The first time, the second time.

On the night two days after Xia Hai's renovation plan, a luxury cruise ship named Tsuruno arrived at the port terminal of Asagi City as scheduled.

Wutong and Xia Hai entered Tsuruno in formal attire with the prepared admission ticket.

Xia Hai wore a decent silver-gray casual suit, and his hair was styled with hairspray, with a sunny smile on his face.

People who don't know will definitely think that Xia Hai is a sunny nobleman.

And half a step behind Xia Hai, Wutong was wearing a black business suit, of course, wearing trousers instead of a skirt.

His long silver-white hair was tied into a high ponytail, and he wore a pair of gold-rimmed plain glasses on his face. He had a serious expression and followed closely half a step behind Xia Hai.

According to the original plan, Xia Hai and Adu should play the role of a rich couple to attend the dinner.

But the jerk Dodo said that he had a mission and couldn't come, and asked Wutong to attend the dinner with Xia Hai in his place.

Is this a joke! ? Wutong will attend the dinner with Xia Hai, so Wutong will definitely not wear men's clothes.

Originally, the purpose of turning on Xiaotong mode in women's clothes is to prevent people from associating Xiaotong, the apprentice investigator of Pokémon, with him.

It would be bad if someone found out the flaw and linked Wutong's original identity when he changed back to men's clothes.

Therefore, Wutong can only dress up as Xia Hai's female companion, but the problem is that Wutong really doesn't want to wear an evening dress, and women's clothes also have their limits.

The clothes he usually wears when he dresses up as a woman are those that can cover up his male characteristics, but if he wears an evening dress, he will really be the same as Chunli played by Uncle Long.

So Wutong thought about it and came up with a solution. Who stipulated that two people must be partners when attending a dinner?

Wutong's current identity is the housekeeper of Mr. Axia, a rich young man.

Obviously, this identity is very reasonable. Even if some people think it is unreasonable, it is reasonable. It is not for anything else, and it is definitely not because Wutong does not want to wear an evening dress.

When Wutong and Xia Hai entered the banquet hall of Heye, a waiter secretly glanced at Wutong and Xia Hai while placing food.

"You came in with this identity? It's a pity." The waiter had a big backcombed red hair. It was Adu who sneaked in "disguised".

After entering the banquet hall, Xia Hai's handsome face attracted the attention of many ladies, and many of the brave ones had already come over with wine glasses.

Xia Hai still had a sunny smile on his face when facing the ladies who came up to chat with him with ill intentions. He dealt with the ladies in front of him very honorably, but his eyes looked away from time to time as if he was looking for something.

[The action is too obvious. There is no need to be so anxious. Being too impatient will only expose your flaws. 】A voice appeared in Xia Hai's mind.

Xia Hai's smile remained unchanged, but her eyes were much more restrained.

After the advance communication, Xia Hai already knew that her master had the superpower to communicate with the mind.

Although communicating with humans with the mind consumes more energy. But as long as the call is not continuous for a long time, Wutong can also hold on.

So Wutong and Xia Hai discussed in advance that Wutong would directly communicate with the mind for some important or inconvenient things to say directly.

After reminding Xia Hai, Wutong stood behind Xia Hai calmly, playing the role of a housekeeper.

After Xia Hai was reminded by his master, he simply did not look for Lambda, one of the four generals of the Rocket Team, and dealt with the ladies in front of him with peace of mind.

It must be said that it was a pity that Xia Hai did not become a gigolo. These ladies in front of him were coaxed by her and laughed sweetly, looking very happy.

As time went by, more and more people came to the banquet hall, including men, women, young and old, tall and short, fat and thin. Judging from the style of their evening gowns, the people attending this dinner came from all over the country.

Wutong stood beside Xia Hai and ate the free food silently, while secretly observing the people in the banquet hall, and became more and more curious about who was hosting this dinner.

A burst of light music sounded, the lights in the banquet hall dimmed, and a spotlight came down and shone on a corner of the banquet hall.

Under the illumination of the spotlight, a circular platform slowly rose, and a man walked onto the platform with a glass of wine in his hand.

The man had a gray hedgehog head and wore a gray suit similar to his hair color, but strangely, this man was equipped with armor on his shoulders and forearms.

The shape of the armor looks a bit like the shoulder armor and arm guards of Boskodora after its super evolution.

Although he was wearing a strange outfit, the man had a peaceful look, like an old man who had cultivated himself for many years.

But from the appearance, the man's age is definitely not very old, only about 30 years old. It is such a man full of contradictions that gives people a strange feeling everywhere.

"Dear old friends, and new friends who came for the first time today, I am the captain of this ship, and also a wandering merchant. You can call me Heye." The man who called himself Heye raised his glass and introduced himself.

Merchant Heye? Another person I haven't heard of. Wutong looked at Heye standing under the spotlight and talking freely and secretly thought in his heart.

"It's an honor for you all to come to my dinner. Old friends should already know that as a wandering merchant, I always collect some strange items. Whenever these items reach a certain number, I will hold such a dinner. The purpose is also very simple, which is to auction these strange things." He Ye said the purpose of this dinner.

Many guests who came for the first time showed a look of sudden enlightenment, and immediately became expectant.

After all, so many rich and powerful people are willing to cross regions to attend this auction dinner, which means that He Ye must have something rare in his hands.

And those guests who have attended several auction dinners can't help but laugh in their hearts when they see the excitement of these new guests.

You know, He Ye, a guy who calls himself a businessman, has a widely circulated nickname among them-Black Heart Monster Merchant.

Why is he black-hearted? It is because of this auction dinner held irregularly, although He Ye always collects some very rare items.

But they are a minority after all, and the conditions for He Ye to collect items are mysterious, so he often mixes in some worthless but very impressive things.

Of course, if it is just this, it is not enough to be called black-hearted. After all, you can't blame others for gambling on luck. If you make a wrong bid, you can only blame yourself for bad luck and bad eyesight.

The main reason why this guy is black-hearted is that when auctioning, you will encounter those items that everyone knows but are very rare.

These items seem to be very safe, but they are the easiest to be deceived because they always have some strange problems that cause them to lose their original functions or values.

And this black-hearted weird merchant He Ye will not mention the problems of these items at all when auctioning, and still auction them at their original value. Sometimes he will even raise the price when he is in a good mood.

This has led to many people who choose these items for safety reasons being deceived.

As for why he is a weird merchant, it is because He Ye is obviously a businessman, but he often gives some trainers items for free.

He has given away many items from small Poké Balls to Evolution Stones to rare Pokémon eggs.

According to Tsuruno, he just has high hopes for those trainers, and investing in potential trainers is also a kind of business.

In summary, Tsuruno is a strange businessman, but not a businessman that people hate, which is why so many rich and powerful people are willing to come to his auction dinner across regions.

"Okay, now the time is almost up. Before the auction officially starts, let's play a game. Yes, old friends should be impatient, so, Ready! Go!" Tsuruno shouted after drinking the wine in his hand.

As Tsuruno's voice fell, the spotlight that was originally shining on Tsuruno began to swing around irregularly. At the same time, a passionate melody sounded.

Hmm! ? (\"▔□▔), is this passing the flower? Wutong suddenly felt like he was back in elementary school. Could it be that whoever the light shines on will go up and perform a show?

Just as Wutong was guessing, the music began to come to an end. When the music stopped, Wutong felt his eyes light up.

Wutong, who was holding a banana and preparing to eat while watching the excitement, found that the spotlight finally fell on himself and Xia Hai.

Now he couldn't watch the excitement, so he could only let others watch the excitement.

"It seems that the first champion of tonight has appeared. It's a handsome boy and a beautiful lady. Then the rule tonight is doubles 2v2 doubles. Of course, you can send two Pokémon yourself." He Ye shouted.

Xia Hai frowned and wanted to refuse. After all, she came to do a mission and didn't want to attract attention.

[Don't refuse, it's just a battle. Refusing will make people more suspicious.] Wutong's voice wanted

Xia Hai paused, smiled brightly again and said, "It's really interesting. I'll take this game."

Wu Tong put down the banana in his hand and stood behind Xia Hai, looking like he was following the young master's instructions.

"Hahaha, that's great. The rules are the same as before. As long as you can defend for five rounds, you can fight me. As long as you win, I will have a good prize. Then, the carnival begins!" He Ye snapped his fingers after saying that.

The banquet hall was lit up again, and the old guests standing in the center of the banquet hall took the initiative to walk to the side, and the new guests who didn't know what was going on were also taken out of the central area.

After a space was vacated, the floor began to rise and deform, and a ring-style battle field appeared in the center of the banquet hall.

"Let's go." Xia Hai walked to the ring calmly with his hands in his pockets.

"Yes, young master." Wu Tong bowed his head slightly and responded, and followed Xia Hai onto the ring.

[Try not to use your overly distinctive Pokémon. By the way, you should have captured new Pokémon, right? 】

Wutong said through mental communication. After all, in his impression, Xia Hai only had three Pokémon, a female monster with a flower on its head, Gardevoir that always carried a large rhizome, and a male beautiful flower.

It was really too distinctive.

Xia Hai had no way to reply, so he answered Wutong directly with practical actions.

"Go, my baby." Xia Hai took out a ball to catch a ball, put it to his mouth, kissed it lightly, and threw it out.

"Mi Ka~" With an ethereal cry, the mysterious and elegant Pokémon appeared in front of Xia Hai.

"It's Milotica, it's really beautiful. It seems that our champion this time is a good Pokémon trainer." He Ye has come to the ring and acted as a referee.

Wutong looked at Milotica's slightly short eyebrows and understood in his heart that it was indeed Xia Hai's style. This is a male Milotica.

"Iron Warrior, prepare for battle." Wutong had already selected the players, and directly arranged the Iron Warrior who had just been captured and almost no one had seen.

The Iron Warrior stood there with an indifferent face, the sharp blades of his arms popped out and assembled together to form a double-headed sword in his hands, ready to fight.

"Oh!? This beautiful lady actually released a Pokémon I have never seen before. It seems that today will be an interesting battle!" He Ye said happily after seeing Wutong release the Iron Warrior.

After Wutong and Xia Hai were ready, the guests under the ring were all eager to try.

After all, in the Pokémon world, Pokémon battles are the most common and effective way of socializing, regardless of poverty or wealth, gender, age or youth.

As long as you ask him if you want to have a Pokémon battle? Nine out of ten times, this person will accept your invitation.

"It seems that everyone is eager to try, so who wants to be the first to challenge our champion!" He Ye said passionately.

While the new guest was still thinking about how to run for the first challenger, the experienced old guest had already walked to the ring.

"Let's do the first game." A man in a gentleman's suit, holding a gentleman's cane and wearing a monocle walked to the ring and said.

Next to this gentleman was a beautiful woman in a red evening dress.

Judging from their posture, they should be a couple or a couple.

After seeing these two people, Wutong was also stunned, and then began to sigh that this world is really too small.

Because the gentleman uncle and the lady in red dress in front of him were the two people who wanted to use Lada to exchange Pokémon with Wutong on the St. Anne's and were angered by Wutong.

Unexpectedly, I met these two shameless guys again on the Heye today. Wutong even thought that these two people went to various cruise ships to cheat.

After all, the gentleman uncle and the lady in red dress in front of him even wore the same clothes as when they were on the St. Anne's.

It's impossible that they have several sets of exactly the same clothes, right?

PS: The black-hearted monster Shang Heye was provided by our enthusiastic reader "An Ordinary 303". Bingkuai slightly changed the basic information written by this reader.

Although I don't know if this reader is still reading Bingkuai's book, he is the first reader who is willing to write a minor role for Bingkuai, so he was arranged as a more important minor role, or it should be said that he is a supporting role.

Although he appeared very late, I still hope that "An Ordinary 303" will like it when he sees it, that's it❛˓◞˂̵✧!

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