After a long time, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Following the girl, Wutong walked in the garden. At this time, the misunderstanding had been resolved.

The forest where the white fog trapped Wutong was located was a dangerous area called the Fog Forest.

It was actually not dangerous, because the forest was often covered with thick white fog, so it was named the Fog Forest.

Generally, as long as there is a flying Pokémon, it is easy to get out of the white fog. Even if there is no Pokémon, just wait for the white fog to dissipate and get out of this area as soon as possible.

The danger is that the time for the white fog in this area to dissipate is uncertain. If you are lucky, it may dissipate in one or two hours, and if you are unlucky, it may continue to be covered with white fog for one or two weeks.

The girl who looked confused and had two Bulbasaur in front of Wutong was named Ye Cui, and she was the manager of the garden under Wutong's feet.

She was also responsible for rescuing trainers who were lost in the white fog.

However, Ye Cui, who also did not have a flying Pokémon, had a unique way of rescuing people.

That was to rely on the vine whips of the two Bulbasaur around her to directly drag the lost trainer out.

Ye Cui's two Bulbasaur were gifted and might not be very strong in combat, but both Bulbasaur had vine whips that were much longer than ordinary Bulbasaur.

As for how to determine the specific location of the lost trainer, Ye Cui said that she could only tell Wutong that it was by relying on the flowers and plants on the ground.

The specific method was a secret skill of their family, and they could not reveal too much to Wutong.

Wutong nodded to show that he understood that this kind of unique skill would definitely not be easily passed on, which was normal.

After walking for a while with Ye Cui, Wutong saw a huge and old courtyard.

The walls and sculptures of the courtyard were all covered with vines.

But this was not the point. The real point was that Wutong saw countless Bulbasaur.

Wutong felt inexplicably familiar with the scene in front of him. If these Bulbasaur were replaced by Charizard, wouldn't it be a replica of Charizard Valley! ?

"Ye Cui, is this the Bulbasaur Courtyard?" Wutong asked Ye Cui hurriedly.

"Yes, that's right, this is the Bulbasaur Courtyard." Ye Cui had nothing to hide and answered softly.

"No wonder there are so many Bulbasaur here. I didn't expect them to come here. By the way, come out, little frog, and see your people." Wutong said and released the little frog.

"Da Na~" After being released, the little frog looked around curiously, and then found that there were a lot of Bulbasaur doing their own things in front of him.

"Your Bulbasaur looks very different." Seeing the little frog called out by Wutong, Ye Cui's eyes lit up and she no longer looked confused.

"It's okay, my little frog is just a different color." Wutong said modestly.

On the other side, after the little frog was released, it was very excited to see so many of its kind, and ran directly to a nearby Bulbasaur and poked it with a vine.

"Bana?" The Bulbasaur, who was poked by the little frog with a vine, turned around in confusion and looked at the little frog.

"Da Na!" The little frog called out energetically, as if to say hello.

"Bana!?" Bulbasaur looked at the little frog, then turned his head to look at himself and other Bulbasaur, as if wondering why the little guy in front of him was a different color.

"Will this kid cause trouble?" Wutong said with a headache.

"It's okay. Although the Venusaur Courtyard is a holy place for cultivation like Charizard Valley and Blastoise Strait, the way Venusaur cultivates is different from Charizard and Blastoise, so the Venusaur here generally don't fight much and are very friendly." Ye Cui said.

"The way of cultivation is different?" Wutong said a little puzzled.

I don't know how the Venusaur in the Venusaur Courtyard cultivate, but these Venusaur do look very friendly.

After all, the Venusaur that was disturbed by the little frog was not angry, but also played with the little frog with a vine whip.

"Wutong? What a coincidence, you are here too?" A voice suddenly came.

Wutong turned his head and looked, um, it was an acquaintance.

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