huge

Dragonite should appear, right? Wutong asked.

"Yes, it should be tonight." Zhenghui said expectantly.

"What giant Dragonite?" Xiaozhi asked puzzledly.

Xiaoxia on the side was also very curious, while Xiaogang showed a thoughtful look.

"It's a Pokémon that Zhenghui and I have been waiting for for a long time." Wutong said, keeping it a secret.

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